trec 2006 video retrieval evaluation

TREC 2006 Video Retrieval Evaluation Introductions Paul Over* - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

TREC 2006 Video Retrieval Evaluation Introductions Paul Over* Wessel Kraaij (TNO ICT) Tzveta Ianeva* Alan Smeaton (DCU) Lori Buckland* * Retrieval Group Information Access Division Information Technology Laboratory NIST Goals

  1. TREC 2006 Video Retrieval Evaluation Introductions Paul Over* Wessel Kraaij (TNO ICT) Tzveta Ianeva* Alan Smeaton (DCU) Lori Buckland* * Retrieval Group Information Access Division Information Technology Laboratory NIST

  2. Goals  Promote progress in content-based retrieval from large amounts of digital video –  combine multiple errorful sources of evidence  achieve greater effectiveness, speed, usability  Model an analyst interested in finding video of certain people, things, places, events, and combinations thereof  work on what video is “of” rather than what it is “about”  similar to needs of commercial video producers searching an archive for video to reuse rather than reshoot 13. Nov 2006 TRECVID 2006 2

  3. Goals  Focus on relatively high-level functionality – near that of an end-user application like interactive search  Confront systems with unfiltered data and realistic queries  Measure against human abilities  Supplement with focus on supporting automatic components  Automatic search, High-level feature detection  Shot boundary determination  Integrate and profit from advances in low-level functionality, more narrowly tested  face recognition, text extraction, object recognition, etc 13. Nov 2006 TRECVID 2006 3

  4. Goals  Answer some questions:  How can systems achieve such retrieval (in collaboration with a human)?  usefulness of generic features  which features most useful?  how/when to combine?  human & system collaboration  who does what?  what is the optimal interface?  How can one reliably benchmark such systems? 13. Nov 2006 TRECVID 2006 4

  5. Evolution: data, tasks, participants,... 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 180 Data: Hours of 160 development English, English, 140 data Chinese, Chinese, 120 Hours of test Arabic Arabic data 100 ABC, TV TV 80 CNN, news news 60 ABC, Prelinger C-Span 40 CNN archive 20 NIST 0 Shot boundaries Shots Shots Shots Shots Shots Search Search Search Search Search Search Tasks: Features Features Features Features Features Stories Stories BBC rushes BBC rushes Camera motion 70 Participants: Applied 60 Finished 50 40 30 20 10 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Peer-reviewed 10 17 46 39 17 (so far) papers: 13. Nov 2006 TRECVID 2006 5

  6. Evolution… 2006  Data:  159 hrs (Nov/Dec.’05 news in Arabic, Chinese, and English)  50 hrs of BBC rushes  3 evaluated tasks (on news data)  Shot boundary determination  High-level feature extraction (39 submitted, 20 evaluated)  Search (automatic, manually-assisted, interactive)  Base scenario: an English-only searcher looking for video in Arabic, Chinese, and/or English  1 exploratory task (on BBC rushes)  Identify and remove redundancy  Organize/present according to useful features  Devise a practical, informative evaluation scheme 13. Nov 2006 TRECVID 2006 6

  7. More about the 2006 data: News (Some test data programs not represented in the training data) TR TRECV CVID- D-use se L Lang ng P Prog ogram am Hou ours tv tv5 t tv6 6 En Eng NBC BC N NIGH GHTLY LYNEW EWS 9 9.0 English tv tv5 t tv6 6 En Eng CNN NN L LIVE VEFRO ROM 14 14.5 tv6 6 En Eng CNN NN C COOP OPER R 8 8.3 tv6 6 En Eng MSN SN N NEWS WSLIV IVE 14 14.5 5 Arabic -- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 4 46.3 .3 tv tv5 tv tv6 Chi hi C CCTV TV4 DA DAILY LY_NE NEWS S 9. 9.2 Chinese tv6 tv Chi hi P PHOE OENIX IX GO GOODM DMORN RNCN N 7. 7.5 tv6 tv Chi hi N NTDT DTV EC ECONF NFRNT NT 7. 7.8 tv6 tv Chi hi N NTDT DTV FO FOCUS USINT NT 5. 5.2 More Arabic than -- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 2 29.7 .7 in 2005 tv5 tv tv tv6 Ara ra L LBC C LB LBCNA NAHAR AR 35. 5.3 tv tv5 tv tv6 Ara ra L LBC C LB LBCNE NEWS 39. 9.5 tv6 tv Ara ra A ALH H HU HURRA RA_NE NEWS S 7. 7.8 -- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 8 82.6 .6 -- ----- -- 15 158.6 .6 ho hours rs 13. Nov 2006 TRECVID 2006 7

