comp30112 concurrency

COMP30112: Concurrency Topics 2.2: Concurrency in FSP & 3.1: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Topic 2.2: Modelling Processes with FSP - II Topic 3.1: Java Threads: Revision COMP30112: Concurrency Topics 2.2: Concurrency in FSP & 3.1: Java Threads Howard Barringer Room KB2.20: email: February 2009

  1. Topic 2.2: Modelling Processes with FSP - II Topic 3.1: Java Threads: Revision COMP30112: Concurrency Topics 2.2: Concurrency in FSP & 3.1: Java Threads Howard Barringer Room KB2.20: email: February 2009

  2. Topic 2.2: Modelling Processes with FSP - II Topic 3.1: Java Threads: Revision Outline Topic 2.2: Modelling Processes with FSP - II Composing Processes in Parallel Interaction Labelling Processes Relabelling & Hiding Summary Topic 3.1: Java Threads: Revision Threads Example Synchronisation Example Thread Lifecycle

  3. Topic 2.2: Modelling Processes with FSP - II Topic 3.1: Java Threads: Revision Parallel Composition ⋆ Consider ‘ DAY ’ processes? ⋆ ( P || Q ) represents the concurrent execution of P and Q . The operator || is the parallel composition operator. LAUGH = ( laugh -> STOP ) . = ( think -> talk -> STOP ) . CONVERSE || CONVERSE LAUGH = ( LAUGH || CONVERSE ) . ⋆ Possible Traces? ⋆

  4. Topic 2.2: Modelling Processes with FSP - II Topic 3.1: Java Threads: Revision Interleaving Actions laugh think talk ✓✏ ✓✏ ✓✏ ✓✏ ✓✏ ◮ ◮ ◮ LAUGH CONVERSE 0 1 0 1 2 ✒✑ ✒✑ ✒✑ ✒✑ ✒✑ 2 states 3 states ⋆ Composite LTS? ⋆

  5. Topic 2.2: Modelling Processes with FSP - II Topic 3.1: Java Threads: Revision Example: Clock Radio = ( tick -> CLOCK ) . CLOCK RADIO = ( on -> off -> RADIO ) . || CLOCK RADIO = ( CLOCK || RADIO ) . ⋆ LTS? ⋆ ⋆ Traces? ⋆ ⋆ Number of states? ⋆

  6. Topic 2.2: Modelling Processes with FSP - II Topic 3.1: Java Threads: Revision Shared Actions • processes in a composition may have common actions: shared actions (i.e. process alphabets intersect) • shared actions model process interaction • unshared actions: arbitrary interleaving • shared actions: must be executed at the same time by all processes = ( make -> ready -> MAKER ) . MAKER USER = ( ready -> use -> USER ) . || MAKER USER = ( MAKER || USER ) . ⋆ LTS? ⋆ ⋆ Traces? ⋆ ⋆ Number of states? ⋆

  7. Topic 2.2: Modelling Processes with FSP - II Topic 3.1: Java Threads: Revision Handshake Handshake is an action acknowledged by another: MAKERv2 = ( make -> ready -> used -> MAKERv2 ) . = ( ready -> use -> used -> USERv2 ) . USERv2 || MAKER USERv2 = ( MAKERv2 || USERv2 ) . ⋆ LTS? ⋆

  8. Topic 2.2: Modelling Processes with FSP - II Topic 3.1: Java Threads: Revision Multiple Processes Multi-party synchronisation: MAKE A = ( makeA -> ready -> used -> MAKE A ) . MAKE B = ( makeB -> ready -> used -> MAKE B ) . = ( ready -> assemble -> used -> ASSEMBLE ) . ASSEMBLE || FACTORY = ( MAKE A || MAKE B || ASSEMBLE ) . ⋆ LTS? ⋆

  9. Topic 2.2: Modelling Processes with FSP - II Topic 3.1: Java Threads: Revision Process Labelling - I a : P prefixes each action label in the alphabet of P with a . Two instances of a switch process: SWITCH = ( on -> off -> SWITCH ) . || TWO SWITCH = ( a : SWITCH || b : SWITCH ) . An array of instances of the switch process: || SWITCHES ( N = 3 ) = ( forall [ i : 1 .. N ] s [ i ] : SWITCH ) . || SWITCHES ( N = 3 ) = ( s [ i : 1 .. N ] : SWITCH ) . ⋆ Write SWITCHES(3) in basic FSP? ⋆

  10. Topic 2.2: Modelling Processes with FSP - II Topic 3.1: Java Threads: Revision Process Labelling - II { a1 , . . . , ax } :: P replaces every action label n in the alphabet of P with the labels a1 . n , . . . , ax . n . Further, every transition n -> X in the definition of P is replaced with the transitions { a1 . n , . . . , ax . n } -> X . Process prefixing is useful for modeling shared resources: RESOURCE = ( acquire -> release -> RESOURCE ) . = ( acquire -> use -> release -> USER ) . USER || RESOURCE SHARE = ( a : USER || b : USER || { a , b } :: RESOURCE ) . ⋆ Write RESOURCE SHARE in basic FSP? ⋆

  11. Topic 2.2: Modelling Processes with FSP - II Topic 3.1: Java Threads: Revision Process Prefix Labels For Shared Resources ⋆ LTS for RESOURCE SHARE? ⋆

  12. Topic 2.2: Modelling Processes with FSP - II Topic 3.1: Java Threads: Revision Action Relabelling - I Relabelling functions are applied to processes to change the names of action labels. The general form of the relabelling function is: / { newlabel 1 / oldlabel 1 , . . . , newlabel n / oldlabel n } . Relabelling to ensure that composed processes synchronize on particular actions: = ( call -> wait -> continue -> CLIENT ) . CLIENT SERVER = ( request -> service -> reply -> SERVER ) . || CLIENT SERVER = ( CLIENT || SERVER ) / { call / request , reply / wait } .

