two demographic surveys

Two Demographic Surveys: Survey of Income and Program Participation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Two Demographic Surveys: Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) ~ Current Population Survey (CPS) Jason Fields Jason.M.Fields@Census.Gov Using Secondary Data for Analysis of Marriage and Family ICPSR Summer Program Workshop July

  1. CPS Supplements of Interest Fertility Supplement • Asked of all female civilian household members 15-44 years of age. • Data on number of live births and the date of the last child born. • Supplement takes place every other year in June. 36

  2. 37

  3. Current Population Survey – Growth • During the 1960‘s the survey was expanded, both in content and in sample size. • The survey is now seen by many users as a social survey, but it‘s real purpose remains the generation of monthly labor force data and economic indicators data. • Currently upwards of 70,000 households per month are surveyed depending on the supplement included – many recurring supplements and reports have been created on many topics. This is the only large nationally representative monthly data collection available from the Census Bureau. 38

  4. Using CPS to examine family dynamics • Large amount of demographic data on households • Several supplements that allow further examination of family dynamics • Large sample to estimate the characteristics of even very small populations (e.g. cohabitors, single fathers) • New questions on basic CPS as of January 2007 – 39

  5. CPS vs. SIPP CPS Cross-sectional survey Sample continually refreshed Provides historical comparisons SIPP Longitudinal survey design Tracks the same person over time Detailed data on family and economic dynamics 40

  6. Survey of Income and Program Participation - in comparison • While the SIPP data is more complex due to the amount of data collected it provides much more detail, and the ability to measure change. The CPS, a cross-sectional survey can not (usually) reflect these dynamics. • For example – If the poverty rate remained at 10 percent for two years… – The CPS would say that the rate was constant for those two years, giving cross- sectional characteristics about the population in poverty and those receiving assistance. – The SIPP could add that it was different people making up that 10 percent and that most of the population in poverty received aid in short spells, but a small group was receiving assistance for the entire period. Additionally, adding information about job spells, family changes, and changes in other household characteristics. • At this point the SIPP is the most detailed source of information about the family economy and dynamics and one of the best sources for looking at family, labor force, and program dynamics. 41

  7. Can‘t forget the other big survey - the ACS 42

  8. 43

  9. 44

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  11. Let‘s talk SIPP about data. 46


  13. Questionnaires • While traditional questionnaire booklets are no longer produced – question text and instrument information are available for SIPP on the internet. – SIPP 48

  14. Open Web for Item Info 49

  15. Hierarchical Data – more than one way • The Census Bureau employs a two-stage sample design to select the SIPP sample. The two stages are (1) selection of primary sampling units (PSUs) and (2) selection of address units within sample PSUs. • These make up the ‗Structure‘ which people belong to following their wave 1 interview. – In wave 1 – ONE address per structure – Later waves can have multiple interviewed addresses tied back to the same initial structure. 50

  16. Move – mom and the kids moved in with her parents Sep/Div – she and Wave 3 the kids stayed Addid = 31 Wave 1 Wave 2 Addid = 11 Addid = 11 Sep/Div – he left Wave 2 Wave 3 Addid = 21 Addid = 21 Partner moved in 51

  17. Hierarchical Data – more than one way • Within a wave there are structure (sample unit) level pieces of information - ties back to the original sampled address • There are household level pieces of information - Tenure of residence – receipt of energy assistance or free/reduced meals. • Person level pieces of information - Demographics etc, labor force, some assets and wealth, etc. • Coverage units - TANF, Health Insurance, WIC, etc (where flags are set indicating which other household members this information applies to) • Job / Business level - Where a person may have accumulated multiple records for more than one job or program. 52

  18. What do you get from public use… • First – the files from the FTP site are already set up as person month level files but have different reporting levels embedded. – D THSSI 6 22 – T HH: Total Household Supplemental Security – Income Recode – Aggregated total household Supplemental – Security Income for this month. (ISS code – = 3 or 4) – U All persons – D EJOBCNTR 2 800 – T LF: Number of jobs held during the reference – period – U All persons 15+ at the end of the reference – period who had at least one job for an – employer or another work arrangement during – the reference period. EPOPSTAT = 1 53

  19. -- D EJBHRS1 2 899 – T JB: Usual hours worked per week at this job – How many hours per week did ... usually – work at all activities at this job? – U All persons 15+ at the end of the reference – period who had a job during the reference – period. EPOPSTAT = 1 and EPDJBTHN = 1 and – (EJOBCNTR > 0 or ECFLAG = 1) – D EJBHRS2 2 975 – T JB: Usual hours worked per week at this job – How many hours per week did ... usually – work at all activities at this job? – U All persons 15+ at the end of the reference – period who had two or more jobs during the – reference period. (Excludes contingent – workers.) EPOPSTAT = 1 and EPDJBTHN = 1 and – EJOBCNTR > 1 and ECFLAG not equal to 1 54

  20. Key Demographic Concepts in SIPP • Relationship to householder item – wavely/monthly • Marital status – wavely/monthly • Parents and children – wavely/monthly • Changes in household composition – monthly 55

  21. Relationship to reference person • D ERRP 2 578 • T PE: Household relationship • U All persons • V 1 .Reference person with related persons in household • V 2 .Reference Person without related persons in household • V 3 .Spouse of reference person • V 4 .Child of reference person • V 5 .Grandchild of reference person • V 6 .Parent of reference person • V 7 .Brother/sister of reference person • V 8 .Other relative of reference person • V 9 .Foster child of reference person • V 10 .Unmarried partner of reference person • V 11 .Housemate/roommate • V 12 .Roomer/boarder • V 13 .Other non-relative of reference person 56

  22. Relationship matrix wave 2 • D ERELAT01 2 721 • T RL: The 1st person in the hh is this • person's [blank]. • RELATE1 The 1st person in the household • is this person's [blank]. • U All persons in the household regardless of • • age; the reference person (or householder) V 30 .Biological brother/sister • will usually be answering the questions for • V 31 .Half brother/sister • the entire household. • V 32 .Step brother/sister • • V -1 .Not in universe V 33 .Adopted brother/sister • • V 01 .Spouse V 34 .Other brother/sister • • V 02 .Unmarried partner V 40 .Grandparent • • V 10 .Biological parent V 41 .Grandchild • V 11 .Stepparent • V 42 .Uncle/aunt • • V 12 .Step and adoptive parent V 43 .Nephew/niece • • V 13 .Adoptive parent V 50 .Father/mother-in-law • • V 14 .Foster parent V 51 .Daughter/son-in-law • • V 15 .Other parent V 52 .Brother/sister-in-law • V 20 .Biological child • V 55 .Other relative • • V 21 .Stepchild V 61 .Roommate/housemate • • V 22 .Step and adopted child V 62 .Roomer/boarder • • V 23 .Adopted child V 63 .Paid employee • • V 24 .Foster child V 65 .Other non-relative • V 25 .Other child • V 99 .Self 57

