to provide all guardian ad litem volunteers with

To provide all Guardian ad Litem Volunteers with 0 a basic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

To provide all Guardian ad Litem Volunteers with 0 a basic understanding on how to work within the school system in order to advocate for 0 school stability 0 needed educational services 0 participation in school activities that lead to a feeling

  1. To provide all Guardian ad Litem Volunteers with 0 a basic understanding on how to work within the school system in order to advocate for 0 school stability 0 needed educational services 0 participation in school activities that lead to a feeling of normalcy and well being for the child

  2. This training will include: Who should the GAL contact and build a relationship a) with at the child’s school? b) How should the GAL build relationships with school personnel? How does the GAL access school records? c) d) What questions should the GAL ask when visiting the school. What After Care Programs are available? e) What is your local Inter-Agency Agreement? f) What is the availability of Surrogate Parent Training? g) h) What do all these acronyms mean?

  3. Why is educational advocacy important? 0 50% of 17 year olds that are dependent perform below grade level 0 46% of 17 year olds that are dependent failed the FCAT 0 32% of 21 year olds that were dependent had not completed high school, GED, Vocational, or college 0 Only 26% of youth aging out of foster care received a standard high school diploma 0 The average academic recovery takes 4 to 6 months after each school change the child makes. 0 A national study found that youth who had one fewer placement change per year were almost twice as likely to graduate from high school before leaving care

  4. a) Who should the GAL contact and build a relationship with at the child’s school? 0 Preschool – child’s teacher, teacher’s aide, the owner or manager 0 Elementary School – child’s teacher (s), guidance counselor, ESE teacher, after school teacher 0 Middle School – child’s homeroom teacher, teachers, guidance counselor, ESE teacher, after school teacher, coaches 0 High School - child’s homeroom teacher, teachers, guidance counselor, ESE teacher, coaches, etc.

  5. b) How should the GAL build relationships with school personnel? 0 Upon receiving the case, make a face to face visit with the school 0 Make an appointment with the main teacher 0 Make an appointment with the school counselor 0 Request a copy of the child’s school records 0 Contact the child’s teacher via email frequently for information on progress or issues with the child 0 Have patience, you have one child to advocate for, this teacher has over two dozen 0 Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

  6. c) How does the GAL access school records? 0 Upon receiving the case, check with your CAC, and make a face to face visit to gain access to the child’s school records 0 Request a user name and password from your child’s school to gain access to PinPoint Parent Portal 0 This will provide information on your child’s 0 Grades 0 Attendance 0 Assignments, past due and future

  7. d) What questions should the GAL ask when visiting the school. 0 Is the child enrolled in school or other learning program? 0 What is the child’s attendance record? 0 How many schools has the child been enrolled in this year? 0 Of more than one, what is being done for educational stability? 0 Is the child in the correct grade for his or her age? If not, why not? 0 Is the child making expected, continuous progress? 0 Is reading and math on grade level?

  8. d) What questions should the GAL ask when visiting the school. 0 Has the child passed the FCATs? What remediation plan is in place if not? 0 If the child is having problems in school? 0 Has anyone requested referral to a child study team or for a psycho-educational evaluation? 0 Who is the education decision maker? 0 Has the caseworker determined if a surrogate parent is needed? Assigned? Contacted regarding any concerns?

  9. d) What questions should the GAL ask when visiting the school. 0 Does the child have any learning or other disabilities that are interfering with his or her learning? 0 Does the child with disabilities have an Individual Education Plan (IEP)? 0 Who signed the last IEP? 0 Are the supports and related services identified in the IEP appropriate for the child and are they being provided? 0 If the child has a disability and is 14 or older, does the child have a transition plan?

  10. d) What questions should the GAL ask when visiting the school. 0 Does the child need other related services to achieve educational benefit including, but not limited to, transportation, speech/language, mental health, occupational therapy, physical therapy? 0 Is the child in the least restrictive environment appropriate for meeting his or her needs? 0 What, if any, parental involvement has there been to support the child’s educational progress? 0 If the child is 16 or older, has planning for college or vocational school been addressed?

