tinyos overview of tinyos

TinyOS Overview of TinyOS Industrial motivations behind TinyOS - PDF document

Karan Mangla Lakshya Goel Ankit Gupta Nitin Jain TinyOS Overview of TinyOS Industrial motivations behind TinyOS What is TinyOS? TinyOS vs. traditional OS TinyOS design models TinyOS structure Industrial Motivations behind

  1. Karan Mangla Lakshya Goel Ankit Gupta Nitin Jain TinyOS

  2. Overview of TinyOS � Industrial motivations behind TinyOS � What is TinyOS? � TinyOS vs. traditional OS � TinyOS design models � TinyOS structure

  3. Industrial Motivations behind TinyOS � Low power wireless communication devices � Particularly wireless networked sensors; � Physical limitations � Computation ability � Memory � Power supply � High-level concurrency

  4. What is TinyOS? � An event-based operating system designed for wireless networked sensors. � Designed to support concurrency-intensive operations required by networked sensors with minimal hardware requirements. � Developed by the EECS Department of U.C. Berkeley. � C and Assembly languages � Source code size: 500KB, 16KB commented lines

  5. TinyOS vs. Traditional OS � Special purpose (not general purpose) � Resource constraint � 4MHz ATMEL 8535 8bit MCU � 512 byte RAM and 8K Flash � No dedicated I/O controller (missed deadline means loss data) � One program at one time (no multi-programming) � Thin-threads (tasks)

  6. TinyOS Design Models � Component-based model (modularity) � Simple functions are incorporated in components with clean interfaces; � Complex functions can be implemented by composing components. � Event-based model � Interact with outside by events (no command shell) � There are two kinds of events for TinyOS: � External events : Clock events and message events; � Internal events triggered by external events .

  7. TinyOS Structure Main (scheduler) Application Actuating Sensing Communication Communication Hardware Abstractions ( ADC, CLOCK, I2C, LEDS, PHOTO, UART, RFM ) � Consists of a scheduler and a graph of components.

  8. Outline � Component Structure � Concurrency Model � TinyOS schedulers � Memory Model

  9. TinyOS Component Structure � A TinyOS Component: � Frame (storage) � Tasks (computation & concurrency) � Time consuming computations; � Have no hard real-time requirements; � Commands and events (interfaces)

  10. Layout of an interface � Can use other interfaces � Provide events � To be coded by the interface user � Provides commands � Coded by the interface provider

  11. Tasks � Perform longer operations � Can be preempted by hardware event handler but not by other tasks � Declaration: task void <name>() { ... } � Posting a task: post taskname(); Done from within command, event or another task

  12. Commands � Function call across component boundary � cause action to be initiated � bounded amount of work � cannot block � always return status (0 => error) � component can refuse to perform command � share call stack and execution context � access to local frame � commands may post tasks or call commands

  13. Events � Upcall to notify action has occured � bounded (and small) amount of work � access local frame, shares stack � Lowest-level events triggered by hardware interrupts � hardware abstraction components perform critical section and enable interrupts � May signal events or call commands � Events may call commands

  14. Concurrency Model � Two threads of execution � Tasks � Hardware Event Handler – handles context switch for multiple level interrupts � Both preemptable by asynchronous code � Possibility of race condition � NesC warns while compiling � Method of making a block atomic allowed

  15. Concurrency Model (cont.) � Atomicity � Disable hardware interrupt handling thread while atomic code is running

  16. TinyOS schedulers (Cont.) � Task scheduler � Implement FIFO scheduler in sched.c � Data structure Circular queue � TOS_sched_entry_T TOS_queue[MAX_THREADS]; � Functions MAIN Component TOS_sched_init(); � TOS_empty(); � Schedule next task in queue TOS_post(); � (TOS_schedule_task) TOS_schedule_task(); � TOS_queue Post task into queue (TOS_post) Any Component (e.g. SHELL)