  23. Marital Status • Basic marital status is recorded once per wave, though could show monthly change off-seam due to household composition changes. • - This is a bit of a catch as you look at timing and sequencing of events. Ideally you would carefully look at lags and clumping of transitions (seam bias). • - Seasonal pattern - caution. • Marital history data from wave 2 gives detailed information for adults • - Including times married, • - dates of marriage, separation and divorce for up to three marriages. • - Importantly – collects information for all men and women 15 and older who are ever married at the time of the interview. 58

  24. Parents and Children • For all SIPP respondents – the presence of both a mother and father are recorded. • - This information is recorded at the interview – therefore wavely, but as household composition can change monthly so can this information. • Type of relationship between each child and their mother/father are recorded (Bio, Step, Adopted). • Foster children are considered non-relatives and do not get the pointers unless they actually identify a relationship other than foster child – especially likely in kin foster care arrangements. 59

  25. Data Ferrett Example with Kids. 60

  26. Changing Household Composition Longitudinal Data 61

  27. Open SIPP SAS code – brief walk through 62

  28. Some SIPP Pitfalls • Attrition – Know who you have in your sample • Seam Bias – Check the month-to-month transition distributions • Statistical Significance – Use the source and accuracy sections, replicate weights, and design effects properly • Weighting – It‘s not just for estimating or comparing to national totals – Normalize • Longitudinal comparisons and censoring 63

  29. Let‘s talk about CPS data. 64

  30. CPS Data Characteristics • The data are collected primarily from a single household respondent – usually by phone. • Monthly data from CPS include the basic household composition, demographics, and labor force information. • Most data family researchers use come from the March Supplement (now called Annual Social and Economic Supplement). • Internally organized as person – family – household level data elements. • Public use files merge these to the person level – subfamily information is added for related subfamilies. 65

  31. Relationship to reference person • D A-EXPRRP 2 13 (01:14) • Expanded relationship code • V 01 .Reference person with relatives • V 02 .Reference person without • V .relatives • V 03 .Husband • V 04 .Wife • V 05 .Own child • V 07 .Grandchild • V 08 .Parent • V 09 .Brother/sister • V 10 .Other relative • V 11 .Foster child • V 12 .Nonrelative with relatives • V 13 .Partner/roommate • V 14 .Nonrelative without relatives 66

  32. Relationship to reference person • D PERRP 2 742 (1:18) • Expanded relationship categories • U All persons • V 01 .Reference person w/rels. • V 02 .Reference person w/o rels. • V 03 .Spouse • V 04 .Child • V 05 .Grandchild • V 06 .Parent • V 07 .Brother/sister • V 08 .Other rel. of ref. person • V 09 .Foster child • V 10 .Nonrel. of ref. person w/rels. • V 11 .Not used • V 12 .Nonrel. of ref. person w/o • V . rels. • V 13 .Unmarried partner w/rels. • V 14 .Unmarried partner w/o rels. • V 15 .Housemate/roommate w/rels. • V 16 .Housemate/roommate w/o rels. • V 17 .Roomer/boarder w/rels. • V 18 .Roomer/boarder w/o rels. 67

  33. Household and Family Status D HHDFMX 2 37 (01:51) V Under 18, ever-married: V 18 years and over, ever-married: Detailed household and family status V 26 .Reference person of subfamily V 43 .Reference person of subfamily In household: V 27 .Spouse of subfamily reference V 44 .Spouse of subfamily reference V In primary family: V .person V .person V 01 .Householder V 28 .Not used V 45 .Not in a subfamily V 02 .Spouse of householder V 29 .Not in a subfamily V In unrelated subfamily: V Child of householder: V 18 years and over, single (never V 46 .Reference person of unrelated V Under 18, single (never married): V married): V .subfamily V 03 .Reference person of subfamily V 30 .Reference person of a subfamily V 47 .Spouse of unrelated subfamily V 04 .Not in a subfamily V 31 .Not in a subfamily V .reference person V Under 18, ever-married: V 18 years and over, ever-married: V 48 .Child < 18, single (never- V 05 .Reference person of subfamily V 32 .Reference person of subfamily V .married) of unrelated subfamily V 06 .Spouse of subfamily reference V 33 .Spouse of subfamily reference V .reference person V .person V .person V Not in a family: V 07 .Not in a subfamily V 34 .Not in a subfamily V 49 .Nonfamily householder V 18 years and over, single (never V Other relative of householder: V 50 .Secondary individual V married): V Under 18, single (never married): V 51 .In group quarters V 08 .Head of a subfamily V 35 .Reference person of subfamily V 09 .Not in a subfamily V 36 .Child of subfamily reference V 18 years and over, ever-married: V .person V 10 .Reference person of subfamily V 37 .Not in a subfamily V 11 .Spouse of subfamily reference V Under 18, ever married: V .person V 38 .Reference person of subfamily V 12 .Not in a subfamily V 39 .Spouse of subfamily reference V 13-22 .Not used V .person V Grandchild of householder: V 40 .Not in a subfamily V Under 18, single (never married): V 18 years and over, single (never V 23 .Reference person of subfamily V married): V 24 .Child of a subfamily V 41 .Reference person of a subfamily V 25 .Not in a subfamily V 42 .Not in a subfamily 68

  34. CPS Families • Family - A family is a group of two people or more (one of whom is the householder) related by birth, marriage, or adoption and residing together; all such people (including related subfamily members) are considered as members of one family. • Family group - A family group is any two or more people (not necessarily including a householder) residing together, and related by birth, marriage, or adoption. The count of family groups includes family households, related subfamilies, and unrelated subfamilies. • Family household - A family household is a household maintained by a householder who is in a family. • 69

  35. New 2007 CPS Relationship Information • Two new indicators introduced in 2007 on the Current Population Survey improved data collection among unmarried partner couples and their children. • First, questions were added to the survey that directly linked unmarried partners living together in the same household. Before 2007, unmarried partner couples in the CPS were detected through a question asking how each person was related to the householder. The addition of a new direct question yielded improved data in 2007. Specifically, unmarried household members were linked to their specific unmarried partners present in the household, thus improving the estimation of unmarried couple family groups nationwide. • Second, a new indicator was added that linked children to a second parent present in their households. Prior to 2007, children who were living with two unmarried parents could not be linked to both parents and were tabulated as the child of either a single mother or a single father. With the addition of a second parent pointer in 2007, children are now linked to both parents, if present, in their households, regardless of the marital status of the parents. 70

