Care Council of Nassau,lnc. @" 'tvery Doy Caunts in the Lile of 0 Child' Language, Communication and Literacy: Let's dig into Early Learning Standardsl July 16,2018 Long lsland Speech-Language-Hearing Association Introduction o Welcomel tr About Child CareCouncil of Nassau Child Care Council ofNcsuu, founded in 1972, is a private, noFfor-profit orlaniation located in Franklin Square, NY. It works directly with paients, employers, child care professionals, comunity members and irolicy mkirs io promote affoidable, quality child carc and early educalion. The Council orovides child care counseling and rcfetlals lo families, orofessional ilevclopment and leclnical asiislance to active and potential ihild care orofessio-nals and consultine services to emplovers. The oroanizatidn serves as on informtiona-l resource and 6ublic voice for child caie issues facing Nassau's divetse commnities. Goals for the Day Participants will: (l) Gain an understanding ofwhere and how Language, Comrnunication and Literacy are articulated irl Early Learning Standards (z) Examine alignrnent between NYS Early Leaming Standards for Language and Literacy; and 1ry Explore strategies to promote development and learning in language, comurunication and literacy of young children. 1
Agenda Back to Back Communication "Serye and Return" Interaction 2
Introduction to the NYS English Language Arts Common Core Standards "The Standards rlefine \hal all students are expected lo knorv snd be able lo do, nol hos reachers should leach, For inslsnce, lhe use ofplsy rvilh young childrcn is not specilied lry lhe Shndards, but it is rvelcome as a valualtle activit] in ils orvn right and as a ryay (o hclp s(ndents meet the exnectations in this docuillent. Furlhermore, rrhile the Standards make refer€nces to some particular lbrrns of conlcnl. including mJlhology, fotrndalional U.S. docuilrcnts, And Shakespeare, lhey do nol -indeed, cantrot-enumerate all or elcn most oI lhe contenl rhal srudenls shotrld learn. The Slandards mnst rherclbre be complemented by a $ell-deleloped, contenl-rich curriculunr consisrcnt siih the erp€clalions laid oul in lhis docnmenl," NYS Early Learning Standards NcvYork Sratc Early I*amlng Allgnment Croerwalk 6' @ ';i.;.e.; ,t'gii- rc, :S dtutu'{;; i -ar..,5**-r.atd#d d6n-{r4htud .r *-d@qE- : : 3
Stakeholders S* rir.t.xtiltn ; 7V1y /.lone li loon Language, Communication, and Literacy 1'he ability to convey feeling or thought by speaking, gesturing, orwriting so that it is clearly understood by others; and also to interpret what others are communicating orally, with gestures, or in writing. English [-anguage Developntent is the development of receptive and expressive English language skills for children who speak a language other than English at home. Digging in! 4
Developmentally Appropriate Practice An approach to teaching grounded in the research on how young children develop and learn and what is known about effective early education. lt's framework is designed to promote young children's optimal leaming and development. DAP involves teachers meeting young children where they are (by stage ofdevelopment), both as individuals and as part of a group; and helping meet challenging and achievable leaming goals. Source: NAEYC Communication o C A R: Simple strategies for getting a conversation going around children's interests. r Comment and wait-Make a comment on what a child is doing and wait for the child to respond. r Ask a question and wait-Ask a question that relates to what a child is doing and wait, providing time for the child to think and respond. r Respond by adding a little more-Follow up the child's response by providing a little more complexity to the child's language, allowing the child to hear a language model just above the child's cunent level. $nrccr lilnsr'/Nlt .ohs.{cltrlF.pvAsLr'm-sy$cn/le'chrF/dsVqrSt!inS<oilNFlionierdEr- Language Vignette I Vignette 2 T: MDt dD)otr cq'kirg? c: Eg8s. T: What are you making? T: Oh, I lo\t .!!sl M.l hsrcdicnN oro )N Soire lo n*? C: Eggs. 'I: Lcl s $i. I nD& +8s.n siln&I s! ifN cxn fiild s!n. o' ilr. trur(licnr rlil I ssl. t lllilrs our rPtrr T: They look delicious. aDd 'rilk)- ll.r.. I trg\l tstF. FFhy. rnil milk. \UDl aN enrc olh.r ir8^\itutrI$ lhrl $! L!il ldd tr lle c!!x? May I have some? Cr My D.nnty pnN h 8rc.n Fptss itrdch*-$ 'I: (ncnl iL'il Nos. troN ilt'utl {. cNk ilrcnt? C: Okay! c: \\t coutl {i llon.trdilro ptrl drtil) in r Fr. 't: X $nn* lik. !N't &{iibirB sriilbl.d .8Cs. Yo! sn ilnan $trih ilrcy r. qrkil!. \\b.ill lhrl $rurnblir8. )hn kDo$ oilr$.hi[h.n nrph $iln Fur EtiF. W,] don l I etr r biC pbt olF,Fr itril $c.nD \rilc (nND lhc 5
Literacy Th- 9?€-! ot e6-' Wr,ra€ ,Wl TWt .';.i;:::*,...,".-"..*. x.;g-.:?..9'lt"._.__ l:j,\'lrri5ir I i#n' I Literacy The Stoges ofReading Dcvelopilteilt is l continuum that explains how students progress as rraders. These stages are based on the students'experieDce and not their age or grade level. Knowing these stages is helpful when developing malerials for specific types of readers. o Enrergent rcaders need enriching and errjoyable experiences with books, especially picture books. tr Early readers are able to use several strategies to predict a word, often usiDg picnnes to cotfirm predictions. D Transitional rea(lcrs offen like to read books in a series as a comprehension slrategy; the sharcd chal"cters, sefiings, aDd evenls suppoil their.reading developmenl. o Fluent readers are confident in their understandings oftext and how texl rvorks, and they are readirrg independently. Sourcc: h(pJAysw.rcrdi0grft{tc!tlopmcnt Reflections o Where and how are Language, Communication and Literacy articulated in Early Learning Standards? o How should Standards be irlplemented in Early Childhood? a What strategy will you use tomorrow to prolnote developrnent and learning in language, communication and literacy of young children? 6
Resources o National Association for the Education ofYoung Children - yrdlIjigyqlrl o National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching and Learning - https://eclkc.ohs.acihhs.cov/hslc/tta-svster/leachinq o NYS Early Learning Alignment Crosswalk & NYS Early Learning Guidelines - htlps://wwwnlvorksforchildrcn.orq/KnowledqeSkills.asDx o NYS Oliice of Early Leaming - http://wrvrv.ol2.nysed.sov/earlylearninq/ o RethinkingSchools-wwwrclhinkintschools.oll o Center for Early Literacy Leaming - http://www.earlvliteracyleatnine oru/ o Reading Rockets - htlp://www.readingrockets.ord D Reading is Fundamental - b!!!!Z!! lJitgld o Sight words Ar€ So 2016: New Sludy Finds the Real Key to Early Literacy - I 6-new-studv- fi nds-the+eal-kevlo-early- literacy/ Care Council of Nassau,Inc, @" 'Every \ay Counts in the Lile of a Child' Joy Connolly, Director of Education Program Seruices icg!!9lr@cIlldcarel3sszu"els Phone: 516-358-9250 x30 7
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