training course for dus test of rice

Training Course for DUS Test of Rice Situation on Breeding and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

EAPVP Forum Training Course for DUS Test of Rice Situation on Breeding and Production of rice in Japan Kimiko ISHIKAWA EAPVP Forum Office, JAPAN Hanoi, Vietnam 30 th September 2 nd October 2014 Rice Production in JAPAN Statistical data

  1. EAPVP Forum Training Course for DUS Test of Rice Situation on Breeding and Production of rice in Japan Kimiko ISHIKAWA EAPVP Forum Office, JAPAN Hanoi, Vietnam 30 th September – 2 nd October 2014

  2. Rice Production in JAPAN Statistical data of 2013 Total production area 1,599,000ha Production 8.61Million MT Average yield / ha 5.39tons/ ha (Brown rice) import 0.77Million MT (Brown rice)

  3. Rice Breeding in Japan Rice breeding Institutes National Agricultural Institute  Prefectural Agricultural Institute

  4. Breeding Objectives  Quality : taste suitable for the region, Law amylose content  Resistance to pests and diseases : Blast resistance, Bacterial leaf blight resistance, etc.  Tolerance : Law temperature, Sprouting  High yield potential :  Adaptability : Direct seeding

  5. Recommendation list system Legal basis : Main Crop Seed Act Who recommend : Each prefecture conducts cultivation trial and select varieties which are suitable for the region. When the variety is registered to the recommendation list, the prefecture supply qualified seed and technical support for the production of the variety.

  6. Applications and Granted Plant Breeder’s Right (PBRs) Acceded to the Act 1500 of 1991 1000 Acceded to the Act of 1978 500 PVP Act 0 Japan abroad Granted (2013 FY ) Application(Total) : 1,027 ( 100 %) 〃 ( from abroad ) : 414 ( 40 %)

  7. Granted PBRs by Crop Total Number: 23,385 (~ Mar. 31, 2014 ) agricultural crop vegetable fruit ornamental plant ornamental tree others 17% 5% 5% 5% 7% 61%

  8. Granted PBRs by Type of Breeder Total Number: 23,385 (~ Mar. 31, 2014 ) individual seed company food company agri. cooperative local government national government 4% 10% 27% 1% 5% 53%

  9. Applications and Granted PBRs of Rice 1% 1% 0% Application: 500 Application 19% Refuse/withdrawal:7 Grant PBRs: 432 As of March 31, 2014 54% 25% Prefectural National Private University Agri. Cooperative Foreign

  10. Inbanuma, Chiba Pref. Large-scale Puddy field 7.5ha/ one field

  11. Terraced paddy fields

  12. End


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