To impr prove heal alth an and qu d qual ality o of l f life fe for old or older a adult ults To extend nd healthy hy, h high ghly f ly functiona ional, l, and nd cog cogni nitiv ively inta intact t lif lifespan
Chronic Illness/Multimorbidity Frailty Functional decline Cognitive decline Vulnerability to acute illness
Not d t disease s specific Sp Specifi fic c biologic t c targets/r ts/rece ecepto tors no not al t alwa ways k kno nown Requi uires r rethi thinking ng o of tr traditional clin linic ical t l tria rial l appro roaches
Biolog ogic Progr gres ess in Agi Aging Lopez-Otin et al, Cell 2013
Driv ivers rs of Frailt ailty y and Advers rse Outc Ou tcom omes es in Ol Older Ad Adults Potential T Trig riggers rs Physiol olog ogy Outc tcom omes Clin linic ically ly A Appa ppare rent Biol olog ogica cal A Aging Mitocho hondr ndrial decline ne DNA A Meth thyla lati tion ↑ Infla lammatio tion Apop op/Necrop croptos osis ↑ Senescent C t Cells lls ↑ Angiotens nsin n ↑ Altered a d autophag phagy system a em action Weakne ness ss ↑ HPA A Axis xis Depe pend ndenc nce Fatig igue ↑ Sympat pathe hetic Disabi sability Genetic tic V Varia iati tion nerv rvou ous FRAILT LTY Weight Multi ltiple le Environme ment system em los loss Dise sease ses ↓ Decreased Morta tality ity ener ergy Slown wness Dise sease ses produc duction Depre ression on Cogniti tive D Declin line Cancer Chronic I c Infect ction Wals lston J J, , 2016 Cardi diova vasc scul ular ar Diabe abetes/ s/Obe besi sity
Complexity is enor ormo mous Complexity and comorbidities are daunting and make experimental design difficult Heterogeneity between individuals is great, which make translation from homogenous animal models more difficult
ENERGISE- Marco Pahor, U Florida TAME Design and Rationale, Stephen Kritchevsky, Wake Forest Prevention Trials in Older Persons, Dave Reuben, UCLA Discussion: Evan Hadley, NIA; Jeremy Walston, Johns Hopkins
Driv ivers rs of Frailt ailty y and Advers rse Outc Ou tcom omes es in Ol Older Ad Adults Potential T Trig riggers rs Physiol olog ogy Outc tcom omes Clin linic ically ly A Appa ppare rent Biol olog ogica cal A Aging Mitocho hondr ndrial decline ne DNA A Meth thyla lati tion ↑ Infla lammatio tion Apop op/Necrop croptos osis ↑ Senescent C t Cells lls ↑ Angiotens nsin n ↑ Altered a d autophag phagy system a em action Weakne ness ss ↑ HPA A Axis xis Depe pend ndenc nce Fatig igue ↑ Sympat pathe hetic Disabi sability Genetic tic V Varia iati tion nerv rvou ous FRAILT LTY Weight Multi ltiple le Environme ment system em los loss Dise sease ses ↓ Decreased Morta tality ity ener ergy Slown wness Dise sease ses produc duction Depre ression on Cogniti tive D Declin line Cancer Chronic I c Infect ction Wals lston J J, , 2015 Cardi diova vasc scul ular ar Diabe abetes/ s/Obe besi sity
Tra Tradit itio ional l Tre Treatment Develo lopment Appro roaches Lopez-Otin e n et al, C Cell 2013
St Stre ress Response Sy Systems and d De Decline Chronic Disease Angiotensin Inflammation System SNS HPA Axis Disability Depression
Angiotensin Receptor Blockers ARBs) (target mitochondrial dysfunction, mitophagy, and muscle decline) Anti-inflammatory agents… may help slow accelerated apoptosis/necroptosis and senescent cell proliferation
AngI ACE AngII ATR2 Losartan Inflammation, dysfunctional ATR1 mitochondria TGF- β signaling pSmad2/3 pERK Fibrosis Fibrosis Fibrosis MRFs Satellite Cell Myoblast Activation proliferation
Control Losartan Placebo 30 4 Percent of Fibrosis * * Tetanic/Twitch 25 3 20 Ratio *** 15 2 10 1 5 0 0 Placebo Losartan Control Placebo Losartan Burks et al ., 201
Placebo Losartan 70 35 60 Normalized TA ** 30 Myofibers (10 2 ) 50 Weight 25 40 ** 20 30 15 20 10 10 5 0 0 C I C I C I C I Control Placebo Losartan C = Contralateral Control Placebo Losartan I = Immobilized Burks et al ., 201
Embrace complexity and heterogeneity and figure out how to incorporate it into research strategies Develop multidisciplinary teams within and across institutions that focus on translation Ensure that all trainees engaged in aging research have multidisciplinary and translational education
Pick Low Hanging Fruit ◦ Increase focus on dysregulated physiological systems already known to broadly impact health and well being ◦ Develop preventive strategies that target dysregulated physiological systems (inflammation, RAS, SNS, HPA axis)
Cl Clau aude e D. Pep epper er Ol Older er A Amer ericans I Indepen endence e Cen Center er Na Natio tional I Instit itute on on Agin ging, P P30-AG021334 021334 Biolo iology of of H Healt lth A Agin ging Prog rogram Div Divis ision of of G Geria riatri ric M Medi dicin ine a and G d Gero rontology Johns Hopkins B Bayv ayview ew M Med edical Cen Center er
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