  36. New 2007 CPS Relationship Information • The direct question in ASEC 2007 captured proportionately more of these non-householder couples than did the Household Relationship Topical Module in SIPP 2004. • ASEC 2007 captured an additional 1.1 million cohabiting couples, 21 percent over the traditional method of household relationship identification alone, which yielded 5.2 million unmarried partner households. This increase was composed of about 380,000 previously unidentified couples (other than those containing the householder) plus 690,000 who reported cohabiting with the householder although not identifying themselves as an unmarried partner in the relationship to householder item. • The SIPP topical module resulted in an additional 357,000 cohabiting couples, 7 percent over the 5.1 million captured using the relationship to householder item. 71

  37. Open CPS SAS code – brief walk through 72

  38. Changing Household Composition Longitudinal Data - Yes – Even with CPS… - 73

  39. 74

  40. 75

  41. Open Web NBER - CEPRData 76

  42. Some CPS Pitfalls • Statistical Significance – Use the source and accuracy sections, replicate weights, and design effects properly • Weighting – It‘s not just for estimating or comparing to national totals – Normalize • Matching to published numbers is not straightforward • Causality – can‘t do it (well - at all) 77

  43. SIPP Event History Calendar Background and Development 78

  44. Conference: U.S. Census - PSID Conference on the Event History Calendar Method The PSID hosted a two-day conference on the Event History Calendar Method for the U.S. Census Bureau on December 5-6, 2007 in Washington, DC. The goal of the conference was to provide scientific expertise to the Census in the enhancement of the SIPP in the area of event history calendars as a data collection tool. Papers Presented at the U.S. Census - PSID Conference on the Event History Calendar Method - Dating Major Life Events using a CAPI/CASI Event History Calendar in Add Health. - Event History Data: Lessons from the NSLY79. - Programming and Implementation of Two Event History Calendars in the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. - Examining the Impact of Event History Calendar Interviewing on Data Quality from Disadvantaged Respondents. - Impact of the Event History Calendar on Seam Effects in the PSID: Lessons for SIPP. - Training Issues for Using the EHC Method within SIPP. - Description of plans for a SIPP calendar validation study: Study design and analysis. - The Use of Landmark Events in EHC-Interviews to Enhance Recall Accuracy. - The Design and Use of an Event History Calendar in the Los Angeles Family and Neighborhood Survey: Results and Lessons. - A Multi-Method Evaluation of the Use of an Event History Calendar. - Seam Bias in the 2004 SIPP Panel: Much Improved, but Much Bias Still Remains. - Timeline Data Collection and Analysis: Time Diaries and Event History Calendar Methods. 79

  45. Current Uses of SIPP • Department of Agriculture – Model food stamp eligibility and measure food stamp participation • Department of Health and Human Services – Measure the economic effect of disabling conditions on children and adults, and determine "triggers" that cause people to go on or to go off programs. • Social Security Administration – Model SSI benefits, and the restructuring of Social Security such as age threshold changes. • Congressional Budget Office and Congressional Research Service – Use micro-simulation to measure participation in major government programs 80

  46. Reengineering Goals  Use of annual data collection • Cost reduction  Focused content selection  Improve integration across SIPP concepts • Improved accuracy  Focus on improving recall and responses • Improved timeliness  Improved documentation and accessibility  Improved processing system  Stakeholder input • Improved relevance  Explore strengths from ACS and administrative records 81

  47. Stakeholder Concerns • SIPP provides unique detail at the monthly level – Can the EHC provide similar detail? • SIPP addresses recall concerns by frequent administration – Can any annual survey facilitate comparable recall quality? • Program data are a key data element of SIPP – Do the inconclusive/negative findings in prior EHC tests for AFDC/TANF and Food Stamps preclude the use of this method? • Data comparability and evaluation are crucial – How do SIPP data collected via EHC compare with questionnaire data? 82

  48. The Unique Value of SIPP • To provide a nationally representative sample for evaluating: – annual and sub-annual dynamics of income – movements into and out of government transfer programs – family and social context of individuals and households – interactions between these items 83

  49. What is an event history calendar (EHC)? • An EHC interview is centered around a customized calendar that shows the reference period under investigation • The calendar contains timelines for different domains, for example, residence history, household composition, work history, and other domains relevant to the topic of study • Landmark events, such as holidays and birthdays can be used to aid the respondent‘s memory 84

  50. A few other surveys with Event History Calendars • Panel Study of Income Dynamics – Univ. of Michigan • National Survey of Family Growth – CDC/NCHS • National Survey of Adolescent Health (AddHealth) - Univ. of North Carolina • Los Angeles Family and Neighborhood Survey – UCLA • English Longitudinal Study of Ageing – NatCen UK, University College London and the Institute for Fiscal Studies. • Health and Retirement Study – Univ. Michigan (Nat. Inst. Ageing) • 1998 National Retrospective Demographic Survey (EDER) – Mexico (INEGI) 85

  51. Origin: Balán et al. study (1969) • Reaction to the problems of life history data collection: – Focus on few cases: representativeness – Lengthy life histories – Problematic data collection – Difficulty to process and analyze statistically the data • Example: ―The Polish Peasant‖ by Thomas and Znaniecki (1958) 86

  52. 87

  53. Freedman et al. 1988 • Most cited paper across all disciplines • Acknowledges Balán and Blum studies • Month as unit of analysis • Calendar can handle categorical, ordinal and interval variables • Very detailed explanation on how to record responses • Domains by row and years (month) by column 88

  54. 89

  55. 90

  56. 91

  57. SIPP calendar aided interview test 1989 to 1991 92

  58. Analysis and Evaluation of EHC Instruments • Reliability – High levels of agreement with previously collected questionnaire based data. • Domains – Marriage, births, residential moves, school enrollment, labor force (all showed good agreement) – Concerns - AFDC/Food Stamps • Mode - Phone and in-person almost same degree of consistency. • Validation – Limited record check studies – designed into the first SIPP field test evaluation. • Reduction of seam bias 93

  59. 2008 Field Test Basics • A reinterview evaluation and validation test – Reinterview of current 2004 panel SIPP respondents to recollect information for calendar year 2007 – Pairwise comparison of responses from the two data sources – Validation of responses using administrative records matched at the individual level • Paper instrument (Control card, EHC, and Assets Questions) • Interviewer debriefings and qualitative analyses to refine concepts and training procedures 94

