topic 1 introduction topic 2 modelling processes with fsp

Topic 1: Introduction Topic 2: Modelling Processes with FSP Alan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

COMP30112: Concurrency Topic 1: Introduction Topic 2: Modelling Processes with FSP Alan Williams Room 2.107: email: February 2007 Outline Topic 1: Introduction General Background On Concurrency Examples Implementation

  1. COMP30112: Concurrency Topic 1: Introduction Topic 2: Modelling Processes with FSP Alan Williams Room 2.107: email: February 2007

  2. Outline Topic 1: Introduction General Background On Concurrency Examples Implementation Topic 2: Modelling Processes with FSP Labelled Transition Systems FSP: Basic Elements Summary

  3. General Comments • Some concepts familiar from CS205, CS2081, CS231 • We follow much of Magee and Kramer, but more on modelling • Java ?? CS2051 • Java used to illustrate — but NOT a programming course

  4. Supporting and Background Material Books Jeff Magee and Jeff Kramer. Concurrency: State Models and Java Programs. Wiley, 1999. R. Milner. Communication and Concurrency. Prentice-Hall, 1989. C.A.R. Hoare. Communicating Sequential Processes. Prentice-Hall, 1985. Java and LTSA Demos: on teaching domain. See Exercises: offline and in lectures Lecture Slides: hardcopy and PDF Notes on FSP

  5. Assessment 2 hour examination

  6. What is Concurrency? A set of sequential programs executed in abstract parallelism • thread [of control] • shared memory • multi-threading • protected work-space • light-weight threads • parallel processing • message-passing • multi-processing (synchronous or • multi-tasking asynchronous)

  7. Why Concurrency • often more closely fits intuition • performance issues • increased responsiveness and throughput (esp. GUIs)

  8. Why is concurrency hard? • algorithm development • efficiency and performance • simulation and testing: NON DETERMINISM • analysis of properties: deadlock, livelock, fairness, liveness, etc. We will consider: Modelling, Analysis and Implementation (in Java)

  9. Modelling Concurrency • a ‘simplified’ representation of the real world? • modelling before implementing • model captures interesting aspects: concurrency • animation • analysis • Model Description Language: FSP ( Finite State Processes ) • Models: LTS ( Labelled Transition Systems )

  10. Example: Cruise Control System • Does it do what we expect? Is it safe?

  11. FSP: Animation INPUTSPEED = ( engineOn -> CHECKSPEED ), CHECKSPEED = ( speed -> CHECKSPEED | engineOff -> INPUTSPEED ).

  12. Structure Diagrams CONTROL CRUISE SENSOR CONTROLLER SCAN Sensors Engine Prompts INPUT SPEED speed setThrottle THROTTLE SPEED CONTROL set Sensors = {engineOn,engineOff,on,off, resme, brake, accelerator} set Engine = {engineOn,engineOff} set Prompts = {clearSpeed,recordSpeed, enableControl,disableControl}

  13. Implementation in Java • Thread class; Runnable interface • starting, stopping, suspending threads • mutual exclusion: synchronized methods and code blocks • monitors, condition synchronization • wait , notify , notifyAll • sleep , interrupt • suspend , resume , stop • properties: safety, liveness

  14. First Exercise DAY : A Day In the Life Of: • DAY1: Get up — action: getUp , • then have a cup of tea — action: tea • then work — action: work You Do It: LTS for DAY1 • DAY2: Now repeat the Day — action: goHome You Do It: LTS for DAY2 • DAY3: Now be able to choose coffee — action: coffee — instead of tea You Do It: LTS for DAY3

  15. Labelled Transition Systems What is an LTS?: LTS = ( S , A , σ, s 0 ) S : set of states S A : A ⊆ Act alphabet where σ : transition relation σ ⊆ ( S × A × S ) s 0 initial state s 0 ∈ S Act is our set of atomic transition labels, or actions.

  16. FSP: A Textual Representation for LTS FSP - Finite State Processes What FSP Constructs Are Required?? • DAY1 : sequence • DAY1 : STOP • DAY2 : process definition, with recursion • DAY3 : choice

  17. Action Prefix If x is an action and P is a process then ( x -> P ) describes a process that initially engages in the action x and then behaves exactly as described by P . ( once -> STOP ) . Convention: • actions begin with a lower case letter • PROCESS NAMES begin with an upper case letter • STOP is a specially pre-defined FSP process name. You Do It: FSP for DAY1

  18. Process Definition Basic form: ProcId = process expression • The meaning of ProcId will be given by the meaning of process expression . • ProcId should start with an upper-case letter. • Recursion: ProcId can occur in process expression . (more complex forms possible — see later. . . ) You Do It: FSP for DAY2

  19. Choice • If x and y are actions then ( x -> P | y -> Q ) describes a process which initially engages in either of the actions x or y . • After that the subsequent behaviour is described by – P if the first action was x , – Q if the first action was y . You Do It: FSP for DAY3

  20. Example: Various Switches Repetitive behaviour uses recursion: SWITCH = OFF , = ( on -> ON ) , OFF ON = ( off -> OFF ) . Substituting to get a more concise definition: SWITCH = OFF , = ( on -> off -> OFF ) . OFF And again: SWITCH = ( on -> off -> SWITCH ) . You Do It: Are these FSP SWITCH defintions the same??

