Tourism and Extension: Current Snapshot and Future Opportunity Presented at Sustainable Tourism and Outdoor Recreation Conference Astoria, OR, October 2019 • Bryan Fleuch, Georgia Sea Grant • Doug Arbogast, WVU Extension Service CRED • Cynthia Messer, U. of MN • Daniel Eades, WVU Extension Service CRED Tourism Center • Stephan Goetz, PhD PSU, NERCRD • Sarah Denny, PSU, NERCRD • Yicheol Han, PSU, NERCRD • Pan Yuxuan, PSU, NERCRD The research was supported in part by the United States Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) under project # 2017-51150-27125 and by the Pennsylvania State University and NIFA Multistate/Regional Research Appropriations under project #NE1749.
National Extension Tourism Network 5
Share of County Employment in Recreation
Outdoor Recreation as a Percent of GDP with Comparable Industries, 2016 Source: US Bureau of Economic Analysis and authors’ calculations
Recent Efforts NERCRD grants First Impressions Trail Towns AFRI grant proposal Agritourism 2018 NACDEP Conference Partnership 12
2018 One USDA • Modernizing USDA mission support activities to be more efficient and effective by utilizing enterprise solutions; • Serving customers and improving the delivery of USDA’s core missions; 2017 USDA Recreation Economy Resource Guide One USDA and Recreation Economies • US Forest Service • Extension • USDA Rural Development 13
National Extension Tourism survey 2017 & 18 ● the “pulse” of tourism programs in Extension ● Survey developed online using Qualtrics ● Disseminated by NERCRD (snowballing) to: NET Design Team contact list NERCRD contact list Sea Grant Contact list NACDEP facebook ● Land grant 2017- 116 responses ● Sea grant 2018 – 31 responses ● Total = 147 ● Representative?
Survey Responses Land Grant - 2017 Not shown are the two responses from Canada and one response from a national U. S. organization. 15
Survey Responses Sea Grant - 2018 16
Percent Extension Appointment Combined 17
Percentage of time allocated to tourism related work Combined 18
Please indicate the topical area related to the tourism programs you offer or participate in Land Grant 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Agritourism Local Foods, Farmers Markets, Culinary… 86, 75% Community and Regional Planning and Development 41, 36% Nature-Based Tourism: Ecotourism,… 33, 29% Marketing and Promotion 28, 25% Economic, Environmental, and Social Impacts of… 28, 25% Tourism Education, Training, and Certification… 27, 24% Cultural-Heritage Tourism 24, 21% Community Tourism Assessments 24, 21% Tourism Research and Evaluation 24, 21% Placemaking 21, 18% The Shared Economy 10, 9% If not identified above please list the topic area: 4 19
Please indicate the topical area related to the tourism programs you offer or participate in Sea Grant 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 17, 68% Nature-Based Tourism: Ecotourism, Wildlifewatching, and… Economic, Environmental, and Social Impacts of Tourism… 12, 48% Community and Regional Planning and Development 11, 44% Tourism Education, Training, and Certification Programs 11, 44% Cultural-Heritage Tourism 10, 40% Marketing and Promotion 10, 40% Agritourism—Local Foods, Farmers Markets, Culinary … 9, 36% If not identified above please list the topic area: 8, 32% Tourism Research and Evaluation 7, 28% The Shared Economy 3, 12% Placemaking 3, 12% Community Tourism Assessments 2, 8% 20
Combi bined ed T Topi pical Ar Area eas O Offer ered 21
Topic Areas: North Central Topic Areas: Northeast 0 Tourism Research and Evaluation 8 0 Tourism Research and Evaluation 7 0 Marketing and Promotion 7 3 Marketing and Promotion 5 0 Economic, Environmental, and Social… 6 2 Economic, Environmental, and Social… 6 2 Community and Regional Planning… 4 10 Community and Regional Planning and… 9 1 Community Tourism Assessments 1 Community Tourism Assessments 11 4 0 2 Tourism Education, Training, and… Tourism Education, Training, and… 11 3 1 0 Placemaking Placemaking 7 8 1 The Shared Economy 0 3 The Shared Economy 3 3 Cultural-Heritage Tourism 0 3 Cultural-Heritage Tourism 6 3 Agritourism Local Foods, Farmers… 21 0 Agritourism Local Foods, Farmers… 13 3 Nature-Based Tourism: Ecotourism,… 9 1 Nature-Based Tourism: Ecotourism,… 7 0 5 10 15 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Sea Grant Land Grant Sea Grant Land Grant Topic Areas: