traction week 6

TRACTION: WEEK 6 HE IS A GOD TO THANK Thankfulness/Gratitude Psalm - PDF document

TRACTION: WEEK 6 HE IS A GOD TO THANK Thankfulness/Gratitude Psalm 100, Romans 8:28 INTRODUCTION AND LOGISTICS FOR THE REMAINING WEEKS Logistics/Ground Rules: Rhythm Each Week: Small Group, Large Group, Small Group, Push-Ups throughout the

  1. TRACTION: WEEK 6 HE IS A GOD TO THANK Thankfulness/Gratitude Psalm 100, Romans 8:28 INTRODUCTION AND LOGISTICS FOR THE REMAINING WEEKS Logistics/Ground Rules: • Rhythm Each Week: Small Group, Large Group, Small Group, Push-Ups throughout the week (Spending time with God in His word). • Important Reminder: Confidentiality. Safe place to process. Small Group (Before Lesson): 1. Any stories of where you saw God’s hand this week? What did God reveal to you in the “Push Ups” from this past week (2 Chronicles 7:14, Psalm 102:7, Proverbs 15:8, Romans 12:1-2, Philippians 4:6-7)? 2. Since Dr. Neillie’s teaching last week on Prayer , have you seen any traction as it relates to your conversations with God this past week? Traction: Gaining Spiritual Momentum ONE Step at a Time Men’s Fall Study 2016

  2. WHO GOD IS: HE IS A GOD TO THANK Notes from Brad’s Teaching: Traction: Gaining Spiritual Momentum ONE Step at a Time Men’s Fall Study 2016

  3. SMALL GROUP Am I a thankful/grateful person? Would my family and/or friends agree? What thoughts keep me from being more thankful/grateful? How do those thoughts rob and deceive me? How does my level of gratitude reflect my understanding, or lack of doctrine and theology? PUSH UPS: BEING IN THE WORD DAILY THIS WEEK As you read the below passages (1 verse section per day), ask Him these three questions: 1. Lord, what are you saying about yourself in this passage? 2. In what ways have I not believed this truth or not applied it? 3. How would you want me to live my life differently if I did believe it/apply it? Luke 17:11-19 1 Peter 2:13-19 Romans 1:18-23 1 Corinthians 4:7-15 Colossians 3:12-17 2 Corinthians 2:14-17 Ephesians 5:1-14 Traction: Gaining Spiritual Momentum ONE Step at a Time Men’s Fall Study 2016


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