Town of Windsor Voter Survey Presentation prepared for August 30, 2017 Opinion Research on Elections and Public Policy Probolsky Research Newport Beach (949) 855-6400 3990 Westerly Place Suite 185 San Francisco (415) 870-8150 Newport Beach CA 92660 Washington DC (202) 559-0270
Town of Windsor – Voter Survey Survey Methodology From Wednesday, August 23 to Monday, August 28, 2017, Probolsky Research conducted a live-interviewer telephone and online survey of registered voters within the Town of Windsor. A total of 300 voters were surveyed (93 via telephone and 207 online). A survey of this size yields a margin of error of +/-5.8% with a confidence level of 95%. Interviews were conducted with respondents on both landline and mobile (52.6%) phones and were offered in English and Spanish (1.6%) languages. For the online survey phase, we urged participation via email (please see email introduction language on the following slide). Security measures precluded individuals from completing the survey more than once and allowed only the designated voters to complete the survey. Online respondents could use their computer, tablet or smart phone to participate. We sent emails to all voters with valid email addresses. Our sample was developed from the voter files originally compiled by the Sonoma County Registrar of Voters and then enhanced with consumer data. Probolsky Research applies a stratified random sampling methodology to our sample design. In other words, we ensure that the demographic proportions of survey respondents match the demographic composition of the universe being researched. Citizens for Windsor sponsored this poll. Probolsky Research specializes in opinion research on behalf of corporate, government, non-profit, and special interest clients. Probolsky Research Newport Beach (949) 855-6400 3990 Westerly Place Suite 185 San Francisco (415) 870-8150 2 Newport Beach CA 92660 Washington DC (202) 559-0270
Town of Windsor – Voter Survey Survey Methodology (cont.) Email Language Dear {FIRST NAME}, We are conducting a survey about issues facing your community. Your opinion is important and will remain confidential. <LINK> (Note: Please do not forward the survey link to others as it is personalized to ensure that the survey will only work once; for the resident indicated.) Thank you Probolsky Research Newport Beach (949) 855-6400 3990 Westerly Place Suite 185 San Francisco (415) 870-8150 3 Newport Beach CA 92660 Washington DC (202) 559-0270
Top Issues Open-Ended Question Probolsky Research Newport Beach (949) 855-6400 3990 Westerly Place Suite 185 San Francisco (415) 870-8150 4 Newport Beach CA 92660 Washington DC (202) 559-0270
What is Top of Mind within Windsor? Probolsky Research Newport Beach (949) 855-6400 3990 Westerly Place Suite 185 San Francisco (415) 870-8150 5 Newport Beach CA 92660 Washington DC (202) 559-0270
Affordable Housing and Poverty/Homelessness Are most important issues among voters Question: What is the most important issue facing your community today? 19.7% Affordable Housing/Living 18.0% Over Population/Controlling Growth/Development 12.7% Transportation/Traffic 10.7% Public Safety 3.7% Jobs/Economy 3.3% Education/Schools/Higher Education 3.0% Poverty 2.7% Moral Issues 2.3% Government 1.3% Immigration/Illegal Immigration 1.0% Water/Drought 1.0% Environmental 0.7% Security/Terrorism 0.0% Healthcare 1.0% No issues 14.0% Other 5.0% Don't know/Refused Probolsky Research Newport Beach (949) 855-6400 3990 Westerly Place Suite 185 San Francisco (415) 870-8150 6 Newport Beach CA 92660 Washington DC (202) 559-0270
Is Windsor on the Right Track or on the Wrong Track? Probolsky Research Newport Beach (949) 855-6400 3990 Westerly Place Suite 185 San Francisco (415) 870-8150 7 Newport Beach CA 92660 Washington DC (202) 559-0270
51.7% Say Windsor is on the Right Track Question: Do you think that Windsor is generally on the right track or on the wrong track? 51.7% 25.6% 22.7% Right Track Wrong Track Unsure/Refused Probolsky Research Newport Beach (949) 855-6400 3990 Westerly Place Suite 185 San Francisco (415) 870-8150 8 Newport Beach CA 92660 Washington DC (202) 559-0270
Importance of Preserving Open Space & Greenbelts around Windsor Probolsky Research Newport Beach (949) 855-6400 3990 Westerly Place Suite 185 San Francisco (415) 870-8150 9 Newport Beach CA 92660 Washington DC (202) 559-0270
