training video content in natural language descriptions

Training Video Content in Natural Language Descriptions Marcus - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Training Video Content in Natural Language Descriptions Marcus Rohrbach, Wei Qiu, Ivan Titov, Stefan Thater, Manfred Pinkal, Bernt Schiele 1 University of T oronto Outline Brief overview The 3 main questions of video description

  1. Training Video Content in Natural Language Descriptions Marcus Rohrbach, Wei Qiu, Ivan Titov, Stefan Thater, Manfred Pinkal, Bernt Schiele 1 University of T oronto

  2. Outline ● Brief overview ● The 3 main questions of video description generation ● Data ● Different video description generation methods ● Brief intro to machine translation ● Technical approach ● Calculating BLEU ● Baselines, evaluations, and results ● Discussion 2 University of T oronto

  3. Overview ● Goal: finding natural language descriptions for video content ● Uses: Improvement of robotic interactions, generate summaries and descriptions for videos and movies, etc. ● Main contributions: 1) Video description phrased as a translation problem from video content to natural language description, using the SR of the video content as an intermediate step. 2) Approach evaluated on TACoS video description dataset. 3) Annotations as well as intermediate outputs and final descriptions are released on their website - these allow for comparisons to their work or building on their SR 3 University of T oronto

  4. 1) How to best approach the conversion from visual information to linguistic expressions? ● Use a two-step approach: -> Learn an intermediate Semantic Representation (SR) using a probabilistic model -> Given the SR, NLG problem phrased as translation problem , where the source is the SR and the target is a natural language description 4 University of T oronto

  5. 2) Which part of the visual information is verbalized by humans and what is verbilized even though it is not directly present in the visual information? ● The most relevant information to verbalization and how to verbalize can be learnt from a parallel training corpus using SMT methods: a) Learn the correct ordering of words and phrases, referred to as surface realization in NLG b) Learn which SR should be realized in language c) Learn the proper correspondence between semantic concepts and verbalization, i.e. they do not have to define how semantic concepts are realized. 5 University of T oronto

  6. 3) What is a good semantic representation (SR) of visual content and what is the limit of such a representation given perfect visual recognition? ● Compare three different visual representations - a raw video descriptor, - an attribute based representation, - the authors' CRF model. ● To understand the limits of their SR they also run the translation on ground truth annotations. 6 University of T oronto

  7. Data ● TACoS corpus of human-activity videos in a kitchen scenario ● People recorded preparing different kinds of ingredients ● Video lengths vary from 00:48 to 23:22 ● TACoS parallel corpus contains a set of video snippets and sentences Video sample from TACoS Video's corresponding data Video and data obtained from: 7 University of T oronto

  8. NLG from images and video Four different ways of generating descriptions of visual content: 1) generating descriptions for (test) images or videos which already contain some associated text, 2) generating descriptions by using manually defined rules or templates, 3) retrieving existing descriptions from similar visual content, 4) learning a language model from a training corpus to generate descriptions. 8 University of T oronto

  9. Machine Translation ● For SMT you need: 1) A language model: - P(Target text) - Used to generate fluent and grammatical output - Usually calculated using trigram statistics with back-off 2) A translation model: - P(Target text | Source text) - Estimated based on sentence-aligned corpora of source and target languages 3) A decoder: - Finds a sentence that maximizes the translation and language model probabilities - T* = argmax T P(Target text | Source text) P(Target text). ● Moses (an open source toolkit) optimizes this pipeline on a training set. 9 University of T oronto

  10. Technical Approach: Overview ● x i : Video snippets represented by the video descriptor ● z i : a sentence ● ( x i , z i ): alignment ● ( x k , z k ) with x k = x i : if there is an extra descriptor for the same video snippet we treat it as an independent alignment ● y i : intermediate level semantic representation (SR) ● y* : SR for a new video (descriptor) x*, predicted at test time. ● z* : sentence generated from y* . 10 University of T oronto

