transmission eigenvalues in inverse scattering theory

Transmission Eigenvalues in Inverse Scattering Theory Fioralba - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

TE and Scattering Theory Isotropic Media Anisotropic Media Open Problems Transmission Eigenvalues in Inverse Scattering Theory Fioralba Cakoni Department of Mathematical Sciences University of Delaware Newark, DE 19716, USA email:

  1. TE and Scattering Theory Isotropic Media Anisotropic Media Open Problems Transmission Eigenvalues in Inverse Scattering Theory Fioralba Cakoni Department of Mathematical Sciences University of Delaware Newark, DE 19716, USA email: Research supported by a grant from AFOSR and NSF

  2. TE and Scattering Theory Isotropic Media Anisotropic Media Open Problems Scattering by an Inhomogeneous Media ∆ u s + k 2 u s = 0 in R m \ D i u ∇ · A ∇ u + k 2 nu = 0 in D D u = u s + u i in ∂ D ν · A ∇ u = ν · ∇ ( u s + u i ) in ∂ D u s � ∂ u s � m − 1 ∂ r − iku s = 0 r →∞ r lim 2 A , n represent the inhomogeneuos media, here meant in a general sense. Question: Is there an incident wave u i that does not scatter? The answer to this question leads to the transmission eigenvalue problem.

  3. TE and Scattering Theory Isotropic Media Anisotropic Media Open Problems Transmission Eigenvalues If there exists a nontrivial solution to the homogeneous interior transmission problem ∆ v + k 2 v = 0 in D ∇ · A ∇ w + k 2 nw = 0 in D w = v on ∂ D ν · A ∇ w = ν · ∇ v on ∂ D such that v can be extended outside D as a solution to the Helmholtz equation ˜ v , then the scattered field due to ˜ v as incident wave is identically zero. Values of k for which this problem has non trivial solution are referred to as transmission eigenvalues.

  4. TE and Scattering Theory Isotropic Media Anisotropic Media Open Problems Transmission Eigenvalues In general such an extension of v does not exits! Since superposition of plane waves so-called Herglotz wave functions � e ikx · d g ( d ) ds ( d ) , v g ( x ) := Ω := { d : | d | = 1 } Ω or superposition of point sources � Λ is a surface in R m \ D S ϕ ( x ) := ϕ ( y )Φ( x , y ) ds y , Λ where Φ( x , y ) is the fundamental solution of the Helmholtz equation, v ∈ H ( D ) : ∆ v + k 2 v = 0 � � are dense in in D , at a transmission eigenvalue there is an incident field that produces arbitrarily small scattered field (here H ( D ) is either L 2 ( D ) or H 1 ( D ) ).

  5. TE and Scattering Theory Isotropic Media Anisotropic Media Open Problems Motivation Two important issues: Real transmission eigenvalues can be determined from the scattering data. Transmission eigenvalues carry information about material properties. Therefore, transmission eigenvalues can be used to quantify the presence of abnormalities inside homogeneous media and use this information to test the integrity of materials. How are real transmission eigenvalues seen in the scattering data?

  6. TE and Scattering Theory Isotropic Media Anisotropic Media Open Problems Measurements Since transmission eigenvalues correspond to "non scattering" frequencies, at a transmission eigenvalue the (modified) measurement operator fails to be injective. Exploring this, gives a way to see transmission eigenvalues in the scattering data. To fix our ideas consider the far field operator F : L 2 (Ω) → L 2 (Ω) � � � ik ( Fg )(ˆ u ∞ (ˆ e − i π/ 4 F x ) := x , d , k ) g ( d ) ds ( d ) , S = I + √ 2 π k Ω where u ∞ (ˆ x , d , k ) is the far field of the scattered field u s ( x , d , k ) due to a plane wave u i ( x ) = e ikx · d , for ˆ x , d ∈ Ω , and k ∈ [ k 0 , k 1 ] and the far field equation g ∈ L 2 (Ω) ( Fg )(ˆ x ) = Φ ∞ (ˆ x , z , k ) ,

  7. TE and Scattering Theory Isotropic Media Anisotropic Media Open Problems Computation of Real TE Assume that z ∈ D and δ > 0 is the measurement noise level. Let g z ,δ, k be the Tikhonov regularized solution of the far field equation, i.e the unique minimizer � F δ g − Φ ∞ ( · , z ) � 2 L 2 (Ω) + ǫ ( δ ) � g � 2 L 2 (Ω) , ǫ ( δ ) → 0 as δ → 0 If k is not a transmission eigenvalue then δ → 0 � v g z ,δ, k � H ( D ) lim exists . Arens, Inv. Probs. (2004) , Arens-Lechleiter, Int. Eqn. Appl. (2009) If k is a transmission eigenvalue then δ → 0 � v g z ,δ, k � H ( D ) = ∞ . lim Cakoni-Colton-Haddar, Comp. Rend. Math. 2010

  8. TE and Scattering Theory Isotropic Media Anisotropic Media Open Problems Computation of Real TE 30 15 Average norm of the Herglotz kernels 25 Norm of the Herglotz kernel 20 10 15 10 5 5 0 0 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 Wave number k Wave number k A composite plot of � g zi � L 2 (Ω) The average of � g zi � L 2 (Ω) against k for 25 random points z i ∈ D over all choices of z i ∈ D . Computation of the transmission eigenvalues from the far field equation for the unit square D .

