towards a mathematical theory of super resolution

Towards a Mathematical Theory of Super-Resolution Emmanuel Cand` es - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Towards a Mathematical Theory of Super-Resolution Emmanuel Cand` es Optimization and Statisitical Learning, Les Houches, January 2013 Collaborator Carlos Fernandez-Granda (Stanford, EE) Prelude: Compressed Sensing

  1. Towards a Mathematical Theory of Super-Resolution Emmanuel Cand` es Optimization and Statisitical Learning, Les Houches, January 2013

  2. Collaborator Carlos Fernandez-Granda (Stanford, EE)

  3. Prelude: Compressed Sensing

  4. � � � � � Some origin 2.5 3 2 2 1.5 1 1 0 � 1 0.5 � 2 0 � 3 ! 0.5 � 4 ! 1 � 5 ! 1.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 sparse signal sample spectrum at random

  5. Some origin 2.5 3 2 2 1.5 1 1 0 � 1 0.5 � 2 0 � 3 ! 0.5 � 4 ! 1 � 5 ! 1.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 sparse signal sample spectrum at random 2.5 3 2 2 1 1.5 0 1 � 1 0.5 0 � 2 ! 0.5 � 3 � 4 ! 1 � 5 ! 1.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 min ℓ 1 → exact min ℓ 1 → exact interpolation

  6. An early result x ∈ C N Discrete Fourier transform N − 1 � x [ t ] e − i 2 πωt/N x [ ω ] = ˆ ω = 0 , 1 , . . . , N − 1 t =0

  7. An early result x ∈ C N Discrete Fourier transform N − 1 � x [ t ] e − i 2 πωt/N x [ ω ] = ˆ ω = 0 , 1 , . . . , N − 1 t =0 Theorem (C., Romberg and Tao (04)) x : k -sparse n Fourier coefficients selected at random ℓ 1 is exact if n � k log N

  8. An early result x ∈ C N Discrete Fourier transform N − 1 � x [ t ] e − i 2 πωt/N x [ ω ] = ˆ ω = 0 , 1 , . . . , N − 1 t =0 Theorem (C., Romberg and Tao (04)) x : k -sparse n Fourier coefficients selected at random ℓ 1 is exact if n � k log N Extensions: C. and Plan (10) Can deal with noise (in essentially optimal way) Can deal with approximate sparsity Other works: Donoho (04)

  9. Extensions: reconstruction from undersampled freq. data Minimize ℓ 1 norm of gradient subject to data constraints Original Phantom (Logan − Shepp) Naive Reconstruction Reconstruction: min BV + nonnegativity constraint 50 50 50 100 100 100 150 150 150 200 200 200 250 250 250 50 100 150 200 250 50 100 150 200 250 50 100 150 200 250 original filtered backprojection min ℓ 1 → perfect

  10. Magnetic resonance imaging Acquire data by scanning in Fourier space

  11. Impact on MR pediatrics Lustig (UCB), Pauly, Vasanawala (Stanford) Parallel imaging (PI) Compressed sensing + PI 6 year old male abdomen: 8X acceleration

  12. Impact on MR pediatrics Lustig (UCB), Pauly, Vasanawala (Stanford) Parallel imaging (PI) Compressed sensing + PI 6 year old male abdomen: 8X acceleration

  13. Agenda Compressed sensing: Nyquist sampling is irrelevant Can sample at will/random Cvx opt. solves an interpolation problem exactly under sparsity constraints Robust to noise Essentially discrete and finite time theory: exceptions Eldar et al. Adcock, Hansen et al.

  14. Agenda Compressed sensing: Nyquist sampling is irrelevant Can sample at will/random Cvx opt. solves an interpolation problem exactly under sparsity constraints Robust to noise Essentially discrete and finite time theory: exceptions Eldar et al. Adcock, Hansen et al. This lecture: super-resolution Can only sample low frequencies Cvx opt solves an extrapolation problem exactly under sparsity constraints Some robustness (sometimes) to noise Continuous time theory

  15. Motivation

  16. Diffraction limited systems The physical phenomenon called diffraction is of the utmost importance in the theory of optical imaging systems Joseph Goodman

  17. Diffraction limited systems: canonical example 4f optical system Mathematical model f obs ( t ) = ( h ∗ f )( t ) h : point spread function (PSF) ˆ f obs ( ω ) = ˆ ˆ h ( ω ) ˆ h : transfer function (TF) f ( ω )

  18. Bandlimited imaging systems Bandlimited system | ˆ | ω | > Ω ⇒ h ( ω ) | = 0 f obs ( ω ) = ˆ ˆ h ( ω ) ˆ f ( ω ) → suppresses all high-frequency components

  19. Bandlimited imaging systems Bandlimited system | ˆ | ω | > Ω ⇒ h ( ω ) | = 0 f obs ( ω ) = ˆ ˆ h ( ω ) ˆ f ( ω ) → suppresses all high-frequency components Example: coherent imaging ˆ h ( ω ) = 1 P ( ω ) indicator of pupil element TF PSF cross-section (PSF) Pupil Airy disk

  20. Examples TF PSF cross-section (PSF)

  21. Image of point source

  22. Rayleigh resolution limit Lord Rayleigh

  23. Incoherent imaging h inc ( t ) = | h coh ( t ) | 2 I obs = I ∗ h inc 1 0.5 0 −kmax 0 kmax 2D TF cross section (TF)

  24. Other examples of low-pass data f obs = f ∗ h h bandlimited out-of-focus blur atmospheric turbulence blur motion blur near-field accoustic holography ...