  11. d) What questions should the GAL ask when visiting the school. 0 Has the child been subject to any disciplinary actions? If so, how have they been addressed? 0 Has the child had an advocate during any of the disciplinary proceedings? 0 Has the child with an IEP been removed from their educational setting for more than 10 days cumulatively during the school year? 0 Has the school conducted a functional behavioral assessment or drafted a behavior intervention plan?

  12. d) What questions should the GAL ask when visiting the school. 0 Does the school have the name and number for the child’s case worker and any paperwork necessary to keep the child safe at school? 0 Do the documents and records for the child accurately reflect his or her situation? Aptitude? Performance? Strengths and weaknesses?

  13. e) What After Care Programs are available? 0 Each elementary and middle school has an Extended Day Enrichment Program (EDEP) 0 Before school 0 After school 0 21 st Century Programs 0 supports the creation of community learning centers that provide academic enrichment opportunities during non-school hours for children, particularly students who attend high-poverty and low-performing schools. 0 Currently, there are 17 schools participating in the 21st Century program

  14. f) What is your local Inter-Agency Agreement? 0 Florida Department of Children and Families 0 Florida Department of Education 0 Florida Department of Juvenile Justice 0 Florida Agency for Persons with Disabilities 0 To coordinate services for children served by the Florida Child Welfare System

  15. f) What is your local Inter-Agency Agreement? 0 State level inter-agency responsibilities 0 Local level interagency responsibilities 0 Training and staff development, state and local 0 Parents, foster parents, families 0 Dependency case workers 0 Waiver support coordinators 0 Surrogate Parent Training 0 Sharing information

  16. f) What is your local Inter-Agency Agreement? 0 Education Stabilization 0 Transportation 0 Case Planning 0 Pursuit of Post Secondary Education 0 Priority Employment, Training, and Support Service Programs 0 Opening and closing of Licensed Residential Programs 0 Parental Rights/Exceptional Student Education (ESE) 0 Independent Living Skills 0 Early Intervention

  17. g) What is the availability of Surrogate Parent Training? 0 Once a year, usually in October 0 Two sessions are offered 0 Each session is 2 hours 0 @ FDLRS on West Pensacola Street 0 Contact Chris Heron, Leon County Schools, 0 487-7135 0

  18. h) What do all these acronyms mean? 0 As you participate in the special education process, you will encounter unfamiliar language and acronyms. It may seem like a foreign language, but it is really just a language of initials. Many of these initials are explained and defined below. Often, during meetings, many of these terms and acronyms are used frequently, and it is assumed that everyone is familiar with the meaning. If you are in a meeting and this occurs, feel free to ask, “What does that term mean?” 0 Handout

  19. Educational Advocacy Certification Program

  20. EAC Program – Part 1 Guardian ad Litem Pre-Service Training 0 Who should the GAL contact and build a relationship with at the child’s school? 0 Suggestions on how to build relationships with school personnel. 0 How does the GAL access school records? (including online) 0 Suggested questions to ask when visiting the school. 0 Explanation and discussion of After Care Programs 0 Overview of local Inter-Agency Agreement 0 Availability of Surrogate Parent Training 0 Helpful Definitions, i.e. IEP, ESE

  21. EAC Program – Part 2 0 Educational Surrogate Training 0 About Educational Surrogates 0 About ESE 0 Famous Individuals with disabilities 0 Description of exceptionalities 0 The referral process 0 Multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) 0 IEP’s

  22. EAC Program – Part 2 0 Educational Surrogate Training 0 Parent Invitation/Participation Form 0 Education laws (IDEA,504,ADA) 0 Accommodations and modifications 0 Getting Ready for Your Child’s IEP Meeting 0 Big Bend Transition Council Spectrum and Guide (guide to services for students with disabilities) 0 Acronym list 0 Part B-Notice of Procedural Safeguards

  23. EAC Program – Part 3 0 Multi-Tiered System of Supports/Response to Intervention 0 Exceptional Student Education 0 Individualized Education Plan 0 Free and Reduced Lunch Eligibility 0 Policy on Bullying Prevention 0 Services for LGBT Middle and High School Students 0 Interagency Agreements

  24. EAC Program – Part 3 0 Assessments – State and National 0 Graduation Requirements 0 Policy for Absences 0 Promotion and Retention Policies 0 Interpret a School Report Card


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