trends from 21 years of lake sturgeon assessments in the

Trends from 21 Years of Lake Sturgeon Assessments in the St. Clair - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Trends from 21 Years of Lake Sturgeon Assessments in the St. Clair System Andrew S. Briggs, Jan-Michael Hessenauer, Brad Utrup, and Michael V. Thomas Pre-1996 Little known about Lake Sturgeon Populations in the SCDRS Recreational

  1. Trends from 21 Years of Lake Sturgeon Assessments in the St. Clair System Andrew S. Briggs, Jan-Michael Hessenauer, Brad Utrup, and Michael V. Thomas

  2. Pre-1996 • Little known about Lake Sturgeon Populations in the SCDRS • Recreational fishery was present but unmonitored • No targeted assessments • Statewide Rehabilitation Plan in development – Information gaps identified

  3. MDNR Lake Sturgeon Study • Began in 1996 • Purpose: – Annually document status and dynamics – Aid in conservation and sound management

  4. Primary Survey Techniques Setlines Trawling

  5. Primary Survey Techniques

  6. Data Collection • Length, weight, and girth • Sex and maturity • Fin ray for aging (TL < 1,016 mm) • Lamprey scars • Abnormalities • Tag (PIT and Monel)

  7. Recreational Fishery Monitoring • Regulations – Fishing season July 16 to Nov. 30; possession season July 16 to Sept. 30 – 1 fish per year; 1,067 to 1,270 mm harvest slot limit – Harvested fish must be registered (online or toll free phone-in) • Sturgeon patch

  8. Outline • General catch info • Tag retention • Catch trends – Overall catch rates – Size distribution – Juvenile catch rates • Trends in recreational fishery – Fishing effort – Harvest • Future plans

  9. General Catch Info • 3,219 total tagged Lake Sturgeon • 244 – 1,887 mm TL • Targeted catch – Setlines: 2,481 – Sturgeon trawls: 934 • 727 recaptures of 481 unique Lake Sturgeon (14.9%)

  10. Length Frequency

  11. Tag Retention • Our tagging methods – Monel tagging since 1996 • Base of dorsal fin • >762 mm: 2006 - 2009 • >914 or 965 mm: 2010 - 2014 • >1,016 mm: 2015 - present – PIT tagging since 2001 • Under dorsal scute • Analysis of retention only includes fish originally tagged from 2001 – present • Tag was assumed lost during the year the fish was recaptured without the tag

  12. Monel Tag Retention Years at Large Total Tags Tags Retained Retention Rate 1 178 174 97.8% 2 142 142 100.0% 3 114 113 99.1% 4 89 86 96.6% 5 65 62 95.4% 6 50 49 98.0% 7 39 39 100.0% 8 35 34 97.1% 9 25 22 88.0% 10 19 17 89.5% 11 12 12 100.0% 12 5 4 80.0% 13 3 2 66.7% 14 1 1 100.0% 15 1 1 100.0%

  13. PIT Tag Retention Years at Large Total Tags Tags Retained Retention Rate 1 176 176 100.0% 2 142 142 100.0% 3 117 117 100.0% 4 91 91 100.0% 5 67 67 100.0% 6 54 54 100.0% 7 44 44 100.0% 8 38 38 100.0% 9 28 28 100.0% 10 23 23 100.0% 11 15 15 100.0% 12 5 5 100.0% 13 3 3 100.0% 14 2 2 100.0% 15 2 1 50.0%

  14. Catch Rates

  15. Trawl Catch Rate and Secchi Depth

  16. Trawl Catch Rate vs. Secchi Depth

  17. Setline Size Distribution Trends 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 TL (mm) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015

  18. Setline Size Distribution Trends

  19. Trawl Size Distribution Trends 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 TL (mm) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015

  20. Trawl Size Distribution Trends

  21. Recreational Fishery • 206 angler recaptures through 2017 • 109 Lake Sturgeon harvested since 1999 (5.7/year) • Anecdotal evidence of increased fishing pressure (Sturgeon for Tomorrow) – More anglers on a given night – More Charters targeting Lake Sturgeon • Data?

  22. Angler Recapture Rate

  23. Angler Harvest • 50 harvestable, tagged sturgeon have been caught with 8 being harvested (16%)

  24. Summary • PIT and Monel tag retention high – PIT higher (nearly 100%) – Issues with Monel tags at smaller sizes • Setline catch is steady, while trawl catch has declined • More juveniles being caught on setlines recently • Predominantly adults being caught in trawls • Increasing angler effort

  25. Future Plans “Keep on keepin ’ on!” • Continue setline and trawl surveys • Be adaptive • Continue collaborative spirit …and more!!

  26. Questions Andrew S. Briggs @FishBio_Briggs


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