tracking private climate finance

tracking private climate finance Raphal Jachnik, Co-ordinator of the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Research Collaborative (RC) on tracking private climate finance Raphal Jachnik, Co-ordinator of the RC Policy Analyst, Climate Finance - OECD Environment Directorate Meeting of the EPC Working Group on Energy and Climate Change 10 April 2013

  1. Research Collaborative (RC) on tracking private climate finance Raphaël Jachnik, Co-ordinator of the RC Policy Analyst, Climate Finance - OECD Environment Directorate Meeting of the EPC Working Group on Energy and Climate Change 10 April 2013 Brussels

  2. Develop methodologies and produce numbers Identify, develop and evaluate possible methodologies to:  Measure overall private climate finance flows to, between and in developing countries  Determine those private climate flows that could/should count as being mobilised by developed country public interventions Conduct the actual tracking of:  Total private climate finance flows  Private flows mobilised by developed countries’ public sector interventions 10 April 2013 Research Collaborative on tracking private climate finance 2

  3. Collaborative work co-ordinated by the OECD Rationale Concept  Significant data, methodological and  Collaboration between:  Interested governments (funders) knowledge gaps  Research institutions and  Difficulties to aggregate and combine international/national finance scattered data and information institutions (contributors)  Need for additional work, better  Research contributors expected to:  Partner and share best available data, co-ordination and integration expertise and information  Advance policy-relevant research in timely and cohesive manner 10 April 2013 Research Collaborative on tracking private climate finance 3

  4. Combining multiple data sources and expertise Participants in the researchers’ group (to date) Non-governmental research insitutions / private consultants Developing country technical experts Intergovernmental organisations Multilateral and regional development banks Developed country (technical) public agencies / banks Developing country (in process) national development banks 12 April 2013 Research Collaborative on tracking private climate finance 4

  5. Work streams and expected interactions 10 April 2013 Research Collaborative on tracking private climate finance 5

  6. Building towards comprehensive outputs over time Short term (2013-2014) initial outputs:  Mapping of private climate finance architecture and data assessment  Preliminary methodological recommendations for measuring total and mobilised flows  Pilot measurement/tracking Mid-/long-term:  Comprehensive and comparable methodologies  Reoccurring measurement/tracking based on consistent methods and scope over time 10 April 2013 Research Collaborative on tracking private climate finance 6

  7. Getting involved Option 1: Become an RC ‘ follower ’  Receive updates via the project’s distribution list Option 2: Get your country to take an active participant seat  Discuss and set the research agenda  Review and (possibly) fund proposed research contributions Currently 10 OECD delegations involved: 10 April 2013 Research Collaborative on tracking private climate finance 7

  8. Contact Raphaël JACHNIK Co-ordinator of the Research Collaborative Policy Analyst, Climate Finance Environment Directorate, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) 2 rue André Pascal, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France +33 1 45 24 16 89 || +33 7 77 20 00 17 (mobile) ||


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