  25. The Super-Resolution Problem

  26. Super-resolution: spatial viewpoint ⇐ objective data ill-posed deconvolution to break the diffraction limit

  27. Super-resolution: frequency viewpoint ⇐ objective data ill-posed extrapolation

  28. Random vs. low-frequency sampling: 1D Random sampling (CS) Low-frequency sampling (SR) Very different from compressive sensing (CS)

  29. Random vs. low-frequency sampling: 2D Random sampling (CS) Low-frequency sampling (SR) Very different from compressive sensing (CS)

  30. A Mathematical Theory of Super-resolution

  31. Mathematical model Signal: � x = a j δ τ j a j ∈ C , τ j ∈ T ⊂ [0 , 1] j Data: n = 2 f c + 1 low-frequency coefficients (Nyquist sampling) � 1 � e − i 2 πkt x ( d t ) = a j e − i 2 πkt j y ( k ) = k ∈ Z , | k | ≤ f c 0 j y = F n x Resolution limit: ( λ c / 2 is Rayleigh distance) 1 /f c = λ c

  32. Mathematical model Signal: � x = a j δ τ j a j ∈ C , τ j ∈ T ⊂ [0 , 1] j Data: n = 2 f c + 1 low-frequency coefficients (Nyquist sampling) � 1 � e − i 2 πkt x ( d t ) = a j e − i 2 πkt j y ( k ) = k ∈ Z , | k | ≤ f c 0 j y = F n x Resolution limit: ( λ c / 2 is Rayleigh distance) 1 /f c = λ c Question Can we resolve the signal beyond this limit?

  33. Equivalent problem: spectral estimation Swap time and frequency Signal � a j e i 2 πω j t x ( t ) = a j ∈ C , ω j ∈ [0 , 1] j Observe samples x (0) , x (1) , . . . , x ( n − 1)

  34. Equivalent problem: spectral estimation Swap time and frequency Signal � a j e i 2 πω j t x ( t ) = a j ∈ C , ω j ∈ [0 , 1] j Observe samples x (0) , x (1) , . . . , x ( n − 1) Question Can we resolve the frequencies beyond the Heisenberg limit?

  35. Recovery by minimum total-variation Recover signal by solving min � ˜ x � TV subject to F n ˜ x = y � Total-variation norm: ‘ � x � TV = | x ( d t ) | ’ Continuous analog of ℓ 1 norm If x = � j a j δ τ j , � x � TV = � j | a j | � If x absolutely continuous wrt Lebesgue, � x � TV = | x ( t ) | d t

  36. Noiseless recovery: main result � 1 e − i 2 πkt x ( d t ) y ( k ) = | k | ≤ f c 0 ( t,t ′ ) ∈ T : t � = t ′ | t − t ′ | ∞ Min distance ∆( T ) = inf T ⊂ [0 , 1]

  37. Noiseless recovery: main result � 1 e − i 2 πkt x ( d t ) y ( k ) = | k | ≤ f c 0 ( t,t ′ ) ∈ T : t � = t ′ | t − t ′ | ∞ Min distance ∆( T ) = inf T ⊂ [0 , 1] Theorem (C. and Fernandez Granda (2012)) If support T of x obeys ∆( T ) ≥ 2 /f c := 2 λ c then min TV solution is exact! For real-valued x , a min dist. of 1 . 87 λ c suffices Infinite precision!

  38. Noiseless recovery: main result � 1 e − i 2 πkt x ( d t ) y ( k ) = | k | ≤ f c 0 ( t,t ′ ) ∈ T : t � = t ′ | t − t ′ | ∞ Min distance ∆( T ) = inf T ⊂ [0 , 1] Theorem (C. and Fernandez Granda (2012)) If support T of x obeys ∆( T ) ≥ 2 /f c := 2 λ c then min TV solution is exact! For real-valued x , a min dist. of 1 . 87 λ c suffices Infinite precision! Whatever the amplitudes!

  39. Noiseless recovery: main result � 1 e − i 2 πkt x ( d t ) y ( k ) = | k | ≤ f c 0 ( t,t ′ ) ∈ T : t � = t ′ | t − t ′ | ∞ Min distance ∆( T ) = inf T ⊂ [0 , 1] Theorem (C. and Fernandez Granda (2012)) If support T of x obeys ∆( T ) ≥ 2 /f c := 2 λ c then min TV solution is exact! For real-valued x , a min dist. of 1 . 87 λ c suffices Infinite precision! Whatever the amplitudes! Can recover (2 λ c ) − 1 = f c / 2 = n/ 4 spikes from n low-freq. samples!

  40. Noiseless recovery: main result � 1 e − i 2 πkt x ( d t ) y ( k ) = | k | ≤ f c 0 ( t,t ′ ) ∈ T : t � = t ′ | t − t ′ | ∞ Min distance ∆( T ) = inf T ⊂ [0 , 1] Theorem (C. and Fernandez Granda (2012)) If support T of x obeys ∆( T ) ≥ 2 /f c := 2 λ c then min TV solution is exact! For real-valued x , a min dist. of 1 . 87 λ c suffices Infinite precision! Have a proof for 1 . 85 λ c Whatever the amplitudes! Can recover (2 λ c ) − 1 = f c / 2 = n/ 4 Can be improved (but not much) spikes from n low-freq. samples!

  41. Flooded spikes Sparse spike train obeys min distance assumption Low-frequency data Where are the spikes?

  42. Flooded spikes Sparse spike train obeys min distance assumption Low-frequency data Where are the spikes?

  43. Lower bound Put k = | T | spikes on an equispaced grid at fixed distance Search for amplitudes s. t. ℓ 1 fails |T|=50 60 |T|=20 |T|=10 |T|=5 |T|=2 50 40 30 20 10 5 10 15 20 25 30 Min distances at which exact recovery by ℓ 1 min fails to occur against λ c / 2 At red curve, min distance would be exactly equal to λ c ℓ 1 fails if distance is below λ c


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