Top 10 Reasons Why We Love STUCO Presented by: Luci, Haley, Haili, and Kathryn
10. School Spirit We always have school spirit days/weeks. Students can participate by dressing up according to the dress up days to show their school spirit. We also decorate the school for different holidays. Each athlete gets a locker sign with their sport on it to show our support to them. Our school also hosts a mini-float parade every Homecoming in our parking lot.
9. Clothing Drive For our clothing drives, we donate clothes to people in our community. Those in the community can bring clothes to the middle school and donate to our local Warrior Closet.
8. Food Drive We collect food for a Christmas meal for the housing authorities. We get the entire school involved and have each T.A send one or two boxes of food.
7. Districts/State/Camp Districts is… A meeting for councils for the Northwest District to come together and share their ideas. We present workshops at Districts every year. State is… When schools send small groups of representatives to come together with all the STUCOs in the state to share ideas and build leadership. Camp is… A week long experience with different student councils from all across Missouri to share and bring home ideas. We meet lots of new people and make possibly life-long friends.
6. Leadership As a council we have done multiple activities together throughout the recent years. Last year a group of us volunteered at KC Pet Project. We have also decorated the inside of our Student Council trailer, we make locker signs to recognize different students, and we work together as a council and a school to raise thousands of dollars to donate towards the Special Olympics.
5. Homecoming For Homecoming, we decorate the school in Homecoming gear, like posters, and we set dress-up days. Student Council holds a pep rally to get everyone in the Warrior spirit! We also decorate a float for the Homecoming parade.
4. Assemblies We host an assembly every quarter to recognize the athletes and student achievements. We also play many competitive games to get our school excited and wanting to join in.
3. Ambush Each month we award two students from each grade and a teacher for being kind, courteous, and considerate. The students get to nominate students and teachers. Student Council picks the top two for each grade and one teacher. As a gift for being kind, courteous, and considerate, we give them a bouquet of candy.
2. Wigs Out Annually, we give students an opportunity to chop 8 or more inches of hair for a good cause. We donate the hair to Wigs for Kids, and they make wigs for cancer patients. This is all done at an assembly to honor those that lose their hair from cancer. Students who do not have enough hair, or wish to not cut their hair have the option of donating money.
1. SOMO SOMO stands for Special Olympics of Missouri, where those with disabilities are provided year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults. No Shave November is where male teachers can volunteer to not shave their facial hair for a whole month. Students donate money to the teacher who they want to win. Our goal this year for No Shave November was $1,500, but this year we raised $1,646.40. Without our students and teachers help, we would have never been able to reach our goal. Every year, we participate in Polar Plunge. People raise money to support SOMO, and they can take a dive into a freezing cold lake during the winter. We have been the one of the top fundraisers for middle schools in Missouri for schools our size for the past 5+ years.
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