  60. FR Code: __________________ FR Code: __________________ FR Code: __________________ OMB #: 0607-0725 Control Number: Expiration Date: 08/31/2010 Was a Debit Card Promised? Circle: Y N IF YES, Debit Card # _______________________________________ Form Name: SIPP-EHC2008CC Household Address: Household Contact Name: _____________________________ Household Contact Phone #_______________________ NOTICE – Your report to the U.S. Census Bureau is confidential by law (Title 13, Total Number of HH Members age 15+: ______ U.S. Code). It may be seen only by individuals who are sworn for life to protect the confidentiality of these data and may be used only for statistical purposes. SECTION 1: Household Members SECTION 2: Household Demographics SECTION 3: Spouse/Parent Relationships A1 A2 A3 B C D E F G H I J K L M Person line # Person line # (15+) (15+) (15+) Ever in Marital Spouse lives Mother lives Father lives Armed Status here? here? here? Relationship Date of Birth Race Educ Forces? Code to Person 1 Enter line # Enter line # Enter line # MIDDLE NAME LAST NAME FIRST NAME Sex MM/DD/YYYY Age Hispanic Code(s) Code Y N Y N 1 M F / / 1 [Person 1] Y N Y N 2 M F / / 2 Y N Y N 3 M F / / 3 Y N Y N 4 M F / / 4 Y N Y N 5 M F / / 5 Y N Y N 6 M F / / 6 PERSON LINE # (HH ROSTER): First, I need to list all the people who live or stay at this address – that is, people who live and sleep here most of the time. Let’s begin with the name of the person or one of the persons who owns or rents this home. C. RELATIONSHIP: Please look at Flashcard A [RELATIONSHIPS] and tell me what is (your / …’s) rela tionship to [PERSON 1]? (1) Husband/Wife (2) Unmarried Partner (3) Child (biological/step/adopted) (4) Grandchild (5) Mother/Father (6) Brother/Sister (7) Other Relative (uncle/cousin/mother -in-law/father-in-law/etc.) (8) Foster Child (9) Housemate/Roommate (10) Roomer/Boarder (11) Other Non-Relative F. HISPANIC: (Are you / Is …) Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino ? G. RACE: Please choose one or more races from Flashcard B [RACE] that (you / …) consider(s) (your/him/her)self to be. [MARK 6 FOR “OTHER”] (1) White (2) Black or African American (3) American Indian or Alaska Native (4) Asian (5) Native Hawaiia n or Other Pacific Islander H. EDUCATION: Please look at Flashcard C [EDUCATION]. What is the highest level of school (you have / … has) completed, or the highest degree (you have / he/she has) received? J. MARITAL STATUS: (Are you / Is …) c urrently (1) married , (2) widowed , (3) divorced , (4) separated, or (5) (h ave you / has …) never been married ? SECTION 4: Instructions RECORD EACH VISIT ON “CONTACT LOG” 1) IF THERE ARE MORE THAN 12 PERSONS, WRITE DOWN THE NUMBER OF PERSONS WHO DID NOT GET LISTED. IF 12 OR FEWER PEOPLE, ENTER „0‟. __________ INTRODUCTION: 2) CIRCLE THE PERSON LINE NUMBER IN THE FIRST COLUMN TO INDICATE RESPONDENT FOR THIS CONTROL CARD. Hello, I’m _________ from the U.S. Census Bureau. Her e is my ID card. We are conducting a survey on the economic situation of people who live in the United States, and I have some questions to ask you. We sent a 3) IN COLUMN E, CIRCLE THE AGES OF PERSONS AGE 15 AND OLDER. letter to your address describing our study and letting you know that I’d be visiting. Did you get that letter? 4) COUNT TOTAL NUMBER OF PERSONS AGE 15 AND OLDER. RECORD HERE AND TEXT BOX AT TOP. ________ SHOW LETTER IF NECESSARY, AND DESCRIBE STUDY AS NEEDED. 5) COMPLETE AN EVENT HISTORY CALENDAR WITH EACH PERSON AGE 15 AND OLDER (IF AT ALL POSSIBLE), OR WITH A PROXY IF PERSON IS UNAVAILABLE. CC RESPONDENT MUST BE A MEMBER OF THE HOUSEHOLD AT LEAST 15 YEARS OLD. BEGIN FILLING HH ROSTER. LIST OWNER / RENTER ON LINE 1. 95