  11. Technical Approach: Overview (cont'd) ● Semantic Representation: - Based on the annotations provided with TACoS - Distinguishes activities , tools , ingredients/objects , (source) location/container , and ( target) location/container in the form <ACTIVITY, TOOL, OBJECT, SOURCE, TARGET>. - NULL used for missing tool, object, or location ● SR annotations in TACoS can have a finer granularity than the 1 , ..., y i li , ..., y i sentences, i.e. (y i Li , z i ) where L i is the number of SR annotations for sentence z i ● For learning the SR extract the corresponding video snippet, i.e., (x i li , y i li ) ● No annotations at test time means no alignment problem when predicting y* 11 University of T oronto

  12. Ways of dealing with different levels of granularity ● For all SR annotations aligned to a sentence a separate training example is created, i.e. (y i 1 , z i ), ..., (y i Li , z i ) . ● Only use the last SR (usually the most important one in TACoS) is used, i.e. (y i Li , z i ) . ● Estimate the highest word overlap between the sentence and the string of the SR: |y i ∩ Lemma(z i )| / |y i | Lemma refers to lemmatizing, i.e., reducing to base forms e.g., took to take , knives to knife, passed to pass ● Predict one SR for each sentence, i.e. y i * for z i . 12 University of T oronto

  13. Technical Approach: Predicting a SR from visual content 1) Extract the visual content – different visual information usually highly correlated with each other E.g., activity slice more correlated with object carrot and tool knife than with milk and spoon 2) Model relationships with a Conditional Random Field (CRF). Visual entities modeled as nodes n j observing the video descriptors x as unaries. 3) Graph is fully connected with learnt linear pairwise (p) and unary (u) weights using this standard energy formulation: 13 University of T oronto

  14. Technical Approach: Predicting a SR from visual content (cotn'd) E u (n j ;x i ) = <w j u ,x i > ● w u j : vector of the size of the video representation x i ● E p (n j ,n k ) = w p j,k ● Model learnt using training videos x i li and SR labels ● y i li = <n 1 , n 2 , ..., n N > using loopy belief propagation (LBP) 14 University of T oronto

  15. Technical Approach: Translating from a SR to a description Converting SR to descriptions (SR -> D) is like translating from a source to a target language (L S -> L T ) Find the verbalization of a label n i . Translate a word from L S to L T e.g., HOB -> stove Determine the ordering of the concepts Find the alignment between two of the SR in D languages Not necessarily all semantic concepts Certain words in L S not represented in L T are verbalized in D. or multiple words are combined to one. e.g., KNIFE not verbalized in He cuts a e.g., articles carrot Not necessarily all verbalized concepts Certain words in L T not represented in L S are semantically represented. or one word becomes multiple e.g, CUT, CARROT -> He cuts the carrots A language model of D is used to A language model of L T is used to achieve a grammatically correct and achieve a grammatically correct and fluent target sentence. fluent target sentence. 15 University of T oronto

  16. Technical Approach: Translating from a SR to a description (cont'd) ● SMT input: “ activity tool object source target” where NULL states are converted to empty strings ● Giza++ learns an HMM concepts-word alignment model. ● This is the basis of the phrase-based translation model learned by Moses. Additionally a reordering model is learned based on the training data alignment statistics. ● IRSTLM estimates the fluency of the generated descriptions, based on n-gram statistics of TACoS. 16 University of T oronto

  17. Technical Approach: Translating from a SR to a description (cont'd) ● Optimize a linear model between the probabilities from the language model, phrase tables, and reordering model, as well as word, phrase, and rule counts. ● 10% of the training data is used as a validation set. In the optimization, BLEU @4 score used to compute the difference between predicted and provided reference descriptions. ● Testing: apply translation model to the SR y* predicted by the CRF for a given input video x* . This decoding results in the description z* . 17 University of T oronto

  18. BLEU (BiLingual Evaluation Understudy) Score ● BLEU is a geometric mean over n-gram precisions ● Uses reference translation(s) and looks for local matches. ● Candidate sentences: machine-generated translation ● BLEU = BP C x (p 1 p 2 p 3 ... p n ) 1/n ● p n : the n-gram precision (e.g., BLEU @4 has n-gram precision of 4) ● BP: Brevity penalty; penalizes candidate sentence for having fewer words than the reference sentence(s) Information from Frank Rudzicz's slides for the NLC course. ---- ● Main flaw: A single sentence can be translated in many ways, with no overlap. ● However, in this experiment, the vocabulary is so constrained that this is O.K. 18 University of T oronto


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