trees and water exploring future scenarios trees and

Trees and Water: Exploring Future Scenarios Trees and Water: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Trees and Water: Exploring Future Scenarios Trees and Water: Exploring Future Scenarios for the San Jose Watershed under Climate Change Change H A R R Y N E LS O N U N I VE R S I T Y O F BR I T I S H CO L U M BI A U N I VE R S I T Y O F BR

  1. Trees and Water: Exploring Future Scenarios Trees and Water: Exploring Future Scenarios for the San Jose Watershed under Climate Change Change H A R R Y N E LS O N U N I VE R S I T Y O F BR I T I S H CO L U M BI A U N I VE R S I T Y O F BR I T I S H CO L U M BI A A D V I S O R Y G R O U P P R E S E N T A T I O N W I L L I A M S L A K E , U B C n1 2 3 M A R C H , 2 0 12 RAC San Jose Watershed Harry Nelson 23 March, 2012

  2. Slide 1 n1 need to update n.hotte, 22/02/2012

  3. Introduction  NRCan Regional Adaptation Collaborative (RAC)  British Columbia RAC (BC RAC) Program Preparing for Climate Program, Preparing for Climate Change: Securing B.C.’s Water Future  One of 21 projects across the province Photo credit: Cathy Koot (2010) Photo credit: Cathy Koot (2010) RAC San Jose Watershed Harry Nelson 23 March, 2012

  4. Advancing Adaptation g p  Recognize that we’ve always been adapting  Difference in that we are  Difference in that we are anticipating possible futures and being proactive  In order to do this we need to understand local impacts  We can utilize what we do We can utilize what we do know to do this RAC San Jose Watershed Harry Nelson 23 March, 2012

  5. Issues affecting the Watershed g Three interacting phenomena are occurring that will have cumulative impacts on forest resources and the water supply: Mountain pine beetle 1. Change in fire regim es 2. Clim ate change 3. RAC San Jose Watershed Harry Nelson 23 March, 2012

  6. Project Goals  Project climate change impacts on services and values j g p from forest resources.  Evaluate potential effects of forest management strategies at the watershed level and how they could address water concerns.  Facilitate discussions among decision makers re: watershed values, vulnerabilities, and management options. i  Support planning within a long-term sustainability strategy. t t RAC San Jose Watershed Harry Nelson 23 March, 2012

  7. Future Clim ate Scenarios How do these projections translate into forest and water im pacts? water im pacts? 30% Tem perature 7.0 in Seasonal 20% itation (%) 6.0 Changes in 10% 5.0 temperature and 0% 4.0 º C) precipitation p p 2020s 2020s 2020s Change in T -10% 10% (º Change i Precipi 3.0 under low 2050s 2050s -20% 2.0 climate change. 2080s 2080s -30% 1.0 -40% 0.0 7.0 30% perature Seasonal 20% 6.0 ion (%) Changes in 10% 5.0 temperature and p Change in Tem p 0% 0% 4 0 4.0 Change in S Precipitati precipitation (º C) 2020s 2020s 3.0 -10% under high 2050s 2050s -20% 2.0 climate change. 2080s -30% 1.0 2080s -40% 0.0 RAC San Jose Watershed

  8. The Role of Modelling  It allows us to “fast forward” through time and g simulate under different scenarios future outcomes 2050 2009 Modelling suite A.K.A. Our “tim e m achine” RAC San Jose Watershed Harry Nelson 20 March, 2012

  9. Workshop Goals  Report out on results p  Discuss implications  Identify next steps y p RAC San Jose Watershed Harry Nelson 23 March, 2012

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