  9. TE and Scattering Theory Isotropic Media Anisotropic Media Open Problems Historical Overview The transmission eigenvalue problem in scattering theory was introduced by Kirsch (1986) and Colton-Monk (1988) Research was focused on the discreteness of transmission eigenvalues for variety of scattering problems: Colton-Kirsch-Päivärinta (1989) – many more ..... In the above work, it is always assumed that either n − 1 > 0 or 1 − n > 0 in D (may be zero at the boundary ∂ D ). The first proof of existence of at least one transmission eigenvalues for large enough contrast is due to Päivärinta-Sylvester (2009) . The existence of an infinite set of transmission eigenvalues is proven by Cakoni-Gintides-Haddar (2010) under only assumption that either n − 1 > 0 or 1 − n > 0. The existence has been extended to other scattering problems by Kirsch (2009) , Cakoni-Haddar (2010) Cakoni-Kirsch (2010) , Bellis-Cakoni-Guzina (2011) , Cossonniere (Ph.D. thesis) etc.

  10. TE and Scattering Theory Isotropic Media Anisotropic Media Open Problems Historical Overview, cont. Cakoni-Colton-Haddar (2010) and Cossonniere-Haddar (2011) have studied the case when inside media there are subregions with the same material properties as the background. Hitrik-Krupchyk-Ola-Päivärinta (2010) , in a series of papers have extended the transmission eigenvalue problem to a more general class of differential operators with constant coefficients. Finch has connected the discreteness of the transmission spectrum to a uniqueness question in thermo-acoustic imaging for which n − 1 can change sign. Sylvester (2012) has shown that the set of transmission eigenvalues is at most discrete if A = I and n − 1 is positive (or negative) only in a neighborhood of ∂ D but otherwise could change sign inside D . A similar result is obtained by Bonnet Ben Dhia - Chesnel - Haddar (2011) using T-coercivity and Lakshtanov-Vainberg (to appear) , for the case A − I and n − 1 keep fixed sign in a neighborhood at the boundary ∂ D .

  11. TE and Scattering Theory Isotropic Media Anisotropic Media Open Problems Transmission Eigenvalue Problem Recall the transmission eigenvalue problem (set A = I ) ∆ w + k 2 nw = 0 in D ∆ v + k 2 v = 0 in D w = v on ∂ D ∂ w ∂ν = ∂ v on ∂ D ∂ν It is a nonstandard eigenvalue problem � � � ∇ w · ∇ ψ − k 2 n ( x ) w ψ � � ∇ v · ∇ φ − k 2 v φ � dx = dx D D If n = 1 the interior transmission problem is degenerate If ℑ ( n ) > 0 in D , there are no real transmission eigenvalues.

  12. TE and Scattering Theory Isotropic Media Anisotropic Media Open Problems Transmission Eigenvalue Problem Let u = w − v , we have that ∆ u + k 2 nu = k 2 ( n − 1 ) v . Applying (∆ + k 2 ) , the transmission eigenvalue problem can be written for u ∈ H 2 0 ( D ) as an eigenvalue problem for the fourth order equation: 1 (∆ + k 2 ) n − 1 (∆ + k 2 n ) u = 0 i.e. in the variational form � 1 n − 1 (∆ u + k 2 nu )(∆ ϕ + k 2 ϕ ) dx = 0 for all ϕ ∈ H 2 0 ( D ) D

  13. TE and Scattering Theory Isotropic Media Anisotropic Media Open Problems Transmission Eigenvalues Assuming n real valued and letting k 2 := τ , the variational formulation leads to the eigenvalue problem for a quadratic pencil operator u − τ K 1 u + τ 2 K 2 u = 0 , u ∈ H 2 0 ( D ) with selfadjoint compact operators K 1 = T − 1 / 2 T 1 T − 1 / 2 and K 2 = T − 1 / 2 T 2 T − 1 / 2 where � 1 ( Tu , ϕ ) H 2 ( D ) = n − 1 ∆ u ∆ ϕ d x coercive D � 1 ( T 1 u , ϕ ) H 2 ( D ) = − n − 1 (∆ u ϕ + nu ∆ ϕ ) d x D � n ( T 2 u , ϕ ) H 2 ( D ) = n − 1 u ϕ d x non-negative . D

  14. TE and Scattering Theory Isotropic Media Anisotropic Media Open Problems Transmission Eigenvalues The transmission eigenvalue problem can be transformed to the eigenvalue problem in H 2 0 ( D ) × H 2 0 ( D ) � u � ξ := 1 ( K − ξ I ) U = 0 , U = , τ K 1 / 2 u τ 2 for the non-selfadjoint compact operator � � − K 1 / 2 K 1 K := 2 . K 1 / 2 0 2 However from here one can see that the transmission eigenvalues form a discrete set with + ∞ as the only possible accumulation point. Note: in the special case of spherically stratified media it is possible to prove existence of complex transmission eigenvalues, Leung-Colton (to appear) .


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