  61. Control Number: ____________________________ Date: _______/_______/2008 2007 EVENT HISTORY CALENDAR OMB #: 0607-0725 Expiration Date: 08/31/2010 ENTER LINE # OF HH Member: ___ ___ FR Code: ____________________ Form Name: SIPP-EHC2008CAL NOTICE – Your report to the U.S. Census Bureau is confidential by law (Title 13, U.S. Code). It CHECK ONE: [ ] Self response may be seen only by individuals who are sworn for life to protect the confidentiality of these data [ ] Proxy – Enter Line # of Proxy ___ ____ and may be used only for statistical purposes. A Landmark Events WINTER SPRING SUMMER FALL WINTER First, I want to ask you about what we call “landmark events” – important things that January February March April May June July August September October November December happened to you last year. These events are often very useful in helping people recall when other things happened. So, take a moment to think about major events in your life in 2007. For Started example: Were there any births or deaths of Cont’d. before people important to you? Did you get married, January into divorced, or separated? Did you get promoted? 2007 2008 Did you have a serious injury or illness? When did these events occur? Residences – When did [you/NAME] move into this current residence? [Have you / Has HE-SHE] lived here continuously since then? [Where live before that? When/What months? Etc.] B ASK FOR EACH RESIDENCE: [Is/Was] this residence Public Housing, Section 8, or part of another housing program? K Assets In 2007, did [you/NAME] own any other assets that [ ]-Yes  CONTINUE WITH K11 produced income, such as rental property, mortgages Current Residence : RECORD ONLY WHETHER IT IS Jan Feb Mar Apr May K10 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec General Assets – [ ]-No  END which provided payments, or any other financial Pub Housing (PH), Sec 8 (S8), Oth Prog (OP), (NONE) Owned in Individual Enter line Here are some questions about assets [you/NAME] may ( [ ]-D [ ]-R )  END investments? 2007? or Joint? # have owned during 2007. First, retirement accounts -- At Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Former Address : RECORD ADDRESS AND any time in 2007 did [you/NAME] own… Pub Housing (PH), Sec 8 (S8), Oth Prog (OP), (NONE) An Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or a Keogh K1 Y N Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Former Address : RECORD ADDRESS AND Account? Pub Housing (PH), Sec 8 (S8),Oth Prog (OP), (NONE) Owned in Individual or Enter line Special Assets K2 A 401(k), 403(b), or thrift plan? Y N 2007? Joint? # School Enrollment -- [Enrolled in school now?] [ ]-YES  [When start? Continuous? Any other times in 2007? When?/What months?] Next are assets that can be owned individually or co-owned with someone else. At any time K11 Did [you/NAME] own any municipal or corporate bonds? C Y N I J [ ]-NO  [Enrolled at any time in 2007?] [ ]-Yes [ ]-No [When?/What months?] in 200 7 did [you/NAME] own any… (“enrollment “ = regular school/college/vocational Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec K12 U.S. Government securities? K3 U.S. Government savings bonds? Y N I J Y N I J education leading to degree/certificate) K13 How about mortgages that provide payments? Y N I J Labor Force – Now I’d like you to consider work [you do / NAME does] for pay. This includes a regular job or business, but I also want you to think about any other work for D K14 Any rental property? K4 interest-earning checking accounts? Y N I J Y N I J pay, no matter how small, including odd jobs, moonlighting, consulting, on-call work, day labor, and one-time jobs. [Are you / Is NAME] working for pay now? [ ]-YES  [When start? Continuous? Any other times in 2007? When?/What months?] [ ]-NO  [Any paid work in 2007, no matter how small?] [ ]-Yes [ ]-No [When?/What months?] K5 any savings accounts? Y N I J K15 Royalties? Y N I J money market deposit accounts, or money market J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C #1 Employer K6 Y N I J K16 or any other financial investments? Y N I J funds? Occupation CHECK ONE:  Employer  Self-Employed  Other K7 How about certificates of deposit, or CDs ? Y N I J Avg hrs/ wk ? Ending pay rate: FOR EACH OWNED ASSET ASK: Did [you/NAME] own [asset] individually, or was it jointly with someone else? K8 Any mutual funds (apart from retirement accounts)? Y N I J C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E CIRCLE “I” OR “J” #2 Employer K9 Or stocks (apart from retirement accounts)? Y N I J Occupation IF JOINT ASK: Who were the other owners? CHECK ONE:  Employer  Self-Employed  Other Avg hrs/ ENTER LINE #‟s OF ALL CO -OWNERS Wk ? Ending pay rate: CHECK POINT: ARE ANY BOXES CIRCLED „Y‟ IN K4 - K9? [USE “99” FOR NON -HH CO-OWNERS] IF YES  ASK K11 – K16 C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E #3 Employer IF NO  ASK K10 Occupation CHECK ONE:  Employer  Self-Employed  Other Avg hrs/ wk ? Ending pay rate: * * * * * RECORD ADDITIONAL EMPLOYERS ON NEXT PAGE * * * * * (1) ADD ACROSS ALL PAID WORK TO SHOW SPELLS OF PAID EMPLOYMENT IN 2007. Employment Summary – E (2) IF ANY GAPS: [Looking for work during [period] when not working for pay?] [ ]-Yes [ ]-No [When?/What months?] MARK ALL “GAPS” WITH Y’s (LOOKING) AND N’s (NOT LOOKING), AS APPROPRIATE. C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E (1) Spells of paid employment (combined) (2) Spells of looking (Y) and not looking (N) for work Unpaid Labor – Did [you / NAME] do any unpaid work in a family business or farm, either now or at any time during 2007? [ ]-Yes [ ]-No [When?/What months?] F J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C EHC Introduction: Many of the questions in this interview ask about calendar year 2007. By "calendar year" we mean the entire 12 months between January 1st and December 31st, 2007. The questions ask about where (you / ...) lived, school enrollment, employment and unemployment, government programs, health insurance, and assets. Control Number:______________________________ 96 LINE # OF HH Member: ___ ___ SELF-RESPONSE INTERVIEW : START WITH SECTION A, "LANDMARK EVENTS." PROXY INTERVIEW : COPY ALREADY-REPORTED LANDMARKS TO THIS EHC; START WITH SECTION B, "RESIDENCES."

