tips from the trenches

Tips from the Trenches Presented by Tony Yan Jian and Karn - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Tips from the Trenches Presented by Tony Yan Jian and Karn Udomsangpetch Tech Support and Field Service 2 Proactive Disciplined Aware Protect Licensing Architecture From Diagrams PI Buffer Viruses Learning Subsystem

  1. Tips from the Trenches Presented by Tony Yan Jian and Karn Udomsangpetch

  2. Tech Support and Field Service 2

  3. Proactive Disciplined Aware • Protect • Licensing • Architecture From Diagrams • PI Buffer Viruses • Learning Subsystem • Windows • Logs Integrated Security 3

  4. Proactive Disciplined Aware • Protect • Licensing • Architecture From Diagrams • PI Buffer Viruses • Learning Subsystem • Windows • Logs Integrated Security 4

  5. Proactive Disciplined Aware • Protect • Licensing • Architecture From Diagrams • PI Buffer Viruses • Learning Subsystem • Windows • Logs Integrated Security 5

  6. Virus Infection at an Electric Utility (Continued on next slide) 6

  7. Virus Infection at an Electric Utility (Continued on next slide) 7

  8. Scan USB Sticks Regularly • OSIsoft uses endpoint protection • 3 rd parties always have the option to scan the device themselves • Always scan thumb drives 8

  9. Small steps to a more secure user authentication model 9

  10. Explicit Login and PIadmin • Do not use explicit login anymore – Especially for the piadmin user! • Security Alert: PI Authentication Weakness – October 2009 – Encryption Algorithm is no longer safe 10

  11. Public security bulletin 11

  12. 12

  13. Explicit Login: How To 13

  14. Security Take Home Points Using long and complex passwords for explicit login protects me? False Windows Integrated Security will have the same weakness? False 14

  15. A Case from the Tech Support Trenches 15

  16. My PI Server will not Start! Check the PI Server Message Logs Check the Event Viewer Logs 16

  17. My PI Server will not Start! 17

  18. Licensing Need highest percent match Field Service Standards 18

  19. PI Buffer Subsystem Example • Windows Integrated Security • Everyone group has read access • Machines map to the Everyone group • PI Buffer Subsystem may connect as a read- only user 19

  20. PI Buffer Subsystem Example • Use Windows Integrated Security • Allow the buffer to connect as a PI Identity with write access to the Points which it owns 20

  21. PI Buffer Subsystem: How To 21

  22. Listen to your system: PI Message log 22

  23. Listen to your system: PIPC log 23

  24. Listen to your system: PI Message log 24

  25. Listen to your system: PI Message log 25

  26. Listen to your system: PIPC log 26

  27. Listen to your system: PIPC log 27

  28. Listen to your system: eventvwr 28

  29. Know your system 29

  30. Knowing Your System We start simple … 30

  31. Knowing Your System …and we build 31

  32. Knowing Your System …and build 32

  33. Knowing Your System +12? …and build 33

  34. Knowing Your System 36 instances +12? …and build 34

  35. Knowing Your System 36 instances WAN links +12? …and build 35

  36. Available Resources Online 36

  37. Available Resources 37

  38. Available Resources 38

  39. Available Resources Quickstart Series 39

  40. Available Resources 40

  41. Get hands on knowledge of how to use and get value from the PI PI Power System System Users Admins System Developers Integrators OSIsoft Anyone Partners technical 41

  42. Tony Yan Jian Customer Support Engineer OSIsoft Asia Pte. Ltd. Karn Udomsangpetch Customer Support Engineer OSIsoft Asia Pte. Ltd. 42


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