transforming aldershot

Transforming Aldershot Official Plan Review Meeting Agenda 7:00 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transforming Aldershot Official Plan Review Meeting Agenda 7:00 7:05 Welcome and introductions 7:05 7:20 City staff planning overview 7:20 8:00 Brook McIlroy presentation on urban corridor transformations 8:00

  1. Transforming Aldershot Official Plan Review

  2. Meeting Agenda 7:00 – 7:05 Welcome and introductions 7:05 – 7:20 City staff planning overview 7:20 – 8:00 Brook McIlroy presentation on urban corridor transformations 8:00 – 8:30 Workshop 8:30 – 8:50 Group Discussion 8:50 – 9:00 Wrap up and next steps

  3. Meeting Purpose Opportunity to: – Reflect on what has happened in Aldershot since last Official Plan Review; – Hear from urban design experts about how urban corridors transform; how they contribute to placemaking, and how it can be managed; and, – Check in with the community on opportunities and challenges in Ward 1 as part of the current Official Plan Review.

  4. What is an Official Plan (OP)?  A policy document that sets out the City’s land use objectives and directions for growth and development for the next 20 years.  Identifies land uses , the location where the various uses are permitted, densities , and urban design and built form considerations  Includes policy directions related to various aspects of the city: transportation, infrastructure, natural environment, heritage, parks, downtown, social, economic and environmental sustainability.  Identifies programs that Council uses to implement the plan (e.g. heritage, housing)

  5. What is an Official Plan (OP)?  All municipal public works and by-laws must conform to the OP  Has legal status and derives authority from the Ontario Planning Act, which outlines the base requirements of an OP review process  Developed through planning analysis, research, interdisciplinary collaboration, and dialogue within the City, with external stakeholders, and the wider community

  6. Existing OP – 8 Guiding Principles • Create an attractive, livable, community with a wide range of housing, Attractive & Livable Attractive & Livable employment, transportation, and leisure opportunities • Support a healthy, clean, & sustainable community Sustainable Community Sustainable Community • Implement sustainable development principles • Maintain and expand City infrastructure in a fair, realistic and affordable City infrastructure City infrastructure way Community Identity Community Identity • Foster a unique, vibrant, strong community identity • Create a pattern that supports the existing business community and new Community Development Pattern Community Development Pattern opportunities Local Economy Local Economy • Support a vigorous local economy Safety & Health, Safety & Health, • Promote safety and health • Fair access to housing, municipal services, community and education Fair Access Fair Access facilities, and economic opportunities Efficient use of land Efficient use of land • Achieve through intensification within appropriate areas of the City

  7. Policy Framework Planning Act & Other Provincial legislation PROVINCIAL Provincial Policy Places to Grow Statement (PPS) Growth Plan REGIONAL Halton Regional Official Plan MUNICIPAL City of Burlington Official Plan

  8. What is the Official Plan Review Process? Council Council Council Prepare Prepare Determine Develop Statutory Directions Official Plan Adoption Scope Work Plan Consultation Reports Amendment Internal and External Scans Statutory Engagement Consultation Strategy

  9. Official Plan Review 2012 Work Plans Mobility Hubs Opportunity and Constraints Study • Identify and address opportunities and constraints related to Burlington’s mobility hubs and major transit station areas Commercial Strategy Study • Review the adequacy of commercial space within the City and how it integrates with neighbourhood and community facilities/infrastructure Employment Lands Study • Updating the city’s inventory of employment lands; reviewing the existing vacant employment land inventory; and recommending policy directions for employment lands Character Area Study for Roseland and Indian Point Ward & Technical Issues

  10. Intensification Strategy • • The Plains Rd Corridor comprises the The Urban Growth Centre and western portion of the Urban Growth Urban Growth Corridors will Corridor that runs east-west across the accommodate 33% of Burlington’s City future population growth to 2031 Plains Rd Corridor

  11. Managing Growth Official Plan Policies Zoning By-law Regulations Urban Design Guidelines Public Sector Investment

  12. Plains Road Corridor Urban Design Guidelines Design Study was prepared in 2006 related to the previous OPR Purpose of the Guidelines are to assist the City to direct future redevelopment of the roadway and adjacent lands As a result of the Study: – New policy was added to the OP – Zoning regulations were amended (e.g. Setbacks, height and parking) – Guidelines were endorsed by Council and used in the preparation and evaluation of development proposals – Initiated the Functional Design Study to guide public sector investment

  13. Urban Growth Corridor: Plains Road From vehicle-oriented . . .

  14. And low intensity . . .

  15. To a range of higher density built form. . .

  16. . . . more urban forms of commercial that respond to the street . . . and incremental beautification and improvements to the public realm

  17. . . . more urban forms of commercial and residential . . . and incremental beautification and improvements to the public realm

  18. Transforming Aldershot | Exploring the Evolution of Plains Road Anne McIlroy, Matt Reid Brook McIlroy October 10 th , 2013

  19. Workshop Discussion Table Discussion • Select someone to record the table’s comments and report back for group discussion. 8:00 – 8:15 What have been the challenges related to the transformations that you’ve seen in Aldershot to date? 8:15 – 8:30 Describe aspects of the transformation (e.g. more pedestrian connections; more street activity; building designs, etc) that have gone well. Describe aspects of the transformation that you think could improve.

  20. Workshop Discussion 8:00 – 8:15 What have been the challenges related to the transformations that you’ve seen in Aldershot to date? 8:15 – 8:30 Describe aspects of the transformation (e.g. more pedestrian connections; more street activity; building designs, etc) that have gone well. Describe aspects of the transformation that you think could improve.

  21. Wrap up and next steps • Thank you! You’ve helped us with Phase 2 of the Official Plan • Feedback from meeting will be summarized and posted on web • Comments are considered as part of the Official Plan Review


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