  62. Control Number: ____________________________ Date: _______/_______/2008 OMB #: 0607-0725 2007 EVENT HISTORY CALENDAR Expiration Date: 08/31/2010 ENTER LINE # OF HH Member: ___ ___ FR Code: ____________________ Form Name: SIPP-EHC2008CAL NOTICE – Your report to the U.S. Census Bureau is confidential by law (Title 13, U.S. Code). It CHECK ONE: [ ] Self response may be seen only by individuals who are sworn for life to protect the confidentiality of these data [ ] Proxy – Enter Line # of Proxy ___ ____ and may be used only for statistical purposes. A Landmark Events WINTER SPRING SUMMER FALL WINTER First, I want to ask you about what we call “landmark events” – important things that January February March April May June July August September October November December happened to you last year. These events are often very useful in helping people recall when other things happened. So, take a moment to think about major events in your life in 2007. For Started example: Were there any births or deaths of Cont’d. before people important to you? Did you get married, January into divorced, or separated? Did you get promoted? 2007 2008 Did you have a serious injury or illness? When did these events occur? Labor Force (continued) D Now I’d like you to consider work [you do / NAME does] for pay. Th is includes a regular job or business, but I also want you to think about any other work for pay, no matter how small, including odd jobs, moonlighting, consulting, on-call work, day labor, and one-time jobs. [Are you / Is NAME] working for pay now? K Assets In 2007, did [you/NAME] own any other assets that [ ]-YES  [When start? Continuous? Any other times in 2007? When?/What months?] [ ]-Yes  CONTINUE WITH K11 produced income, such as rental property, mortgages K10 [ ]-NO  [Any paid work in 2007, no matter how small?] [ ]-Yes [ ]-No [When?/What months?] General Assets – [ ]-No  END which provided payments, or any other financial Owned in Individual Enter line Here are some questions about assets [you/NAME] may ( [ ]-D [ ]-R )  END C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J investments? U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E #4 Employer 2007? or Joint? # have owned during 2007. First, retirement accounts -- At any time in 2007 did [you/NAME] own… Occupation An Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or a Keogh CHECK ONE:  Employer  Self-Employed  Other Avg hrs/ K1 Y N Account? wk ? Ending pay rate: Owned in Individual or Enter line Special Assets C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E K2 A 401(k), 403(b), or thrift plan? Y N #5 Employer 2007? Joint? # Occupation Next are assets that can be owned individually or co-owned with someone else. At any time K11 Did [you/NAME] own any municipal or corporate bonds? Y N I J in 200 7 did [you/NAME] own any… CHECK ONE:  Employer  Self-Employed  Other Avg hrs/ K12 U.S. Government securities? wk ? Ending pay rate: K3 U.S. Government savings bonds? Y N I J Y N I J * * * * * RETURN TO PAGE 1 AND CONTINUE WITH SECTION E * * * * * K13 How about mortgages that provide payments? Y N I J K14 Any rental property? K4 interest-earning checking accounts? Y N I J Y N I J K5 any savings accounts? Y N I J K15 Royalties? Y N I J money market deposit accounts, or money market K6 Y N I J K16 or any other financial investments? Y N I J funds? K7 How about certificates of deposit, or CDs ? Y N I J G Workers Insurance Programs FOR EACH OWNED ASSET ASK: Did [you/NAME] own [asset] individually, or was it jointly with someone else? K8 Any mutual funds (apart from retirement accounts)? Y N I J CIRCLE “I” OR “J” Unemployment – IF NOT EMPLOYED NOW: [Are you/Is NAME] currently receiving unemployment benefits? IF EMPLOYED NOW: Did [you/NAME] receive unemployment benefits at any time during 2007? K9 Or stocks (apart from retirement accounts)? Y N I J IF JOINT ASK: Who were the other owners? [ ] - YES  [When start? Continuous? Other times in 2007? When?What months?] [ ]-Yes  FILL CALENDAR [When?/What months?] ENTER LINE #‟s OF ALL CO -OWNERS [ ] - NO  [Any time in 2007?] [ ]-Yes [ ]-No [When?/What months?] [ ]-No  GO TO WORKERS COMP CHECK POINT: ARE ANY BOXES CIRCLED „Y‟ IN K4 - K9? [USE “99” FOR NON -HH CO-OWNERS] IF YES  ASK K11 – K16 FOR ALL REPORTED MONTHS OF RECEIPT ASK: [How much (now/most recently)? When did that amount start? Amount differ for any month?] IF NECESSARY: [How much before that? When?/What months?] IF NO  ASK K10 Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Disability – [Are you/Is NAME] currently receiving any income due to a disability? [ ]-YES  [When start? Continuous? Other times in 2007? When?/What months?] [ ]-NO  [Any time in 2007?] [ ]-Yes [ ]-No [When?/What months?] FOR ALL REPORTED MONTHS OF RECEIPT ASK: [How much (now/most recently)? When did that amount start? Amount differ for any month?] IF NECESSARY: [How much before that? When?/What months?] Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Workers Compensation – [Are you/Is NAME] currently receiving workers compensation? [ ]-YES  [When start? Continuous? Other times in 2007? When?/What months?] [ ]-NO  [Any time in 2007?] [ ]-Yes [ ]-No [When?/What months?] FOR ALL REPORTED MONTHS OF RECEIPT ASK: [How much (now/most recently)? When did that amount start? Amount differ for any month?] IF NECESSARY: [How much before that? When?/What months?] Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 97 Control Number: ______________________________ LINE # OF HH Member: ___ ___

  63. Control Number: ____________________________ Date: _______/_______/2008 OMB #: 0607-0725 2007 EVENT HISTORY CALENDAR Expiration Date: 08/31/2010 ENTER LINE # OF HH Member: ___ ___ FR Code: ____________________ Form Name: SIPP-EHC2008CAL NOTICE – Your report to the U.S. Census Bureau is confidential by law (Title 13, U.S. Code). It CHECK ONE: [ ] Self response may be seen only by individuals who are sworn for life to protect the confidentiality of these data [ ] Proxy – Enter Line # of Proxy ___ ____ and may be used only for statistical purposes. A Landmark Events WINTER SPRING SUMMER FALL WINTER First, I want to ask you about what we call “landmark events” – important things that January February March April May June July August September October November December happened to you last year. These events are often very useful in helping people recall when other things happened. So, take a moment to think about major events in your life in 2007. For Started example: Were there any births or deaths of Cont’d. before people important to you? Did you get married, January into divorced, or separated? Did you get promoted? 2007 2008 Did you have a serious injury or illness? When did these events occur? H Social Security [USE “99” FOR NON -HH BENEFICIARIES] K Assets In 2007, did [you/NAME] own any other assets that [ ]-Yes  CONTINUE WITH K11 Social Security – [Do you/does NAME] receive Social Security Retirement now? produced income, such as rental property, mortgages K10 General Assets – [ ]-No  END which provided payments, or any other financial [ ]-YES  [When start? Continuous? Other times in 2007? When?/What months?] Owned in Individual Enter line Here are some questions about assets [you/NAME] may ( [ ]-D [ ]-R )  END investments? [ ]-NO  [Any time in 2007?] [ ]-Yes [ ]-No [When?/What months?] 2007? or Joint? # have owned during 2007. First, retirement accounts -- At any time in 2007 did [you/NAME] own… FOR ALL REPORTED MONTHS OF RECEIPT ASK: [How much (now/most recently)? When did that amount start? Amount differ for any month?] IF NECESSARY: [How much before that? When?/What months?] An Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or a Keogh Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Who do those benefits cover? (Who are they for?) K1 Y N Account? Person number(s) of beneficiaries ____________________ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Owned in Individual or Enter line Special Assets K2 A 401(k), 403(b), or thrift plan? Y N 2007? Joint? # *IF RECEIVES SOCIAL SECURITY ASK: Medicare Part B deduction – Some people who receive Social Security have an automatic deduction to pay for Medicare Part B. [Do you/does NAME] have the Medicare Part B Deduction now? Next are assets that can be owned individually or co-owned with someone else. At any time K11 Did [you/NAME] own any municipal or corporate bonds? Y N I J in 200 7 did [you/NAME] own any… [ ]-YES  [When start? Continuous? Other times in 2007? When?/What months?] [ ]-NO  [Any time in 2007?] [ ]-Yes [ ]-No [When?/What months?] K12 U.S. Government securities? K3 U.S. Government savings bonds? Y N I J Y N I J FOR ALL REPORTED MONTHS OF DEDUCTION ASK: [How much (now/most recently)? When did that deduction amount start? Amount differ for any month?] IF NECESSARY: [How much before that? When?/What months?] Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May K13 Jun How about mortgages that provide payments? Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Y N I J $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ K14 Any rental property? K4 interest-earning checking accounts? Y N I J Y N I J K5 any savings accounts? Y N I J K15 Royalties? Y N I J Social Welfare [USE “99” FOR NON -HH BENEFICIARIES] I money market deposit accounts, or money market K6 Y N I J K16 or any other financial investments? Y N I J Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) - Some people receive financial support in the form of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, or TANF. [Do you/does NAME] get TANF now? funds? [ ]-YES  [When start? Continuous? Other times in 2007? When?/What months?] K7 How about certificates of deposit, or CDs ? Y N I J [ ]-NO  [Any time in 2007?] [ ]-Yes [ ]-No [When?/What months?] FOR ALL REPORTED MONTHS OF RECEIPT ASK: [How much (now/most recently)? When did that amount start? Amount differ for any month?] IF NECESSARY: [How much before that? When?/What months?] FOR EACH OWNED ASSET ASK: Did [you/NAME] own [asset] individually, or was it jointly with someone else? K8 Any mutual funds (apart from retirement accounts)? Y N I J CIRCLE “I” OR “J” Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Who do those benefits cover? (Who are they for?) K9 Or stocks (apart from retirement accounts)? Y N I J IF JOINT ASK: Who were the other owners? Person number(s) of beneficiaries ______________________ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ENTER LINE #‟s OF ALL CO -OWNERS CHECK POINT: ARE ANY BOXES CIRCLED „Y‟ IN K4 - K9? [USE “99” FOR NON -HH CO-OWNERS] Food Stamps – Some people receive financial support in the form of Food Stamps. [Do you/does NAME] get Food Stamps now? IF YES  ASK K11 – K16 IF NO [ ]-YES  [When start? Continuous? Other times in 2007? When?/What months?]  ASK K10 [ ]-NO  [Any time in 2007?] [ ]-Yes [ ]-No [When?/What months?] FOR ALL REPORTED MONTHS OF RECEIPT ASK: [How much (now/most recently)? When did that amount start? Amount differ for any month?] IF NECESSARY: [How much before that? When?/What months?] Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Who do those benefits cover? (Who are they for?) Person number(s) of beneficiaries ______________________ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (FEMALES ONLY) WIC – Some people receive supplemental foods, health care referrals, or nutrition education through a program called Women, Infants and Children, or WIC. [Do you/does NAME] receive WIC benefits now? [ ]-YES  [When start? Continuous? Other times in 2007? When?/What months?] [ ]-NO  [Any time in 2007?] [ ]-Yes [ ]-No [When?/What months?] Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Who do those benefits cover? (Who are they for?) Person number(s) of beneficiaries ______________________ Supplemental Security Income (SSI) – Some people receive financial support for persons who are elderly, disabled, or blind in the form of Supplemental Security Income payments, or SSI. [Do you/does NAME] get SSI now? [ ]-YES  [When start? Continuous? Other times in 2007? When?/What months?] [ ]-NO  [Any time in 2007?] [ ]-Yes [ ]-No [When?/What months?] FOR ALL REPORTED MONTHS OF RECEIPT ASK: [How much (now/most recently)? When did that amount start? Amount differ for any month?] IF NECESSARY: [How much before that? When?/What months?] Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Who do those benefits cover? (Who are they for?) Person number(s) of beneficiaries ______________________ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Control Number: _________________________________ 98 LINE # OF HH Member: ___ ___

