tirana albania

Tirana (Albania) 1 Who we are Alb-Met is an Albanian consultancy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Tirana (Albania) 1 Who we are Alb-Met is an Albanian consultancy association, founded in 2006 with the aim to contribute to a better and sustainable future for the local and world community. Alb-Met is an established and popular association

  1. Tirana (Albania) 1

  2. Who we are Alb-Met is an Albanian consultancy association, founded in 2006 with the aim to contribute to a better and sustainable future for the local and world community. Alb-Met is an established and popular association with an excellent track record for the best customer satisfaction. It has never compromised on the quality and the services provided to its clients. One of the association’s major assets is the capacity to attract the most skilled experts in its fields of competence. This is made possible thanks to Alb-Met’s organization, which consists in a broad network of collaborators from which the senior partners select the team that will be involved in every single project, according to their skills and experiences. The team in charge of the project plans all aspects of the latter, conducting feasibility studies and impact analysis covering technical, logistical, environmental and financial considerations.

  3. Our values Respect For individuals, society and the planet Accountability For what we do Passion For quality 3

  4. Our strategy 4

  5. Our services Environmental and social impact assessments (ESIA) Environment protection Assessment of renewable energy resources (hydro, wind, solar) Climate change Air and water quality Risk assessment and management Project financial feasibility analysis Project financing Legal assistance on the Albanian legislation and acquis communautaire Institutional capacity building etc. 5

  6. Projects Our senior partners have successfully carried out more than 50 projects in Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo, FYR Macedonia and Italy, which were financed by private companies or international institutions such as EU, World Bank, EBRD, KfW, Italian Government etc. In the next slides are reported some of the projects in which our partners were involved in.

  7. Projects Project : Technical Assistance for the Strengthening the Hydrometeorological Services in South Eastern Europe Country : SEE Funding : WMO Amount : Confidential Starting year : 2003 Closing year : 2008 The overall objective of the consultancy project was to reduce the vulnerability of Description : the countries of South Eastern Europe to the risks of disasters. It addresses the loss of life, property and economic productivity caused by weather extremes and other natural hazards. To that end, the project had three focus areas: (i) hydrometeorological forecasting, data sharing and early warning; (ii) coordination of disaster mitigation, preparedness and response; and (iii) financing of disaster losses, reconstruction and recovery, and of disaster risk transfer (disaster insurance).

  8. Projects Project : Lake Ohrid Conservation GEF Project (Albania/FYR Macedonia) Country : Albania/FYR Macedonia Funding : World Bank Amount : 4,4 mln USD Starting year : 1998 Closing year : 2004 Description : The overall project objective was to conserve and protect the natural resources and biodiversity of Lake Ohrid by developing and supporting an effective cooperation between Albania and Macedonia for the joint environmental management of the Lake Ohrid watershed.

  9. Projects Project : Adricosm Integrated River Basin and Coast Management System (Albania/ Montenegro) Country : Albania/Montenegro/Italy Funding : Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land, and Sea Amount : Confidential Starting year : 2006 Closing year : 2009 The overall project objective was the study of the water cycle of the Montenegro Description : area at large, implementation of monitoring systems and modelling tools, and assessment of the impact of climate change on the water cycle and material transports of the area. This objective was particularly important since water resources are deemed to become scarcer in the next decades due to climate change, and pollution from local sources need to be managed and reduced.

  10. Projects Project : Ecological State of Skadar - Shkoder Lake and Its Watershed Country : Albania Funding : World Bank Amount : 4 mln USD Starting year : 2003 Closing year : 2005 Description : Since 2003 the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) has approved a grant to assist Republic of Montenegro and Republic of Albania in preparation of the Lake Skadar/ Shkodra Integrated Ecosystem Management Project (LSIEMP). The overall objective of the LSIEMP is to assist the governments of Albania and Montenegro in achieving more sustainable use of the natural resources of Skadar/Shkodra Lake and its watershed. The global environment objective of the project is to reduce pollution and conserve lake and its biodiversity as an internationally important natural habitat, especially for water birds.