  8. More about the data: additional resources  BBN: ASR/MT (GALE system) on Chinese and Arabic  University of Amsterdam: MediaMill challenge data  Columbia U./CMU/IBM - LCSOM: 449 features 13. Nov 2006 TRECVID 2006 8

  9. More about the data: BBC rushes  50 hours of “French Experience” video; unedited.  Some characteristics:  Mostly just natural sound (including crew noise)  Sometimes with an on-screen host  Lots of redundancy  very loooong shots (e.g.,... sun rising over several minutes)  multiple takes of actor/participant trying to get lines right  more interviews than in 2005  Potential gold mine for reuse after the original production is complete, BUT inaccessible.  Question: What sorts of things, large or small, can software do to help a searcher, unfamiliar with the material, efficiently find out what is there? 13. Nov 2006 TRECVID 2006 9

  10. Evaluated tasks: 54 finishers Acce centu ture e Tec echno nolog ogy L Labs bs USA SA -- - -- - -- - RU AIIA IA La Labor orato tory Gree eece e S SB - -- - -- - -- AT&T &T La Labs s - R Rese searc rch USA A S SB - -- S SE R RU Beij ijing ng Ji Jiaot otong ng U. U. Chin ina - -- - -- S SE - -- Bilk lkent nt U. U. Turk rkey y - -- F FE S SE - -- Carn rnegi gie M Mell llon n U. . USA A - -- F FE S SE - -- Chin inese se Ac Acade demy y of f Sci cienc nces s (CA CAS/M /MCG) G) Chin ina - -- - -- - -- R RU Chin inese se Ac Acade demy y of f Sci cienc nces s (CA CAS/J /JDL) L) Chin ina S SB - -- - -- - -- Chin inese se U. U. of of Ho Hong g Kon ong Chin ina S SB - -- S SE - -- City ty Un Unive versi sity y of f Hon ong K Kong ng (C (City tyUHK HK) Chin ina S SB F FE S SE - -- CLIP IPS-I -IMAG AG Fran ance e S SB F FE S SE - -- Colu lumbi bia U U. USA A - -- F FE S SE - -- COST ST292 92 (w (www. w.cos ost29 292.o .org) g) *** ** SB B FE E SE E RU Curt rtin n U. . of f Tec echno nolog ogy Aus ustra ralia ia SB B -- - -- - RU U DFKI KI Gm GmbH H Ger erman any -- - -- - -- - RU Doku kuz E Eylu lul U U. Tur urkey ey SB B -- - -- - -- Dubl blin n Cit ity U U. Irel eland nd - -- - -- S SE R RU Flor orida da In Inter ernat ation onal l U. USA A S SB - -- - -- - -- Fuda dan U U. Chi hina a -- - FE E SE E -- 13. Nov 2006 TRECVID 2006 10

  11. 2006: Extended teams  COST292  LABRI, Bordeaux  Delft University of Technology, Netherlands  Bilkent University  Dublin City University  National Technical University of Athens  Queen Mary, University of London  ITI, Thessaloniki, Greece  University of Belgrade  University of Zilina  University of Bristol 13. Nov 2006 TRECVID 2006 11

  12. Evaluated tasks: 54 finishers (cont.) FX Palo Alto Laboratory Inc USA SB FE SE -- Helsinki U. of Technology Finland SB FE SE -- Huazhong U. of Science and Technology China SB -- -- -- IBM T. J. Watson Research Center USA -- FE SE RU Imperial College London / Johns Hopkins U. UK/USA -- FE SE -- Indian Institute of Technology at Bombay India SB -- -- -- NUS / I2R Singapore -- FE SE -- IIT / NCSR Demokritos Greece SB -- -- -- Institut EURECOM France -- FE -- RU Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft Austria -- -- -- RU KDDI/Tokushima U./Tokyo U. of Technology Japan SB FE -- -- Kspace ( *** -- FE SE – Laboratory ETIS Greece SB -- -- -- LIP6 - Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6 France -- FE -- -- Mediamill / U. of Amsterdam the Netherlands -- FE SE -- Microsoft Research Asia China -- FE -- -- Motorola Multimedia Research Laboratory USA SB -- -- -- National Taiwan U. Taiwan -- FE -- -- 13. Nov 2006 TRECVID 2006 12

  13. 2006: Extended teams  K-SPACE  Queen Mary University of London  Koblenz University  Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH  Informatics and Telematics Institute  Dublin City University  Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica  Groupe des Ecoles des Telecommunications  Institut National de l'Audiovisuel  Institut Eurecom  University of Glasgow  German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI/LT)  Technische University Berlin  Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne  University of Economics, Prague 13. Nov 2006 TRECVID 2006 13


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