Tuesday: Yvonne Fisher Session 4: The New Has Come 1.How has The New Life Come? (2 Cor.5:4-5; 17-19) a) The old way of living is behind us, forgiven and has been swallowed up by the New (v. 4) b) The New Way of Living has come into existence through the indwelling, life giving Spirit of God.(v. 17) c) The New Life is from God, through Christ to reconcile us to Himself and He, in turn has given us the ministry of reconciliation. ( v. 18) 2.What Difference does the New Life make to our relationships? (2 Cor. 6:14-16e;1 Cor. 15:33; 1 Cor. 3:16) 3. What are The Promises of the New that has come? (2 Cor. 6:16-18) a) I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God and they will be my people. (v. 16) b) I will receive you. (v.17) c) I will be a Father to you. (v. 18)
Wednesday: Nancy Powers Session 4: The New Has Come We don’t want to be tied in such a way where another person’s direction in life holds power over God’s calling in our life. The promises of God give us perspective. 1. God will dwell with us. (2 Cor. 6:16, Lev. 26:11-13) 2. God will receive us. (2 Cor. 6:17, Is. 52:11) We cannot bear both the sacred and sacreligious at the same time. The God who freed you has given you something very sacred to carry in this life.
3. He will be a Father to us. (2 Cor. 6:18) The enemy will wage resistance against us walking in holiness and freedom. We need discernment.
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