  64. Control Number: ____________________________ Date: _______/_______/2008 OMB #: 0607-0725 2007 EVENT HISTORY CALENDAR Expiration Date: 08/31/2010 ENTER LINE # OF HH Member: ___ ___ FR Code: ____________________ Form Name: SIPP-EHC2008CAL NOTICE – Your report to the U.S. Census Bureau is confidential by law (Title 13, U.S. Code). It CHECK ONE: [ ] Self response may be seen only by individuals who are sworn for life to protect the confidentiality of these data [ ] Proxy – Enter Line # of Proxy ___ ____ and may be used only for statistical purposes. A Landmark Events WINTER SPRING SUMMER FALL WINTER First, I want to ask you about what we call “landmark events” – important things that January February March April May June July August September October November December happened to you last year. These events are often very useful in helping people recall when other things happened. So, take a moment to think about major events in your life in 2007. For Started example: Were there any births or deaths of Cont’d. before people important to you? Did you get married, January into divorced, or separated? Did you get promoted? 2007 2008 Did you have a serious injury or illness? When did these events occur? J Health Insurance [PROBE FOR MULTIPLE TYPES OF HEALTH INSURANCE, INCLUDING MULTIPLE TYPES AT THE SAME TIME] Employer-Sponsored Coverage Dec INCLUDES COVERAGE FROM A SPOUSE’S OR PARENT’S Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov EMPLOYER/UNION, ALSO FORMER EMPLOYERS/UNIONS K Assets In 2007, did [you/NAME] own any other assets that [ ]-Yes  CONTINUE WITH K11 produced income, such as rental property, mortgages Medicare (MAINLY FOR ELDERLY) Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov K10 General Assets – [ ]-No  END which provided payments, or any other financial Medicaid, SCHIP, etc. (MAINLY FOR LOW INCOME) Owned in Individual Enter line Dec Here are some questions about assets [you/NAME] may Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov ( [ ]-D [ ]-R )  END investments? 2007? or Joint? # have owned during 2007. First, retirement accounts -- At Military or VA Coverage Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov any time in 2007 did [you/NAME] own… Directly-Purchased Coverage An Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or a Keogh K1 Y N Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov INCLUDES PLANS OBTAINED THROUGH TRADE GROUPS Account? AND MEMBERSHIP ORGS SUCH AS THE ABA OR AARP Owned in Individual or Enter line Special Assets K2 A 401(k), 403(b), or thrift plan? Y N Other Health Insurance 2007? Joint? # CHECK ONE:  - School  - Parent/relative Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Next are assets that can be owned individually or co-owned with someone else. At any time K11 Did [you/NAME] own any municipal or corporate bonds? Y N I J  - Other (specify: _________________________ ) in 200 7 did [you/NAME] own any… K12 U.S. Government securities? Uninsured Dec K3 U.S. Government savings bonds? Y N Jan I J Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Y N Nov I J K13 How about mortgages that provide payments? Y N I J [ ]-YES  (1) Is that through… [ ] an employer or union?  FILL CALENDAR IN EMPLOYER ROW [Are you/Is NAME] covered by any [ ] the government?  ASK 2 kind of health coverage or health K14 Any rental property? K4 interest-earning checking accounts? Y N I J Y N I J [ ] or some other way?  ASK 5 plan now? ( [ ]-D [ ]-R )  FILL CALENDAR IN OTHER ROW K5 any savings accounts? Y N I J K15 Royalties? Y N I J money market deposit accounts, or money market [ ]-Yes  ASK 3 (2) Is it through a job with the government? K6 Y N I J K16 or any other financial investments? Y N I J funds? [ ]-No (or [ ]-D [ ]-R )  ASK 4 K7 How about certificates of deposit, or CDs ? Y N I J EXAMPLES OF STATE [ ]-Yes  FILL CALENDAR IN MILITARY ROW (3 ) Is it related to military service or the VA? NAMES FOR MEDICAID / FOR EACH OWNED ASSET ASK: Did [you/NAME] own [asset] individually, or was it jointly with someone else? K8 Any mutual funds (apart from retirement accounts)? Y N I J [ ]-No (or [ ]-D [ ]-R )  FILL CALENDAR IN EMPLOYER ROW SCHIP / MEDICAL CIRCLE “I” OR “J” K9 Or stocks (apart from retirement accounts)? Y N I J ASSISTANCE / ETC. (4 ) What type of government plan is it? Is it… IF JOINT ASK: Who were the other owners? [ ] Medicare?  FILL CALENDAR IN MEDICARE ROW ENTER LINE #‟s OF ALL CO -OWNERS CHECK POINT: ARE ANY BOXES CIRCLED „Y‟ IN K4 - K9? ILKidCare, AllKids, [ ] Medicaid, SCHIP, or some other government assistance plan? [SEE BOX AT LEFT]  FILL CALENDAR IN MEDICAID ROW [USE “99” FOR NON -HH CO-OWNERS] IF YES  ASK K11 – K16 [ ] or is it related to military service or the VA?  FILL CALENDAR IN MILITARY ROW FamilyCare, Health IF NO  ASK K10 ( [ ]-D [ ]-R )  FILL CALENDAR IN OTHER ROW Connect (5) Was it… [ ] directly purchased from an insurance company?  FILL CALENDAR IN DIRECT-PURCHASE ROW MDHealth Choice, [ ] or is it through school, a parent or relative, or something else?  FILL CALENDAR IN OTHER ROW Maryland Children‘s Health * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WHEN CALENDAR IS COMPLETE FOR REPORTED COVERAGE, ASK ABOUT ALL OTHER COVERAGE TYPES FOR 2007, THEN  (9) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Program [ ]-NO  (6) Just to be sure, [are you / is NAME] now covered by…. [ ] Medicare? NYSCHIP, Child Health ( [ ]-D [ ]-R ) [ ] Medicaid, SCHIP, or some other government assistance plan? [SEE BOX AT LEFT] Plus (CHPlus) [ ] or anything related to military service or the VA? IF ANY COVERAGE NOW  CHECK AND FILL CALENDAR; THEN ASK ABOUT ALL OTHER COVERAGE TYPES FOR 2007 IF NONE  ASK (7) TXSTAR, STAR PLUS, Primary Care Case [ ]-Correct, no coverage now  ASK (8) (7) So [you have / NAME has] no coverage now, is that correct? Management (PCCM), [ ]-NO, COVERED NOW  ASK (1-5) TO DETERMINE TYPE; FILL CALENDAR AS INSTRUCTED Texas CHIP (8) How about during 2007? At any time from January 1 st through the end of December [were you / was NAME] covered by any type of health coverage or health plan? [ ]-Yes  ASK (1-5) TO DETERMINE TYPE; FILL CALENDAR AS INSTRUCTED * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WHEN CALENDAR IS COMPLETE FOR REPORTED COVERAGE, ASK ABOUT ALL OTHER COVERAGE TYPES FOR 2007, THEN  (9) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [ ]-No  MARK CALENDAR “UNINSURED” FOR ALL OF 2007; END HEALTH INSURANCE SECTION (9) CHECK FOR COVERAGE “GAPS;” CONFIRM UNINSURED AND MARK UNINSURED PERIODS ON CALENDAR; END HEALTH INSURANCE SECTION 99 Control Number: ____________________________________ LINE # OF HH Member: ____ __

