trade project

TRADE Project Achievements 2006-2010 TRADEs foundation CTIS 2007 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

TRADE Project Achievements 2006-2010 TRADEs foundation CTIS 2007 TRADEs foundation CTIS 2007 Cambodia Trade Integration Strategy 2007 established the strategic direction for Trade SWAp, AfT and EIF Main focus areas:

  1. TRADE Project Achievements – 2006-2010

  2. TRADE’s foundation – CTIS 2007

  3. TRADE’s foundation – CTIS 2007 •Cambodia Trade Integration Strategy 2007 established the strategic direction for Trade SWAp, AfT and EIF •Main focus areas: •Policy reform and/or institutional capacity development in cross-cutting areas (e.g. SPS, TBT, trade facilitation…) •Strengthen supply and export capacity of 19 high-potential sectors •Strengthen RGC’s ability to lead & manage trade-related development projects and design a pro-poor trade agenda

  4. TRADE’s Objectives

  5. TRADE’s Objectives • With the CTIS 2007 general direction, TRADE aimed to: 1. Establish NIAs to help RGC manage Trade SWAp, AfT, and EIF 2. Enable trade “mainstreaming”, placing human development priorities at the forefront of trade policy 3. Support development of RGC (and especially MoC) capacity to manage AfT 4. Strengthen export supply capacity in four of the 19 priority sectors 5. Strengthen RGC’s ability to communicate trade development progress under Trade SWAp

  6. NIAs for AfT, EIF & Trade SWAp

  7. NIAs for AfT, EIF & Trade SWAp Objectives : • To establish mechanisms and structure for implementation of Trade SWAp and to coordinate DP support for CTIS 2007 • To operationalize the “pillar” structure

  8. NIAs for AfT, EIF & Trade SWAp Activities/Outputs: •Helped establish Sub-Steering Committee for Trade Development and Trade-related Investment, Trade SWAp Secretariat (DICO), three “Pillars” •Provided inputs to necessary Prakas and Anukret •Supported quarterly meetings of Pillars 2 and 3; developed monitoring indicators; drafted road maps

  9. NIAs for AfT, EIF & Trade SWAp Achievements: •Enhanced TRTA coordination between RGC and DPs and among DPs •Operationalized the Pillars Limitations/Way Forward: •Implementation of Paris Principles requires changes for both RGC and DP. Change takes time. •Buy-in of line ministries and private sector into Trade SWAp slow to develop

  10. Trade Mainstreaming

  11. Trade Mainstreaming Objectives: •Develop sustainable capacity to formulate, review, revise and implement trade sector policies that directly promote poverty reduction and human development

  12. Trade Mainstreaming Activities/Outputs: •Established trade policy training programme for young researchers and policy analysts with focus on development impact of trade in collaboration with RULE & RSA •Led initial research study on Trade and Environmental Sustainability in Rice, Cassava and Fish, first in a series of studies focusing on trade & human development •Developed earlier project studies, including CTIS 2007, stressing analysis of the poverty-reduction & human development impacts of trade development in specific sectors

  13. Trade Mainstreaming Achievements: •Linkage between human development priorities and overall trade sector development objectives •Foundation for a research/analysis environment in Cambodia focusing on international trade and pro-poor development Limitations/Way Forward: •Work is required to ensure that individual sector strategies developed by line ministries are consistent with Trade SWAp strategy •Further support – technical and financial – is needed for the new research environment on trade to become sustainable

  14. Capacity Development for Management of AfT

  15. Capacity Development for Management of AfT Objectives: •Strengthen the implementation capacity of MoC and other line ministries with a role to play in trade development •Train a TRADE “Core Team” in all aspects of project management cycle, drawing among MoC officials from different key departments

  16. Capacity Development for Management of AfT Activities/Outputs: •Institutional Capacity Assessment (ICA) in several departments within MoC to develop capacity development plan •Implementation of capacity development plans •ICAs within other relevant line ministries (e.g., MAFF, MIME) •Strong focus on DICO, also TPD, PDoCs, and others, •Support to successful preparation of EIF Tier1 by DICO •Establishment of Core Team with members recruited and deployed to implement specific elements of TRADE and liaise between the Team and their home departments

  17. Capacity Development for Management of AfT Achievements: •MoC’s capacity to manage TRTA boosted •Core Team contributed to all phases of TRADE implementation Limitations/Way Forward: •Better match between Core Team members’ regular responsibilities and their involvement in specific TRTA •Capacity building takes time. Continued advisory support required for additional capacity building

  18. Expand & Diversify Export Capacity

  19. Expand & Diversify Export Capacity Objectives: •Create a Value Chain Unit to develop quality information for trade sector stakeholders about trade/investment opportunities and assist MoC in monitoring trade development •Help private sector and product associations in rice, cassava, cashew nut & prahoc sectors •Identify and alleviate financing constraints to trade development •Establish a Trade Support Network

  20. Expand & Diversify Export Capacity Activities/Outputs: •Creation and training of VCU within TPD •Preparation of value chain studies on rice, cassava, and cashew by newly formed VCU •Foreign & domestic missions by rice, cassava & cashew producers to: •Learn about new markets •Understand foreign markets’ quality/quantity requirements •Meet potential new buyers •Creation and training of producer associations •Trade finance seminar for experts, local bankers & govt officials

  21. Expand & Diversify Export Capacity Achievements: •Installed VC analysis skills and conducted 3 VC studies •Thanks to training and missions, producers: •Learned about international quality, quantity & SPS requirements •Made contact with potential foreign customers •Understand value chain benefits of processing •New RGC insurance guarantee policy to banks making export loans to rice exporters Limitations/Way Forward: •RGC commitment to VCU and idea of “public goods” value of information must improve •RGC & DPs must continue support producer association capacity building

  22. Communications & Experience Sharing

  23. Communications & Experience Sharing Objectives: •Develop communications tools to enable MoC to communicate the objectives and achievements of Trade SWAp, including: •Website and web pages •Newsletters •Press releases •Institute sustainable capacity within DICO to utilize, maintain and update its communications tools

  24. Communications & Experience Sharing Activities/Outputs: •Financing of MoC server and network •Training in communications fields, including: •English writing and verbal communications •Media relations techniques •Website design and maintenance •Production of a Trade SWAp newsletter •Production of a Khmer-language project bulletin •South-South exchanges, with missions from Laos, Nepal, Bhutan and Timor Leste visiting Cambodia to learn about local experience with pro-poor trade development

  25. Communications & Experience Sharing Achievements: •Established capacity for MoC to communicate its trade-related objectives & achievements to a large audience, local & international •Foreign missions raised international awareness of Cambodia’s leadership in mainstreaming trade development Limitations/Way Forward: •More training/oversight needed for communications skill sets to take root •More work needed for MoC to communicate trade sector opportunities to domestic stakeholders, from local business sector to producer groups to other concerned line ministries

  26. TRADE Project – 2006-2010


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