two loop qed corrections to bhabha scattering

Two-loop QED corrections to Bhabha scattering Thomas Becher - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Two-loop QED corrections to Bhabha scattering Thomas Becher Loopfest VI, Fermilab, April 16-18, 2007 work with Kirill Melnikov, hep-ph/soon Overview Bhabha scattering luminosity determination radiative corrections A simple

  1. Two-loop QED corrections to Bhabha scattering Thomas Becher Loopfest VI, Fermilab, April 16-18, 2007 work with Kirill Melnikov, hep-ph/soon

  2. Overview • Bhabha scattering • luminosity determination • radiative corrections • A simple relation between massive and massless scattering amplitudes • Mass factorization for m e2 << Q 2 . • 2-loop QED differential cross section

  3. Bhabha scattering • Used to measure luminosity at e + e − colliders dN � � dtd Ω measured L = d σ � precise prediction crucial � d Ω theory • Large angle scattering at low energy meson factories • Babar, Belle, BEPC-BES, CLEO-C, Daphne, VEPP-2M, ... • Small angle scattering at high-energy machines • LEP, SLD, ILC, ... • Electro-weak and new physics at large angles!

  4. Tree level cross section Homi J. Bhabha ‘36 2 + � t 2 + u 2 + s 2 + u 2 d Ω = α 2 + u 2 � d σ 2 s 2 2 t 2 s st • Cross section diverges as t → 0. • Even at the Z-pole, small angle scattering is large and dominated by QED. • LEP experiments used Bhabha between 20 mrad < θ < 60 mrad for L determination

  5. Current precision • State-of-the art: Monte-Carlo generators that implement NLO and include logarithmically enhanced higher order corrections. • Small angle scattering • MC: 0.05% • Exp: LEP 0.035%, Giga-Z 0.02% • Large angles • MC: 0.5% accuracy. • New: BABAYAGA@NLO: 0.1% Balossini, Calame, Montagna, Nicrosini, Piccini • Exp: Cleo-C, BaBar, Belle 1%, Daphne 0.3%

  6. NNLO QED status • NNLO result for θ → 0 known. • Only form factor corrections are needed Fadin, Kuraev, Lipatov, Merenkov & Trentadue ‘92 • Dominant part is included in BHLUMI MC Jadach, Placzek, Richter-Was, Ward, Was • Massless 2-loop virtual corrections calculated Bern, Dixon, Ghinculov ‘01 • Ongoing work on massive NNLO • Planar master integrals Czakon, Gluza, Riemann ‘06 • Electron loop contribution known. Bonciani et al. ‘04

  7. Expansion in m e2 ≪ s,|t|,|u| • Terms suppressed by powers of the electron mass are negligible in all applications θ ≫ 2 m • Condition is fulfilled in practice √ s • e.g. for at LEP θ ≫ 0 . 01 mrad • Keep lepton mass at leading power • necessary, if isolated leptons are observed rather than “lepton jets” (this is the case for large angle scattering) • for easier comparison with exisiting MC’s

  8. Expansion in m e2 ≪ s,|t|,|u| • Expansion of diagrams is nontrivial • interplay of different momentum regions • need loop integrals to subleading powers to obtain leading power cross section • Can instead use known massless result: α 2 ln m 2 • Photonic logarithmic terms derived s from divergent part of massless result. Glover, Tausk and van der Bij ‘01 • Complete leading power photonic corrections inferred from massless result and known mass dependence of vector form factor. Penin ‘05

  9. “Mass from no mass” • Penin’s derivation of the result is somewhat m 2 e ≪ s, | t | complicated • uses photon mass as IR regulator • depends on non-renormalization of leading Sudakov log’s • Have much simpler method to restore logarithmic mass dependence of amplitudes see also Moch and Mitov hep-ph/0612149 • Mass effects appear as wave function renormalization on external legs of massless amplitude ˜ M ( { p i } ) M ( { p i } , m ) = Z j ( m ) n/ 2 ˜ M ( { p i } ) + O ( m 2 /Q 2 ) , • • this relation also works for QCD • Note: relation involves additional soft part for diagrams with massive fermion loops.

  10. Structure of form factor at large Q 2 • Typical momentum regions / relevant scales: collinear to p 1 : p 1 p 2 1 soft: hard soft = p 2 1 p 2 Q 2 = ( p 1 − p 2 ) 2 Λ 2 2 Q 2 collinear to p 1 : p 2 p 2 2 • Explicit in Soft-Collinear Effective Theory • QCD fields are split into soft and collinear fields. • Hard part is absorbed into Wilson coefficient.