  65. Control Number: ____________________________ Date: _______/_______/2008 OMB #: 0607-0725 2007 EVENT HISTORY CALENDAR Expiration Date: 08/31/2010 ENTER LINE # OF HH Member: ___ ___ FR Code: ____________________ Form Name: SIPP-EHC2008CAL NOTICE – Your report to the U.S. Census Bureau is confidential by law (Title 13, U.S. Code). It CHECK ONE: [ ] Self response may be seen only by individuals who are sworn for life to protect the confidentiality of these data [ ] Proxy – Enter Line # of Proxy ___ ____ and may be used only for statistical purposes. A Landmark Events WINTER SPRING SUMMER FALL WINTER First, I want to ask you about what we call “landmark events” – important things that January February March April May June July August September October November December happened to you last year. These events are often very useful in helping people recall when other things happened. So, take a moment to think about major events in your life in 2007. For Started example: Were there any births or deaths of Cont’d. before people important to you? Did you get married, January into divorced, or separated? Did you get promoted? 2007 2008 Did you have a serious injury or illness? When did these events occur? K Assets In 2007, did [you/NAME] own any other assets that [ ]-Yes  CONTINUE WITH K11 produced income, such as rental property, mortgages K10 General Assets – [ ]-No  END which provided payments, or any other financial Owned in Individual Enter line Here are some questions about assets [you/NAME] may ( [ ]-D [ ]-R )  END investments? 2007? or Joint? # have owned during 2007. First, retirement accounts -- At any time in 2007 did [you/NAME] own… An Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or a Keogh K1 Y N Account? Owned in Individual or Enter line Special Assets K2 A 401(k), 403(b), or thrift plan? Y N 2007? Joint? # Next are assets that can be owned individually or co-owned with someone else. At any time K11 Did [you/NAME] own any municipal or corporate bonds? Y N I J in 200 7 did [you/NAME] own any… K12 U.S. Government securities? K3 U.S. Government savings bonds? Y N I J Y N I J K13 How about mortgages that provide payments? Y N I J K14 Any rental property? K4 interest-earning checking accounts? Y N I J Y N I J K5 any savings accounts? Y N I J K15 Royalties? Y N I J money market deposit accounts, or money market K6 Y N I J K16 or any other financial investments? Y N I J funds? K7 How about certificates of deposit, or CDs ? Y N I J FOR EACH OWNED ASSET ASK: Did [you/NAME] own [asset] individually, or was it jointly with someone else? K8 Any mutual funds (apart from retirement accounts)? Y N I J CIRCLE “I” OR “J” K9 Or stocks (apart from retirement accounts)? Y N I J IF JOINT ASK: Who were the other owners? ENTER LINE #‟s OF ALL CO -OWNERS CHECK POINT: ARE ANY BOXES CIRCLED „Y‟ IN K4 - K9? [USE “99” FOR NON -HH CO-OWNERS] IF YES  ASK K11 – K16 IF NO  ASK K10 100


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