84% Say it is Important that Open space and greenbelts in and around Windsor are protected Question: Would you say it is important or not important to you that our open space and greenbelts in and around Windsor are protected from future development? 84.0% 8.3% 7.7% Important Not important Unsure/Refused Probolsky Research Newport Beach (949) 855-6400 3990 Westerly Place Suite 185 San Francisco (415) 870-8150 10 Newport Beach CA 92660 Washington DC (202) 559-0270
Name ID Probolsky Research Newport Beach (949) 855-6400 3990 Westerly Place Suite 185 San Francisco (415) 870-8150 11 Newport Beach CA 92660 Washington DC (202) 559-0270
Windsor Mayor Debora Fudge, Sen. Diane Feinstein, and Sen. Kamala Harris are among highest in favorableness Question: Now I have the names of several people and organizations that I am going to read to you. Please tell me if you have heard of them and if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of them. If you have no opinion or have never heard of them, just say so. Have you heard of [READ NAME]? Would you say that you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of [READ NAME]? 93.0% 86.3% 82.0% 77.0% 73.7% 71.0% 63.0% 57.7% 52.7% 46.3% 42.3% 36.7% 33.3% 35.7% 30.0% 26.7% 25.7% 25.3% 4.0% 15.0% 8.0% 8.3% 21.0% 10.0% 16.0% 11.0% Favorable 12.7% Unfavorable Unfavorable Unfavorable Unfavorable Unfavorable Unfavorable Unfavorable Unfavorable Unfavorable Favorable Favorable Favorable Favorable Favorable Favorable Favorable Favorable Favorable Aware Aware Aware Aware Aware Aware Aware Aware Aware Congressman Windsor Town Windsor Town Windsor Town Vice Windsor Mayor Windsor Town Lytton Band of U.S. Senator Diane U.S. Senator Jared Huffman Councilmember Councilmember Mayor Dominic Debora Fudge Councilmember Pomo Indians Feinstein Kamala Harris Bruce Okrepkie Mark Millan Foppoli Sam Salmon (Lytton or San Pablo Lytton Indians) Probolsky Research Newport Beach (949) 855-6400 3990 Westerly Place Suite 185 San Francisco (415) 870-8150 12 Newport Beach CA 92660 Washington DC (202) 559-0270
What should the Top Priorities of the Mayor and Town Council be? Probolsky Research Newport Beach (949) 855-6400 3990 Westerly Place Suite 185 San Francisco (415) 870-8150 13 Newport Beach CA 92660 Washington DC (202) 559-0270
Local Schools and Education Ranked as Top Priority among voters Question: Now I am going to read a list of several issues that may be facing Windsor. Please listen to each and then tell me which THREE issues should be the top priorities of the Windsor Mayor and Town Council? Choose three. 41.1% Local schools and education 39.7% Traffic congestion 39.1% Protecting open space/the environment 38.7% Maintain friendly small-town feel 38.4% Crime, gangs, drugs and graffiti 34.0% Limiting growth and development Town government budget, finances and eliminating 24.2% government waste 17.5% Providing recreational facilities and programs 11.4% Water and drought 0.0% Other 0.7% Unsure/Refused Probolsky Research Newport Beach (949) 855-6400 3990 Westerly Place Suite 185 San Francisco (415) 870-8150 14 Newport Beach CA 92660 Washington DC (202) 559-0270
The Lytton Rancheria Homelands Act of 2017 (Initial) Probolsky Research Newport Beach (949) 855-6400 3990 Westerly Place Suite 185 San Francisco (415) 870-8150 15 Newport Beach CA 92660 Washington DC (202) 559-0270
More than Half of Respondents Oppose The Lytton Rancheria Homelands Act of 2017 Question: House Resolution 597, also known as the Lytton Rancheria Homelands Act of 2017, has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives. The Act takes 511 acres of land next to the Town of Windsor into trust by the federal government as part of the reservation of the Lytton Rancheria Indians. Do you support or oppose the Lytton Rancheria Homelands Act of 2017? 57.3% 24.7% 18.0% Support Oppose Unsure/Refused Probolsky Research Newport Beach (949) 855-6400 3990 Westerly Place Suite 185 San Francisco (415) 870-8150 16 Newport Beach CA 92660 Washington DC (202) 559-0270
“Fairness” is the Top Reason Why Residents support the Lytton Rancheria Act of 20178 Question: What is the top reason why you would support the Lytton Rancheria Homelands Act of 2017? 51.9% It is fair for the Tribe 9.3% Promotes diversity/Equity/Equality 7.4% Nature 5.6% Housing/Affordability 5.6% Generally a good idea 3.7% Growth 0.0% No issues 11.1% Other 5.6% Don’t know/Refused *ASKED OF THOSE WHO ANSWERED “SUPPORT” TO Q14 Probolsky Research Newport Beach (949) 855-6400 3990 Westerly Place Suite 185 San Francisco (415) 870-8150 17 Newport Beach CA 92660 Washington DC (202) 559-0270
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