  11. Projects Project : Technical Assistance for the Strengthening the Capacity of the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Water Administration Country : Albania Funding : EU Amount : 4 mln Euro Starting year : 2011 Closing year : 2014 The overall objective of the consultancy project was to “support the sustainable Description : development of the Albania via improved environmental requirements and management by enabling Government Institutions to develop, implement and enforce environmental legislation to EU standards”. The project was directly linked with the transposition and implementation of priority EU requirements and oriented towards capacity building. The project combined the drafting of primary legislation and secondary legal acts including implementing regulations, binding standards and guidance notes, with the development of technical departments within the Ministry, the strengthening of the Environmental Inspectorate and of the National Environment Agency.

  12. Projects Project : Technical Assistance for Assessment of Power Generation Potential of Selected Albanian Rivers Country : Albania Funding : World Bank Amount : 0,5 mln USD Starting year : 2007 Closing year : 2008 The overall project objective was to assist Albanian Government in preparation of a Description : Development Study to Vjosa, Drin Zi (upstream Fierza) and Seman rivers generation potentiality and priority.

  13. Projects Project : Feasibility Study and EIA on Kappet/Visu/Terpan Wind Farms Country : Albania Funding : EPG Energy (Cyprus) Amount : Confidential Starting year : 2006 Closing year : 2009 Description : The overall objective of the consultancy project was to carry out in cooperation with PowerCorp (Australia) the feasibility study on three potential wind farms.

  14. Projects Project : Environmental Due Diligence Country : Albania Funding : Çimsa (Turkey) Amount : Confidential Starting year : 2012 Closing year : 2012 Description : The overall objective of the consultancy project was to carry out in cooperation with Aecom (Turkey) an environmental due diligence on a cement plant.

  15. Projects Project : TSS Assessment and Granulometry Analysis (Ashta HPP) Country : Albania Funding : Verbund (Austria) Amount : Confidential Starting year : 2011 Closing year : 2012 Description : The overall project objective was complete in the watershed of Drini and Gjadri Rivers a TSS assessment and granulometry analysis. The study was commissioned by Verbund (Austria), which owns Ashta HPP.

  16. Projects Project : ESIA on Curraj River Catchment Hydroelectric Projects Country : Albania Funding : Telemenia (Israel) Amount : Confidential Starting year : 2015 Closing year : 2016 Description : The overall project objective was to undertake a GAP analysis of the permitted EIA against EBRD and IFC requirements and also prepare an Environmental and Social Action Plan. The project was accomplished in cooperation with Artelia (France).

  17. Where you find us We rely on a large network of well-known experts, who operate in Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro, FYR Macedonia and Italy. 17

  18. Partnerships Alb-Met has partnerships with worldwide recognized companies such as: - Artelia (France) - Albanian Power Corporation (Albania) - EP Global Energy (Cyprus) - PowerCorp (Australia) - Telemenia (Israel) - Verbund (Austria) - Planet Partners (USA) - Earth Tech (Czech Republic) - Finish Consulting Group (Finland) etc.

  19. Pubblications Our partners are author or co-author of different monographs and scientific articles published in Albania and abroad, many of which are considered milestones for the Albanian literature in the respective field, such as : - Actual Problems of Economic Reform in Public Utility Sector in Albania, issued by University of Trieste (Italy). - Outlook on Government Policy of Prices and Subsidies in Public Sector, issued by University of Tirana (Albania). - Analysis of the Actual Telecommunications Policy in Albania, issued by Policy Research Center Oxford (UK). - The Privatization Process and its Influence on the Employment, issued by University of Tirana (Albania). - Albanian Telecommunication Reform, issued by Strathclyde Business School, Glasgow (UK). - Albanian Atlas, issued by Albanian Academy of Sciences (Albania) etc. 19

  20. Sustainability We follow and act according to the principles of the United Nations Global Compact. We focus on doing business in a way that protects, enhances and ultimately restores the environmental, social and economic fabric of our world. WE SUPPORT 20


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