To innovate and encourage sustainable training initiatives for all fluvial tourism stakeholders “ This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein ”
THE PROJECT Increased interest in wáter-related tourism in Europe A more sustainable approach to this kind of tourism Combine increased demand for water-related tourism with sustainability development
OBJECTIVES Decrease related-water tourism environmental footprint Share related-water tourism sustainable good practices Provide a set of skills to develop own sustainable initiatives and measures in their recreational activities, businesses and natural spaces Contribute to satisfy preservation need, protection and sustainability of natural spaces and water ecosystems Boost responsible behaviours and measures in the community, enterprises and visitors of these spaces and helping to reduce the waste and dumping as well. Help users improve their professional profiles and be more competitive, enhancing their employability. Lay foundations for new business opportunities, innovative professional initiatives, cooperation between entrepreneurs. Help users reduce activity’s costs by being environmentally responsible and more efficient. Contribute to the need of innovation in fluvial tourism sector from the environmental point of view.
7 partners from Estonia, France Hungary, Poland, Spain and Slovenia a strong mix of organizations with a wide background and experience in training, fluvial tourism, innovation and environment will ensure concrete practical keys and tools. Karuske OÜ –
ACTIVITIES Skills Framework : lay foundations on both methodology and main data to define training stakeholders needs : geographical study area characteristics, focus group, fluvial tourism analyzes, experiences, studies, projects, …
Six project partners - CLUTUREX, VELENCEI, KARUSKOSE, ITW, INUK and FEDETON - scanned for trainings on environmental issues (in particular topics or items on sustainability in fluvial areas) in their region/country. The partners identified several related initiatives of public bodies public – or sometimes even private organisations. However no specific trainings were identified which underlines the importance of EFF Tourism project . Nevertheless CLUTUREX – with ICMEJORA - participated in a project called EnviroSmart Navigation Natura which was funded by Extremadura Regional Government in 2014 and developed jointly by CLUTUREX and ICMEJORA. Taking the results and conclusions obtained from the initial research, a practical catalogue of “ EnviroSmart Solutions for fluvial tourism navigation in Protected Natural Spaces of Extremadura” was developed and is available on the project website: Although this catalogue was designed having Extremadura as reference, it can be transferred and used in other regions. The documentation is in Spanish.
The same 6 project partners filled a questionnaire about the environmental impact of fluvial tourism. As a result all partners agreed that fluvial tourism has a major impact on ecosystems . The reasons behind this impact are various: 40% of regions considered the introduction, expansion or increase of invasive species as important; 60% the change of the dynamics of the biological communities; 40 % the deterioration of habitats and loss of vegetative cover meanwhile dust on fauna and vegetation only 20 %. Therefore the main conclusion of the analysis is that the change in the dynamics of the biological communities has the most important impact on the ecosystem. All partners agreed that fluvial tourism has a low-level impact on the landscape (low visual impact of the fluvial tourism navigation activities).
Each region conducted five surveys with the representatives of stakeholders except Extremadura (CLUTUREX) with 9 and France (FEDETON) with 3. All the stakeholders surveyed seemed to have a knowledge of the tourism sector as general and specifically fluvial tourism. Most of them are aware of which of the areas in the region are environmentally protected with the exception of Poland (with 20%) and Slovenia (60%). When it is known they identified areas as part of the Natura 2000 network and nationally or regionally protected territories. Stakeholders of Extremadura (22%), France (33%), Poland (20%) and Slovenia (20%) consider fluvial tourism as it is does not have a severe impact on the environment. All the stakeholders share the opinion that a good environmental management could be a differentiator and an opportunity for development for the sector.
ACTIVITIES Self Scan : develop an analysis based on a semi- quantitative method and multicriteria comparison of environmental indicators to define the level of environmental performance and management. The goal is a self-assessment online tool, available on EFFT website, for agents interested in measuring their fluvial footprint. Output: HERE
ACTIVITIES Learning Content: A set of e-modules for sustainable fluvial tourism will be developed in this phase, taking into account the outputs of the Skills Framework report. The e-modules will aim to help target groups improve their footprint, thus they will be defined in accordance with the indicators included in the self scan and so will offer solutions and good practices which intend to improve the values obtained. The modules will be delivered as knowledge pills with “a la carte” approach, and will give the opportunity to be consults in a separate way, in accordance with his own particular needs. Output : HERE
ACTIVITIES Guides and Policy briefs: A set of supporting manuals targeted to different stakeholders: EFF learner ´ s guide, EFF trainers guidelines, EFF sustainable tourism guidelines and EFF policy briefs. Output: HERE
PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET Cluster Turismo del Extramedura is in charge of project management : Overall project direction and administrative management and coordination and monitor all activities, To execute and oversee general project policies within the Consortium and quality control, Dissemination activities and tools and cooperation with other European projects. Budget : 168 190 € with a cofunding Rate of 75% Duration : octobre 2015 / octobre 2017
MORE INFORMATION? efftourism @efftourism AEI CLUSTER DEL TURISMO DE EXTREMADURA Avda. de la Universidad sn. Edificio Valhondo. 10003 Cáceres Phones: +34 927 260 292 / mobile +34 687 664 715 (whatapps) mail: skype: cluturex
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