Western Topic Areas: Southern 2 3 Tourism Research and Evaluation Tourism Research and Evaluation 2 3 5 1 Marketing and Promotion Marketing and Promotion 5 4 5 Economic, Environmental, and Social… 5 7 Economic, Environmental, and Social… 5 3 Community and Regional Planning and… 9 3 Community and Regional Planning and… 4 1 Community Tourism Assessments 4 1 Community Tourism Assessments 2 5 Tourism Education, Training, and… 3 4 Tourism Education, Training, and… 2 1 Placemaking 3 0 Placemaking 2 1 The Shared Economy 1 1 The Shared Economy 1 4 Cultural-Heritage Tourism 6 1 Cultural-Heritage Tourism 4 2 Agritourism Local Foods, Farmers… 20 2 Agritourism Local Foods, Farmers… 9 13 Nature-Based Tourism: Ecotourism,… 6 4 Nature-Based Tourism: Ecotourism,… 4 0 5 10 15 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Sea Grant Land Grant Sea Grant Land Grant 22
State LG SG O Topic Areas: Northeast CT DE 0 Tourism Research and Evaluation 7 DC 3 Marketing and Promotion 5 2 Economic, Environmental, and Social Impacts of… ME 1 1 6 4 Community and Regional Planning and… 9 MD 1 Community Tourism Assessments 4 MA 2 Tourism Education, Training, and Certification… 3 NH 1 2 1 Placemaking 7 NJ 2 1 1 The Shared Economy 3 3 NY 1 1 Cultural-Heritage Tourism 3 3 Agritourism Local Foods, Farmers Markets,… PA 20 21 3 Nature-Based Tourism: Ecotourism,… 9 RI 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 VT 1 State LG SG O Sea Grant Land Grant WV 5 AL 13 1 Topic Areas: Southern AR 1 FL 4 3 Tourism Research and Evaluation 2 GA 1 1 5 Marketing and Promotion 5 KY 5 Economic, Environmental, and Social Impacts of Tourism… 7 3 LA 1 1 Community and Regional Planning and Development 9 1 Community Tourism Assessments MS 1 4 5 Tourism Education, Training, and Certification Programs 3 NC 2 1 1 1 Placemaking 3 OK 2 1 The Shared Economy 1 SC 1 4 Cultural-Heritage Tourism 6 TN 1 2 Agritourism Local Foods, Farmers Markets, Culinary… 20 9 TX 1 1 Nature-Based Tourism: Ecotourism, Wildlifewatching, and… 6 VA 2 1 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 PR Sea Grant Land Grant 23 USVI
State LG SG O Topic Areas: Western AK 1 1 2 Tourism Research and Evaluation AZ 3 1 Marketing and Promotion 4 CA 2 5 Economic, Environmental, and Social Impacts of… 5 CO 1 3 Community and Regional Planning and… 4 HI 1 1 1 Community Tourism Assessments 2 ID 1 4 Tourism Education, Training, and Certification… 2 0 MT 1 3 Placemaking 2 1 The Shared Economy NV 2 1 1 Cultural-Heritage Tourism 4 NM 2 2 Agritourism Local Foods, Farmers Markets,… 13 OR 1 2 1 4 Nature-Based Tourism: Ecotourism,… 4 UT 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 WA 1 1 Sea Grant Land Grant WY SAMOA Topic Areas: North Central State LG SG O GUAM IL 0 Tourism Research and Evaluation Micronesia 8 0 IN 2 1 Marketing and Promotion 7 N. Marianas 0 Economic, Environmental, and Social… IA 2 6 2 Community and Regional Planning and… 10 KS 1 1 Community Tourism Assessments 11 MI 3 1 0 Tourism Education, Training, and… 11 MN 3 1 0 Placemaking 8 MO 0 The Shared Economy 3 0 NE 2 Cultural-Heritage Tourism 6 0 Agritourism Local Foods, Farmers Markets,… ND 1 13 1 Nature-Based Tourism: Ecotourism,… 7 OH 9 0 5 10 15 SD 24 Sea Grant Land Grant WI 1
Are there tourism programs that are needed/demanded/requested in your state/region that you are unable to offer but wish you could? Land Grant 25
Are there tourism programs that are needed/demanded/requested in your state/region that you are unable to offer but wish you could? Sea Grant Impacts of large cruise ships on marine environment Marine environmental education for tourists Birding tourism Assessing the economic impacts of tourism on the coast Ecotourism /helping eco-tourism businesses develop in rural areas Promoting aquaculture and local food Developing a revenue-based field experience related to coastal activities Conducting a needs assessment in the state Nature-based tourism certification program (s) Tour guide training with certification Courses related to sustainable tourism business practices as well as environmental issues/impacts Need to assess what we want to do Economic Impact Studies, Discovery Tours Leadership development for tourism professionals programs that link fisheries and aquaculture with tourism 26 Visitor carrying capacity studies
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