tools for creating innovative and transformative library


TOOLS FOR CREATING INNOVATIVE AND TRANSFORMATIVE LIBRARY SERVICES B Y CHINWE V. ANUNOBI ( PhD) U n iv e rs ity Lib ra ria n , FU TO Presentation at the Library and Information T echnology T oday ( LITT) 2015 National Workshop

  1. TOOLS FOR CREATING INNOVATIVE AND TRANSFORMATIVE LIBRARY SERVICES B Y CHINWE V. ANUNOBI ( PhD) U n iv e rs ity Lib ra ria n , FU TO Presentation at the Library and Information T echnology T oday ( LITT) 2015 National Workshop held at Kogi State University Ayigba, 12-16 Oct. 2015 Chinwe V . Anunobi Creating Innovative 1/ 24/ 2016 1 &Transformative LITT 2015

  2. Approach • What Innovative and Transformative library; • Why Create Innovative and Transformative Libraries; • Information System lifecycle ; • What Should Librarians Do; • Some of the Basic Tools; • Issues in Achieving Innovative and Transformative Libraries : The Drivers’ Issues; • Course Guide as an Example of Innovative service; • Hands On: the Real thing. Chinwe V . Anunobi Creating Innovative 1/ 24/ 2016 2 &Transformative LITT 2015

  3. What Innovative and Transformative Library adjective of transformation • • TRANSFORM ATIVE INNOVATIVE Thinking out of the Describe as remoulding what is box Injecting innovation available for the same, similar into a system results or different purpose . in the production of Pushing out of a transformed the envelop Using a clay system pot to mould a ceramic plate Thinking critically on how to use what you have at hand to Using the knowledge acquired create something different and at library school as well as useful not only to you but to experience gained in the use of others around you new trend ( technology etc ) to re-engineer/ remould the already exiting library Chinwe V . Anunobi Creating Innovative operations and services 1/ 24/ 2016 3 &Transformative LITT 2015

  4. What Innovative and Transformative library Cont… Creating Innovative and Transformative libraries Thinking critically on Remould the operations and how to use your services of the library for the experience, training, good of your community and to competencies ( justify your relevance in the knowledge , skill and system you operate attitude) Chinwe V . Anunobi Creating Innovative 1/ 24/ 2016 4 &Transformative LITT 2015

  5. What innovative and transformative library Cont… • It means applying • The Golden Circle … . Communicate from Inside Out Why People don’t buy what you produce but why you produce it. There is evidence that institutions which record success engage their students to use the library . Such students are rewarded with high academic outcome Chinwe V . Anunobi Creating Innovative 1/ 24/ 2016 5 &Transformative LITT 2015

  6. Why Create Innovative and Transformative Libraries • The Education/ Research Environment Changing External Environment Influencing Education Online Library Approach Traditional providing Education Approach Automated, Education hhhs Digital & Internal Social M edia Environment Services Influencing Education Chinwe V . Anunobi Creating Innovative 1/ 24/ 2016 6 &Transformative LITT 2015

  7. Why Create Innovative and Transformative Libraries Cont... Users approach to their information needs have changed Libraries of today Packaging of tools as well as resources has must differ in taken a different dimension. operations and services from those of yesterday’s. Though the focus of libraries remains the same, the road to the destination has become amorphous Chinwe V . Anunobi Creating Innovative 1/ 24/ 2016 7 &Transformative LITT 2015

  8. Why Create Innovative and Transformative Libraries Cont... BEFORE NOW NOW • Virtual and ubiquitous.  Restricted to a building. • Users source , access and retrieve  A single location for sourcing, information anywhere including t access and retrieval of information brokers. information. •  User walks to the library to get User has remote access. needed information.  Packaging( tools & resources ) • Packaging are electronic . restricted to paper. • Users Interested in point information(  User interested in long search Direct to the answer). and turning the pages of paper to satisfy need. • Users interested in multimedia tools  User patient with manual tools and services. Needs dispatch Chinwe V . Anunobi Creating Innovative 1/ 24/ 2016 8 and single format services. services. &Transformative LITT 2015

