transportation update background information

Transportation Update BACKGROUND INFORMATION Attachment B to - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transportation Update BACKGROUND INFORMATION Attachment B to Supts. Memo No. 047-10 March 2, 2010: The House budget extends the school bus replacement cycle from 12 years to 15 years, as recognized in the pupil transportation support costs

  1. Transportation Update

  2. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Attachment B to Supts. Memo No. 047-10 March 2, 2010: The House budget extends the school bus replacement cycle from 12 years to 15 years, as recognized in the pupil transportation support costs calculation in the SOQ. This results in a state savings of approximately $9.7 million in fiscal year 2011 and fiscal year 2012. 2

  3. Miles Travelled per Last State Report (October 2018) ▪ Mainstream: 1,473,182 at $3.56 per mile ▪ Special Needs: 1,007,595 at $4.39 per mile Why the difference in the mile per rate? ▪ Special Needs buses typically have a driver and an attendant on board. ▪ Special Needs runs typically have fewer students per bus which translates into a higher per mile rate*. * calculations based on a formula used by the DOE on the annual State Report, factoring in tires, fuel, maintenance, salaries and other operational expenses. 3

  4. Bus Body Styles Type D Type C 4

  5. MFSAB Type A 5

  6. Buses by Type 3 Type A Buses 5 Activity Buses 64-Passenger Buses 15 171 77-Passenger Buses 66 Special Needs Buses 6

  7. Average Mileage of Vehicle Utilization 180,000 160,180 160,000 141,398 140,000 117,285 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 Mainstream Special Needs Activity 7

  8. Average Age of Vehicles per Utilization 9.5 8.52 9 8.5 7.5 8 7.2 7.5 7 6.5 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Mainstream Special Needs Activity 8

  9. Age of Vehicles per Utilization 35 32 30 28 25 Mainstream Special Needs 20 18 Activity 16 15 14 15 13 11 11 10 10 8 8 8 8 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 5 3 3 2 2 2 2 0 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 9

  10. Vehicles reaching End of Life Span Based on the In-Service Date - not model year: 6 SN buses will reach 15 years some time during this school year ▪ ▪ 23 MS buses will reach 16 years some time during this school year ▪ 28 more buses will reach 15 years of age in 2021 10

  11. Four Year Purchase History 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 23 Mainstream 22 Mainstream 6 Mainstream 1 Mainstream 5 Special Needs 3 Special Needs 3 Special Needs 11 Special Needs 11

  12. Number of Buses per Category 12

  13. Types of Spare Buses Type D 3 Type C 77 PAX 8 15 Type C 64 PAX Type C HS Spares 12 13

  14. Fuel Report SY 2018-2019 ▪ Used: 512,300.959 gallons of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel ▪ Cost: $1,030,000 14

  15. Daily Operations 15

  16. Routing Challenges 1. Routes are re-evaluated and re-created every year depending on the enrollment data. (There is a misconception that there are established routes from year to year). 2. Late Enrollment Data received after Schools’ Open Houses Especially after Elementary School Open Houses we are receiving a flood of - late enrollment data/transportation requests - bus stop change requests 3. Transportation requests for students of teachers between students school and parents work place. 16

  17. First Day of School Challenges 1. A motorist hit a telephone pole on 610 in Stafford, which caused a telephone outage in several schools in the division and the Stafford School Board Office, affecting our phone server. 2. Transportation Services lost all “Call-Center “ functions. Calls to the main phone line could only be handled by the receptionist. We had extra help in the office to answer phone calls and could not utilize them. 3. By mid morning our outside phone service technicians were able to reinstate the call center. However, we lost voice mail. 4. Versatrans Onscreen went down from approx. 04:00 PM - 04:30 PM. As a result, our Call- Center staff was unable to provide updates on bus locations relative to the route and estimate arrival times at the students stops. 5. We were short 5 drivers which resulted in 15 uncovered runs. 17

  18. Transportation Staff Recruitment, Training, Retention 18

  19. Training ▪ 66 drivers started class in SY 18/19. 42 drivers are still with us (some could not pass the physical or background check, had multiple accidents or left for better pay) ▪ Approx. 40 drivers trained in SY 17/18. ▪ Approx. 20 drivers trained in SY 16/17. 19

  20. Retention 16 Drivers and Monitors did not return for the new school year which reflects a turnover rate of between 5 and 6%. 20

  21. Retention Challenges ▪ Drivers leave for employment with neighboring school districts paying a higher rate. SCPS (starting rate): $ 15.76 Prince William: $ 18.57 Spotsylvania: $ 17.21 Fauquier: $ 16.98 21

  22. Retention Challenges (continued) ▪ Once a month pay versus every two weeks ▪ Trainees go weeks before receiving their first paycheck ▪ Contracting difficulties (cut-off dates) 22

  23. Current Bus Personnel Status Actual Needed Shortage Bus Drivers 201 FTE’s 214.43 FTE’s 13.43 FTE’s Bus Monitors 65.15 FTE’s 0 0 23

  24. Recruitment Measures 1. Recruitment flyers distributed at: ▪ all Elementary Schools ▪ businesses throughout Stafford County ▪ Trunk-or-Treat Event ▪ National-Night-Out Event 2. Radio Ad in summer of 2018 3. Newspaper Ads 4. Electronic Message Boards 5. Banners on Bus (Drew Middle, Landfill, Anne Moncure) 24

  25. Contact Transportation Ways to contact us • Find students assigned bus stop • Receive updated bus arrival times • 25

  26. My Stop App Transportation Services is offering parents and guardians the ability to track their student’s bus from a computer or mobile device, getting real-time information and updated arrival times while the bus is in route. 26 26

  27. Issue Registry Web Form For assistance with bus stop information, changes to existing bus assignments and routes, or any other school bus related issues, please visit our new Issue Registry. This registry lets us track the status of the submitted issue, time elapsed until resolved, history of submitted data, to include bus number, bus driver and location. As of 03:40 PM today, 382 issues were registered since routes were released on August 5th. 27

  28. Questions? Barry Sudduth, MPA, CDPT, CSNT Exec. Director of Fleet & Transportation Services 28

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