ME 779 Control Systems Topic # 4 Practical systems Reference textbook : Control Systems, Dhanesh N. Manik, Cengage Publishing, 2012 1
Control Systems: Practical Systems Learning Objectives • Electric circuits: RC, RL, RLC -Voltage and current sources • Filling systems: incompressible and compressible -Pressure-voltage and pressure-current analogies • Thermal systems - Temperature-voltage and temperature-current analogies • Mechanical systems: spring-mass-damper system -Force-voltage and force-current analogies 2
Control Systems: Practical Systems ELECTRIC CIRCUITS RC circuit (voltage source) Voltage across e t ( ) i t R ( ) R resistance Voltage across 1 e ( ) t i t dt ( ) capacitance C C e e e Total voltage drop i R C 3
Control Systems: Practical Systems ELECTRIC CIRCUITS RC circuit (voltage source) 1 Laplace transform E s I s R ( ) ( ) i Cs System transfer function between E ( ) s 1 1 C voltage drop across the capacitance E s ( ) RCs 1 s 1 and input voltage i Static sensitivity K=1 RC= is the time-constant 4
Control Systems: Practical Systems ELECTRIC CIRCUITS RL circuit (current source) e t i R ( ) Voltage across the R resistance di Voltage across the L e t ( ) L dt inductance i i i Total current a R L 5
Control Systems: Practical Systems ELECTRIC CIRCUITS RL circuit (current source) 1 1 Laplace transform of the current source I ( ) s E s ( ) a R Ls E I ( ) s Laplace transform of the current through the inductance L Ls I ( ) s 1 1 Transfer function between the inductance current L to the source current L I ( ) s s 1 s 1 a R L/R= is the time-constant K=1 6
Control Systems: Practical Systems ELECTRIC CIRCUITS RLC circuit (voltage source) e t ( ) i t R ( ) Voltage across R resistance di t ( ) Voltage across e t ( ) L dt inductance L 1 Voltage across e ( ) t i t dt ( ) C capacitance C 7
Control Systems: Practical Systems ELECTRIC CIRCUITS RLC circuit (voltage source) Laplace transform of voltage and 1 E s ( ) I s ( ) R Ls current Cs E ( ) s 1 C Transfer function between 1 E s ( ) capacitance voltage and source Cs R Ls Cs voltage 2 n 2 2 s 2 s n n K 1 R 2 n n L LC m 2 C 8
Control Systems: Practical Systems ELECTRIC CIRCUITS RLC circuit (current source) e t ( ) i ( ) t Current through R R resistor 1 Current through i t ( ) e t dt ( ) L inductance L Current through de t ( ) capacitance i ( ) t C C dt i t ( ) i t ( ) i t ( ) i t ( ) Total current R L C 9
Control Systems: Practical Systems ELECTRIC CIRCUITS RLC circuit (current source) E s ( ) 1 Laplace transform of voltage and current 1 1 I s ( ) Cs R Ls 2 System transfer function I ( ) s 1 L n between inductance 2 2 s 1 I s ( ) ( s 2 ) 2 current and source LC s n n RC LC current K L 1 2 1 n C n LC m 2 R 10
Control Systems: Practical Systems Incompressible fluids FILLING SYSTEMS p t ( ) p t ( ) i q t ( ) R F q(t): flow rate p i (t): inlet pressure p(t): pressure in the tank R F : flow resistance 11
Control Systems: Practical Systems Incompressible fluids FILLING SYSTEMS A dh t A dp dp ( ) equivalent fluid C F q t ( ) A C g F capacitance dt g dt dt dp Governing differential equation p t ( ) R C p t ( ) F F i dt System transfer function 12
Control Systems: Practical Systems Pressure-voltage analogy FILLING SYSTEMS Incompressible fluids Tank-filling Electrical system Pressure, p(t) Voltage, e(t) flow rate, q(t) Current, i(t) Fluid Electrical resistance, R resistance, R F Fluid Electrical capacitance, capacitance, C P s ( ) 1 C F P s ( ) 1 R C s i F F 13
Control Systems: Practical Systems Pressure-current analogy Incompressible fluids FILLING SYSTEMS Fluid Electrical Pressure, p Current, I flow rate, Q Voltage, E Fluid Electrical compliance, resistance, R F 1/R Fluid Electrical inductance, capacitance, C F L P s ( ) 1 P s ( ) 1 R C s i F F 14
