town of warsaw

Town of Warsaw Budget Presentation Fiscal Year 2019 Joseph N. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Town of Warsaw Budget Presentation Fiscal Year 2019 Joseph N. Quesenberry Town Manager What does the Town fund? Police Wastewater Waste Collection Water Economic Development Tourism Parks and Recreation

  1. Town of Warsaw Budget Presentation Fiscal Year 2019 Joseph N. Quesenberry Town Manager

  2. What does the Town fund? • Police • Wastewater • Waste Collection • Water • Economic Development • Tourism • Parks and Recreation • Revitalization Efforts • Charities and Organizations

  3. Core Objectives for Continued Strength • Continue to pursue grant funding opportunities Lower Capital • Maintenance Mode – Decrease Expenditure s Projects and Expenditures Grant Economic Funding Growth • Continue Incentives for Economic Growth Strong • Continue our Reputation for Financial Standing Strong Fiscal Health

  4. How do we achieve these objectives? • Leave cash reserves solid and sound. • Pursue grant funding for any projects we wish to pursue. • Increase our tax base through incentives and economic development.

  5. Our Budget Process Capital Improvement Plan General Operating Budget • Serves as an outline for large-scale • This serves as our operating budget for capital expenditures. next fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). • Department Heads submit requests and • Budget must be balanced and needs to answer questions asked by the Planning include contributions to capital reserves. Commission and Council. • Two funds are featured in the budget: • This serves as a PLAN. No expenditures General Funds (Tax Revenue) and are guaranteed to occur if we are unable Enterprise Funds (Fees from Services). to pay for them.

  6. Your Budget at a Glance • Reduced nearly all department budgets through careful planning, staff reductions and reorganizations, all while addressing exponential increases in insurance rates. • Increased items that improve overall quality of life: i.e., parks, economic development, beautification efforts, etc. • Nearly all revenues are projected to be higher than estimates. • All major projects are funded and all loan obligations are funded. • Estimating apr. $20,000 - $30,000 will be contributed to undesignated reserves with this budget. • Proposed salary increase of 2.5% for all full-time Town Staff.

  7. Anticipated Revenue Trends $300,000.00 $278,990 $265,856.08 $260,000 $250,000.00 $194,744.91 $200,000.00 $186,000 $150,000.00 $134,779 $100,000.00 $63,982.55 $63,913.99 $60,000 $58,000 $46,606 $44,937 $50,000.00 $0.00 Personal Property Real Estate Meals Tax Sales Tax FY 17 Final FY 18 Estimate FY 19 Budgeted

  8. Budget Breakdown by Department % of Total • General Operations are all Department Department Operating Departments except Water and Budget Budget Wastewater. They are funded through Administration $415,006 43% the General Fund via tax revenue and excise taxes (Real Estate, Personal Police $320,180 33.5% Property, Meals, etc.). Public Service $219,608 23% Contributions $45,850 Debt Service $81,653 Capital Outlays $1,986,757 Total Budget $3,069,054

  9. Enterprise Funds – Water and Wastewater Enterprise Funds are collected through recurring monthly payments by Town customers. These include your water, sewer and garbage bills. Water Wastewater Operating Budget $249,020 Operating Budget $388,455 Capital Expense $32,000 Capital Expense $67,345 Debt Service $0 Debt Service $249,200 Total $281,020 Total $705,000

  10. FY 2018 Budget VS. Proposed FY 2019 Budget Department 2018 2019 Over/(Under) Previous Year Administration $420,475 $415,006 ($5,469) 1.3% Decrease Police $332,510 $320,180 ($12,330) 3.7% Decrease Public Service $226,360 $219,608 ($6,752) 3.0% Decrease Water $352,000 $281,020 ($70,980) 20.2% Decrease Wastewater $246,570 $249,200 $2,630 1.06% Increase

  11. Warsaw’s Cash Reserves Remain Strong • Common practice within larger Virginia localities is to maintain a cash reserve balance that equals 20% of annual operating expenses. • Smaller towns, with smaller budgets and large expenditures, should maintain a minimum reserve balance of 50% of operating expenses. • Warsaw’s designated and undesignated reserves amount to the following: $1,815,165.57 – General Fund $300,121.77 – Water Fund $467,954.38 – Wastewater Fund $2,583,241.72 – TOTAL *Note – This figure does not include cash in the bank.

  12. Capital Improvement Plan Items to be funded in this Fiscal Year include the following: • $126,000 – New Garbage Truck ( Applied for USDA Rural Development Assistance ) • $625,000 – Gannon Project ( Combination of grants, loans, and a designated $.03/100 tax increase from the previous FY ) • $40,000 – New F250 Work Truck to Replace a 2004 F150. Tow-Behind Boom Attachment is Included. • $69,000 – Mandatory Police Equipment Upgrade ( Applied for USDA Rural Development Assistance )

  13. Strawberry Hill Tract The chart, pictured left, was compiled by our consultant. These are anticipated gross figures, with net numbers coming in approximately 10% lower.

  14. Questions? Comments?

  15. Moving Forward Budget Public Hearing Presentation and Final Adoption and Discussion Discussion


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