  13. Topic 2.2: Modelling Processes with FSP - II Topic 3.1: Java Threads: Revision Client Server LTSs

  14. Topic 2.2: Modelling Processes with FSP - II Topic 3.1: Java Threads: Revision Action Relabelling - II Alternative formulation of the client server system is described below using qualified or prefixed labels: SERVERv2 = ( accept . request -> service -> accept . reply -> SERVERv2 ) . CLIENTv2 = ( call . request -> call . reply -> continue -> CLIENTv2 ) . || CLIENT SERVERv2 = ( CLIENTv2 || SERVERv2 ) / { call / accept } .

  15. Topic 2.2: Modelling Processes with FSP - II Topic 3.1: Java Threads: Revision Action Hiding When applied to a process P , the hiding operator \{ a1 .. ax } removes the action names a1 .. ax from the alphabet of P and makes these concealed actions “silent”. These silent actions are labelled tau . Silent actions in different processes are not shared. Sometimes it is more convenient to specify the set of labels to be exposed... When applied to a process P , the interface operator @ { a1 .. ax } hides all the actions in the alphabet of P not labelled in the set a1 .. ax .

  16. Topic 2.2: Modelling Processes with FSP - II Topic 3.1: Java Threads: Revision The following definitions are equivalent: USER = ( acquire -> use -> release -> USER ) \{ use } . USER = ( acquire -> use -> release -> USER ) @ { acquire , release } .

  17. Topic 2.2: Modelling Processes with FSP - II Topic 3.1: Java Threads: Revision Summary • process composition e.g. ( P || Q || R ) • shared actions synchronised • unshared actions interleaved • process labeling e.g. a : P and { a , b } :: P • action relabelling e.g. P / { a / b , c / d } • action hiding e.g. P \{ a , b } and P @ { c , d }

  18. Topic 2.2: Modelling Processes with FSP - II Topic 3.1: Java Threads: Revision The Thread Class class MyThread extends Thread { int i; public void run() { i = 0; while (i <= 5) { System.out.println("" + i); i++; }}} ... MyThread mt = new MyThread(); mt.start(); ...

  19. Topic 2.2: Modelling Processes with FSP - II Topic 3.1: Java Threads: Revision The Runnable Interface public interface Runnable{ public abstract void run(); } class MyRun implements Runnable { int i; public void run() { i = 0; while (i <= 5) { System.out.println("" + i); i++; }}} ... MyRun mr = new MyRun(); Thread mt = new Thread(mr); mt.start(); ...

  20. Topic 2.2: Modelling Processes with FSP - II Topic 3.1: Java Threads: Revision Terminal Counter class Counter implements Runnable { Thread counter; int i; final static int N = 3; Counter () { counter = new Thread(this); i = N; counter.start(); }

  21. Topic 2.2: Modelling Processes with FSP - II Topic 3.1: Java Threads: Revision Terminal Counter - cont. public void run () { while (true) { if (counter == null) return; if (i>0) { System.out.println("Count is " + i); try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} i--; } if (i==0) { System.out.println("Count is done"); return; } }//while }//run }//class

  22. Topic 2.2: Modelling Processes with FSP - II Topic 3.1: Java Threads: Revision class CounterText { public static void main (String [] args) { System.out.println("Main starting counter..."); Counter count = new Counter(); System.out.println("Main Done"); }//main }//class CounterText

  23. Topic 2.2: Modelling Processes with FSP - II Topic 3.1: Java Threads: Revision Thread Synchronisation synchronized (obj) statements synchronized typename methodname () statement This provides mutually exclusive access to methods/objects.

  24. Topic 2.2: Modelling Processes with FSP - II Topic 3.1: Java Threads: Revision • each object has a single lock associated with it • any synchronized code applied to an object must first obtain the lock for the object • if the lock is already taken, then thread will block until lock is available • exception releases lock • scheduling policy for waiting threads

  25. Topic 2.2: Modelling Processes with FSP - II Topic 3.1: Java Threads: Revision wait() and notify() • wait() : suspend and block thread; release lock • notify() : unblock a suspended thread • notifyAll() : unblock all suspended threads • wait sets

  26. Topic 2.2: Modelling Processes with FSP - II Topic 3.1: Java Threads: Revision Condition Synchronization synchronized type1 Method1 (...) throws InterruptedException { while (!firstCondition){ wait(); } ... } synchronized type2 Method2 (...) { ... firstCondition = true; notify(); // or notifyAll() ... } Note: signal-and-continue semantics for notify()

  27. Topic 2.2: Modelling Processes with FSP - II Topic 3.1: Java Threads: Revision Car Park


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