  21. Example: Traffic Light FSP model of a traffic light: = ( red -> amber -> green TRAFFICLIGHT -> amber -> TRAFFICLIGHT ) . You Do It: What is LTS generated? Use LTSA You Do It: Trace red -> amber -> green -> amber -> red -> amber -> green -> · · ·

  22. Example: Vending Machine FSP model of a drinks machine: DRINKS = ( red -> coffee -> DRINKS | blue -> tea -> DRINKS ) . You Do It: LTS generated using LTSA You Do It: Possible traces

  23. Non-Deterministic Choice Process ( x -> P | x -> Q ) describes a process which engages in x and then behaves as either P or Q . = ( toss -> HEADS | toss -> TAILS ) , COIN HEADS = ( heads -> COIN ) , = ( tails -> COIN ) . TAILS Tossing a coin You Do It: Possible traces

  24. Syntactic Sugar: Indexed Processes and Actions Single slot buffer that inputs a value in the range 0 to 3 and then outputs a value: BUFF = ( in [ i : 0 .. 3 ] -> out [ i ] -> BUFF ) . equivalent to BUFF = ( in [ 0 ] -> out [ 0 ] -> BUFF | in [ 1 ] -> out [ 1 ] -> BUFF | in [ 2 ] -> out [ 2 ] -> BUFF | in [ 3 ] -> out [ 3 ] -> BUFF ) .

  25. or using a constant and indexed process BUFF [ i ] : = 3 const N BUFF = ( in [ i : 0 .. N ] -> BUFF [ i ]) , BUFF [ i : 0 .. N ] = out [ i ] -> BUFF ) . or using a process parameter with default value: BUFF ( N = 3 ) = ( in [ i : 0 .. N ] -> out [ i ] -> BUFF ) .

  26. Guarded Actions The choice ( when B x -> P | y -> Q ) describes a process that is like ( x -> P | y -> Q ) except that the action x can only be chosen when the guard B is true.

  27. Example: A Counter COUNT ( N = 3 ) = COUNT [ 0 ] , COUNT [ i : 0 .. N ] = ( when ( i < N ) inc -> COUNT [ i + 1 ] | when ( i > 0 ) dec -> COUNT [ i − 1 ] ) .

  28. Example: A Countdown Timer A countdown timer which beeps after N ticks, or can be stopped. COUNTDOWN ( N = 3 ) = ( start -> COUNTDOWN [ N ]) , COUNTDOWN [ i : 0 .. N ] = ( when ( i > 0 ) tick -> COUNTDOWN [ i − 1 ] | when ( i == 0 ) beep -> STOP | stop -> STOP ) . You Do It: LTS

  29. Example: What is this? You Do It: What is the following FSP process equivalent to const False = 0 P = (when (False) doanything -> P).

  30. Constant and Range Declarations index expressions to model a calculation: const N = 1 range T = 0..N range R = 0..2*N SUM = (in[a:T][b:T] -> TOTAL[a+b]), TOTAL[s:R] = (out[s] -> SUM). You Do It: Write SUM using basic FSP

  31. Process Alphabets • The alphabet of a process is the set of actions in which it is allowed to engage. • This is usually determined implicitly as the actions in which it can engage. • But the implicit alphabet can be extended: = ( write [ 1 ] -> write [ 3 ] -> WRITER ) WRITER + { write [ 0 .. 3 ] } . The alphabet of WRITER is the set { write [ 0 .. 3 ] } ; i.e. the set { write [ 0 ] , write [ 1 ] , write [ 2 ] , write [ 3 ] } .

  32. FSP: Summary Forms of process expression Examples prefix action ( coffee -> DRINKS ) guarded action ( when ( i == 0 ) beep -> STOP ) deterministic choice ( red -> COFFEE | blue -> TEA ) non-deterministic choice ( toss -> HEADS | toss -> TAILS ) ( out [ i ] -> BUFF ) dependent process indexed choice ( in [ i : 0 .. 3 ] -> BUFF [ i ]) � DRINKS , process name BUFF [ i ]

  33. Process equation: process name = process expression  declarations   main process equation ,     local process equation ,      . Process definition: .    .     local process equation ,     local process equation .


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