  11. Form factor in dimensional regularization on-shell on-shell off-shell massless massive H H H J J J J S Jet function J ≡ J( m 2 ) Jet and soft function H ≡ H(Q 2 ) same in all scaleless! Soft function scaleless! three cases! Soft and collinear Soft divergencies for IR finite. divergencies for d → 4 d → 4

  12. Jet-function • Determine Z j (=J 2 ) by taking ratio of massive to massless form factor F ( Q 2 , m 2 e , ǫ ) Z j = F ( Q 2 , m e = 0 , ǫ ) � 1 4 ǫ + π 2 2 + π 2 12 + π 4 320 + π 2 2 ǫ 2 + 1 � 48 − ζ (3) � � 4 − ζ (3) �� � α � m − 2 ǫ + ǫ 2 = 1 + 24 + 1 + ǫ Z j 6 12 π � 1 32 + π 2 64 − π 2 8 ǫ 4 + 1 8 ǫ 3 + 1 � 17 � + 1 � 83 24 + 2 ζ (3) � � α � 2 m − 4 ǫ + ǫ 2 48 2 π ǫ 128 + 61 π 2 24 ζ (3) − π 2 2 ln(2) − 77 π 4 +561 192 − 11 � Q 2 independent ✓ 2880 agrees with Moch and Mitov hep-ph/0612149

  13. Fermion loop contributions m f m e m e • At the leading power, diagram gets contributions from hard, collinear and soft photon exchange : d d k p 1 · p 2 � S = 1 + δ S = 1 − (4 πα 0 ) 2 ( p 1 · k )( p 2 · k ) k 2 Π ( k 2 , m 2 f ) (2 π ) d � m 2 � e δ S = α 2 0 m − 4 ǫ ln f ( ǫ ) f Q 2

  14. Massive Bhabha • Multiply massless Bhabha amplitude with Z j2 and S e ) ˜ M ( { p i } , m e ) = Z 2 j ( m 2 M ( { p i } ) S ( s, t, u ) + O ( m/p i ) , • Square and add soft radiation with E γ < ω ≪ m e � d σ j × | S | 2 × d σ d Ω = exp( α π F soft ) × Z 4 � � d Ω � virtual ,m e =0 ,m µ =0 � massive virtual

  15. Input • Input for the determination of Z j e.g. Gehrmann, Huber, Maitre ‘05 • 2-loop massless FF Bernreuther et al. ‘04 • 2-loop massive FF Hoang, Teubner ‘98 • heavy fermion contribution Kniehl ‘89 • Input to calculate Bhabha scattering Bern, Dixon, Ghinculov ‘01 • 1-loop to O( ε 2 ) Bern, Dixon, Ghinculov ‘01 • 2-loop virtual inferred from Anastasiou et al. ‘00 • (1-loop) x (1-loop) • F soft to O( ε ) our own evaluation

  16. Result • Full agreement with Penin for the photonic two-loop corrections. • first independent check of his result • Agreement with Bonciani et al. for the electron loop contribution. • typo in their paper • Result for the muon contribution is new.

  17. Structure of the result: d Ω = α 2 d σ tree d σ d σ 0 � � � 2 � α � α � δ 2 + O ( α 3 ) 1 + δ 1 + s d Ω d Ω π π • Collinear logarithms � s � s � s � � � δ 2 = − N f + δ (2) + δ (1) + δ (0) 9 ln 3 ln 2 ln 2 , 2 2 m 2 m 2 m 2 e e e • Muon mass logarithms δ 2 = M 2 ln 2 m 2 + M 1 ln m 2 µ µ + M 0 m 2 m 2 e e • Soft logarithms E γ < ω � 2 ω � 2 ω � � δ 2 = S 2 ln 2 + S 1 ln + S 0 √ s √ s

  18. Size of the two-loop corrections 6 s = 1GeV 2 total δ (2) 4 photonic corrections � 2 2 10 3 � α π e-loop 0 μ -loop � 2 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 θ ◦ • Assume MC takes care of soft radiation. / √ s ) → 0 • Set L soft = ln(2 E soft γ

  19. Non-logarithmic corrections 6 s = 1GeV 2 total photonic δ (2) 4 � 2 2 10 3 � α π non-logarithmic photonic 0 � 2 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 θ ◦ • Assumes MC takes care of soft radiation and implements correct terms. ln( m 2 e /s )

  20. Small angle expansion 0.1 δ 2 ( θ ≪ 1) − δ 2 0.05 δ 2 0 � 0.05 � 0.1 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 θ ◦ • Small angle expansion work up to large angles! • (Plot shows expansion of full result, not comparison with Fadin et al.)

  21. Summary • Have established a simple relation between massless and massive amplitudes at large momentum transfers. • Have applied it to Bhabha scattering at NNLO • rederivation of results of Penin for photonic corrections and of Bonciani et al. for electron loops. • first independent check of these results • new result for µ-loop contribution • Same relation can also be used for QCD processes, such as heavy quark production. see Moch and Mitov hep-ph/0612149


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