  17. Memory Model � STATIC memory(except msg buffers) � No heap(malloc) � No function pointers � Global variables � Available on a per-frame basis � Local variables � Saved on the stack � Declared within a method � Msg buffers allocated statically by components,nut shared dynamically by ownership discipline

  18. Memory Requirement � One task at a time – non preemptive kernel � No local variables in events � Buffers for active messaging � Stack copy not with each task – reduce memory requirement – hence non preemptive

  19. Active Messages

  20. What are active messages? � Active Messages (AM) is a simple, extensible paradigm for message-based communication. � Used in parallel and distributed computing systems . � Centered on the concept of integrating communication and computation, as well as matching communication primitives to hardware capabilities.

  21. Why Not Standard Messaging Protocols ? � Low level networking protocols of legacy stacks typically require : � Kilobytes of memory at a minimum � And performance is dependent on a fast processing component. � Routing protocols implemented above these are : � Complex � Place bandwidth demands that become unatenable for links with kilobits per second throughput.

  22. Cont. � Sockets - Not well suited to the constrained environment of tiny network devices. � Interfaces centered on “stop and wait” semantics do not meet the power and agility requirements of these small devices such as Motes.

  23. Why Active Messaging ? � Fundamental fit between the event based nature of network sensor applications and the event based primitives of the Active Messages communication. � The lightweight architecture of Active Messages can be leveraged to balance the need for an extensible communication framework while maintaining efficiency and agility. � Event based handler invocation model allows application developers to avoid busy-waiting for data to arrive and allows the system to overlap communication with other activities such as interacting with sensors or executing other applications. � Event centric nature of Active Messages makes it a natural fit for these devices.

  24. Active Messaging Fundamentals � tos/system/AMStandard.nc � Layers Involved � Specifying message data to send � Specifying receiver’s address � Determining when message’s memory can be reused � Buffering Incoming message � Processing Message � Handler ID required to be specified

  25. A TinyOS Application Example Main (scheduler) BLINK � TimerM LedsC � HPLclock Communication Hardware Abstractions ( CLOCK and LEDS ) The above application is used to toggle a Led on the mote at fixed intervals.

  26. Blink.nc configuration Blink { } implementation { components Main, BlinkM, SingleTimer, LedsC; Main.StdControl -> SingleTimer.StdControl; Main.StdControl -> BlinkM.StdControl; BlinkM.Timer -> SingleTimer.Timer; BlinkM.Leds -> LedsC; } This is a configuration file which provides the top-level wiring of the � application Main is a special component which is used to initialize the system. � The wiring consist of joining interfaces required by certain � components to those provided by other components that are being used.

  27. RealMain.nc module RealMain { uses { command result_t hardwareInit(); interface StdControl; interface Pot; } } implementation { int main() __attribute__ ((C, spontaneous)) { call hardwareInit(); call Pot.init(10); TOSH_sched_init(); call StdControl.init(); call StdControl.start(); __nesc_enable_interrupt(); while(1) { TOSH_run_task(); } } }

  28. Implementation of Main Component The above component is a module file ,which are used to define � implementations of components. It is used to initialize all application. � Its Std Control interface is mapped onto that used by Main and � hence when it utilizes this interface it communicates with all components that are connected to the Main component. Most components have a Std Control interface as this is what initializes every component. When nesC compiles the application into C the main function � involves one call to Std Contol init followed by a call to Std Control start to start the application. This is then followed by starting the task scheduler. This function also consists of calls to Initialize the hardware and � power settings of the mote. These calls are wired to lower level components which directly interface with the device controllers for the system.

  29. BlinkM.nc module BlinkM { provides { interface StdControl; } uses { interface Timer; interface Leds; } } implementation { command result_t StdControl.init() { call Leds.init(); return SUCCESS; } command result_t StdControl.start() { // Start a repeating timer that fires every 1000ms return call Timer.start(TIMER_REPEAT, 1000); } command result_t StdControl.stop() { return call Timer.stop(); } event result_t Timer.fired() { call Leds.redToggle(); return SUCCESS; } }


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