Control Systems: Practical Systems Compressible fluids FILLING SYSTEMS p t ( ) p t ( ) i m R F m : flow rate p i (t): inlet pressure p(t): pressure in the tank R F : flow resistance C F is the equivalent fluid capacitance 15
Control Systems: Practical Systems Compressible fluids FILLING SYSTEMS V dp dp Mass flow rate equation from perfect m C F gas equation RT dt dt dp p t ( ) R C p t ( ) Governing differential equation F F i dt 16
Control Systems: Practical Systems Pressure-voltage analogy Compressible fluids FILLING SYSTEMS , Fluid Electrical Pressure, p Voltage, E Mass flow rate, m Current, I Fluid resistance, R F Electrical resistance, R Fluid capacitance, C F Electrical capacitance, C 17
Control Systems: Practical Systems Pressure-current analogy FILLING SYSTEMS Compressible fluids Fluid Electrical Pressure, p Current, I Voltage, E Mass flow rate, m Fluid resistance, R F Electrical compliance, 1/R Fluid capacitance, C F Electrical inductance, L 18
Control Systems: Practical Systems Heat flow due to convective heat transfer THERMAL SYSTEMS a Q hA T T ( ) Q=rate of heat flow h=coefficient of convective heat transfer of the body surface A= surface area T a =temperature of the surrounding medium T=temperature of the body 19
Control Systems: Practical Systems THERMAL SYSTEMS R T =1/hA Thermal resistance Heat flow in terms of thermal resistance T T a Q R T dT dT Heat flow in terms Q MC C p T of thermal capacitance dt dt dT t ( ) T t ( ) R C T t ( ) Governing differential equation T T a dt 20
Control Systems: Practical Systems THERMAL SYSTEMS Temperature-voltage analogy Thermal Electrical Temperature, T Voltage, E Heat flow rate, Q Current, I Thermal Electrical resistance, R T resistance, R Thermal Electrical capacitance, C T capacitance, C T s ( ) 1 T s ( ) 1 R C s a T T 21
Control Systems: Practical Systems Temperature-current analogy THERMAL SYSTEMS Thermal Electrical Temperature, T(t) Current, i Heat flow rate, q(t) Voltage, e Thermal resistance, R T Electrical compliance, 1/R Thermal capacitance, C T Electrical inductance, L 22
Control Systems: Practical Systems MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Spring-mass-damper k f(t) mx cx kx f t ( ) m X s ( ) 1 c 2 F s ( ) ms cs k x(t) 1 2 2 m s 2 s n n 23
Control Systems: Practical Systems MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Force-voltage analogy Spring-mass-damper V s ( ) s 1 Transfer function between 2 k velocity and force F s ( ) ms cs k ms c s 24
Control Systems: Practical Systems MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Force-voltage analogy Spring-mass-damper Mechanical Electrical Force Voltage Velocity Current Mass Inductance Compliance Capacitance (Reciprocal of stiffness) Damping Resistance 25
Control Systems: Practical Systems MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Force-voltage analogy Spring-mass-damper 26
Control Systems: Practical Systems MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Force-current analogy Spring-mass-damper I ( s ) 1 Transfer function between current and voltage of 1 a LRC circuit E ( s ) Ls R Cs 27
Control Systems: Practical Systems MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Force-current analogy Spring-mass-damper Mechanical Electrical Force Current Velocity Voltage Mass Capacitance Compliance Inductance (Reciprocal of stiffness) Damping Conductance(reciprocal of resistance) 28
Control Systems: Practical Systems MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Force-current analogy Spring-mass-damper 29
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