threat modeling and s haring s ummary

Threat Modeling and S haring S ummary Proposal to kick off - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Threat Modeling and S haring S ummary Proposal to kick off Threat Modeling proj ect Multi-phase approach Initially: create Cyber Domain PIM and S TIX PS M with UML Profile for NIEM Expand to other PS M, create Threat Meta

  1. Threat Modeling and S haring

  2. S ummary  Proposal to kick off Threat Modeling proj ect  Multi-phase approach  Initially: create Cyber Domain PIM and S TIX PS M with UML Profile for NIEM  Expand to other PS M, create Threat Meta Model  Expand to non-cyber domains  Community focused  Leverage existing work (S TIX, OpenIOC, IODef, S I*, etc.)  Connect to stakeholder within OMG and external

  3. Motivation  Threat information sharing critical enabler for ‘ wire-speed’ defense of complex systems  Information sharing requires shared concepts for subj ect area  NIEM is used by US federal, st at e, and local government , as well as int ernat ionally  S TIX is being adopt ed by a large number of users  S nort rules are common for IDS  Multiple protocols, languages, and models used throughout industry today, but:  Re-use of exist ing prot ocols for t hreat exchange (e.g. IODef)  Focus on t hreat indicat ors/ signat ure and classificat ion (e.g. S TIX, OpenIOC)  Desire to have traceability from indicators to threat actors and their motivation/ intent  Leverage exist ing work performed by social modeling and behavior groups, e.g. S I*  S ome integration with other enterprise systems, but no comprehensive approach

  4. Motivation – Clarification IODef Point-to- Point  This is NOT to concentrate threat mapping sharing and modeling at OMG S TIX  No desire to ‘ take over’ from successful approaches such as S TIX or OpenIOC  Collaboration with non-OMG member OpenIOC S I* will be critical for success  Focus on development of meta-model and semantic interoperability for S nort NIEM  broadening view on, and Rules  identifying specific areas of improvement  Leverage strength of MDA to threat Threat Models Today are – at best – ad hoc coordinated sharing

  5. Approach  Multi-Phase Approach  Start with initial mapping of existing concepts (STIX Data Model <-> NIEM UML Profile  Develop meta-model for threat modeling and expand scope  Include non-cyber domains  Include creation of Platform Independent Model (PIM) and Platform S pecific Models (PS M) that represent S TIX, OpenIOC  Include social model of threat actors, campaigns, motivation  E.g. through leveraging SI* framework concepts  Integrate with  NIEM 3.0  Common Alerting Protocol (CAP)  Other applicable systems  Extend beyond cyber threat sharing  Non-cyber domain integration  Sharing of countermeasure for specific threats

  6. Phase 1  Create “ Cyber Domain PIM” utilizing UML Profile for NIEM to model S TIX information exchange  NIEM profile exists today  S TIX has currently richest model and broadest interest base • Expected output: S pecification that includes – Cyber Domain PIM – S TIX PS M • Rationale: fairly easy to achieve, concretization of a Cyber Domain PIM that can serve as basis for meta- model or semantic models for other platforms

  7. Phase 2  Richer social and behavioral modeling, e.g.:  Leverage of S I* framework concepts of modeling social actors and their behavior  Integration with CORAS modeling  Inclusion of XORCIS M approaches • Expansion of Cyber Domain PIM, adding new PS Ms, and/ or development of Threat Meta-Model – OpenIOC, IODef, XORCIS M, S I*, S nort Rules, etc.

  8. Phase 3 (notional)  Non-cyber domain modeling  Int egrat ion wit h exist ing t hreat models for law-enforcement , defense, emergency preparedness  Develop common t hreat ont ology, based on t hreat met a-model  Provide cross-domain capabilit ies, e.g. for describing complex campaigns  Include domains such as S upply Chain Risk Management (S CRM), Digit al Forensics (e.g. S COX, DFXML), et c.  Countermeasure modeling  Develop consist ent model for count ermeasures  Allow mapping of count ermeasures t o t hreat  Count ermeasure sharing t o facilit at e aut omat ic mit igat ion of known t hreat s

  9. Goals  Enable concept ual int eroperabilit y of exist ing syst ems  Validate existing mappings (e.g. S TIX/ OpenIOC) and allow mapping of new PS Ms (NIEM Threat S haring PS M, S I*, XORCIS M, etc.) to each other  Enable simplified creat ion of aut omat ed t hreat sharing syst ems  Tools-supported code generation  S emantic interoperability through shared ontology  Enable aut omat ic t hreat mit igat ion  Include mitigation recommendations in modeling to enable wire- speed defense  Improve at t ribut ion capabilit ies by including richer charact erizat ion of social domain in act or/ campaign classificat ion  Full traceability from observed indicators to social and individual motivation and intent

  10. Notional Timeline

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