  9. The Library as a • Information system System lifecycle Design : Birth ( Introduction , Learning and There is the need to examine Adjustment the status of libraries based Stage ) on information system lifecycle one of which is the Operational Replacement : library Stage: Evolution Information Regeneration is (Interacting and System Life eminent or the Adjusting to the To avert decay , libraries Cycle system will die a demands of the engage in innovative and natural death Environment transformative activities. This means engaging in those activities that will actualise Decay: (Libraries the move from the old to new operating approach in library presently at the operations and services traditional platform are Chinwe V . Anunobi Creating Innovative decaying ) 1/ 24/ 2016 9 &Transformative LITT 2015

  10. What Should Librarians Do: Engage your community • Hybrid, Automated and digital operations as well as web 2.0 or library 2.0 Automated Process services ( social media services ). Traditional S ystem Social M edia Digital/ Electronic ENGAGING / Web 2.0/ Lib2.0 Resources Automated Information YOUR S ystem COM M UNITY Literacy Digital Open S ystem Access/ Repository Chinwe V . Anunobi Creating Innovative 1/ 24/ 2016 10 &Transformative LITT 2015

  11. ); What Should Librarians Do Cont... • Identify what is expected of innovative and transformative library. Some of these activities are Attracting the user community with what they will want to see, read or use as bait; Chinwe V . Anunobi Creating Innovative 1/ 24/ 2016 11 &Transformative LITT 2015

  12. Some of the Basic Tools Tools for creating Innovative and transformative libraries in our time are grouped into Creating and Finding, organizing Connecting Group Productivity publishing - user and re-using generated con tent Social Communication Blogs Networking Feeds & Readers Conferencing M icroblogs Professional Tagging & Social Photo sharing Networks Bookmarking Collaboration Video Sharing Chinwe V . Anunobi Creating Innovative 1/ 24/ 2016 12 &Transformative LITT 2015

  13. Some of the Basic Tools Cont... • We will consider some tools: Blog, Twitter, Facebook, Whasapp, Flickre or Picasa etc • ( To be considered later at practical level) Chinwe V . Anunobi Creating Innovative 1/ 24/ 2016 13 &Transformative LITT 2015

  14. Issues in Achieving Innovative and Transformative Libraries : The Drivers’ Issues Think about social Brainstorming media tools & application for (Social M edia ) connecting , productivity and collaboration, information work contributing & Publishing, Aggregating, finding organizing & re- using tools M ore Consults Informed Techno - Phallic Apply withou t Trial Try them out Apply Chinwe V . Anunobi Creating Innovative 1/ 24/ 2016 14 &Transformative LITT 2015

  15. Issues in Achieving Innovative and Transformative Libraries : The Drivers’ Issues Cont..  Librarians ( Information Professionals)major drivers of innovative and transformative libraries:  When librarians attend trainings , they are exposed to tools to achieve innovative and transformative library operations and services ( Usually in form of brainstorming) .  Exposed to use of the modern technology which is translated as ICT and above all the interactive web( Web 2.0, library 2.0, social media).  Competences acquired are taken to their various libraries where they are expected to discuss and apply.  Some librarians ( Technophilic ) will apply the technology immediately to achieve innovative library while the conservatives will begin to consult others, search for where it has been applied and try in small unconvincing manner. Those who apply the technology are considered global professionals( most wanted). Chinwe V . Anunobi Creating Innovative 1/ 24/ 2016 15 &Transformative LITT 2015

  16. Course Guide as Example of Innovative Service M odern approach to assisting community to use the institutional website . It encourages the use of both print and electronic resources of the library by the community The contact Reflects the Characteristically : Librarian for name , and M ade of several that colour of the pages of particular institution information about a courses is as well as particular course always title and available code of the course in question . Chinwe V . Anunobi Creating Innovative 1/ 24/ 2016 16 &Transformative LITT 2015

  17. Course Guide as Example of Innovative services Course title & Code Objective and Philosophy of the Content of Course Guide course All information about the course Resources : traditional , electronic, video that will assist the student Pointer to the resources Citation styles Reference resources, Time table, Past question papers Chinwe V . Anunobi Creating Innovative 1/ 24/ 2016 17 &Transformative LITT 2015


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