Third Sector Investment Programme 2017-2020 14 th July 2016
Purpose of Session • Update on Neighbourhoods, Communities and Equalities Committee & Changes resulting from the Fairness Commission • Prospectus timetable and application • Principles and requirements of Partnership • Chance to develop ideas with potential partners • Access resources in planning your bids
BHCC Communities & Third Sector Development Policy Overarching Objective “To ensure that the city has an increasingly efficient and more effective Third Sector; one that is ready and able to bid for and deliver public services, that enables citizens and communities to have a strong voice in decision-making about public services and supports community resilience and well-being through independent citizen and community activity”
Reminder….. New Third Sector Investment Programme 2017-2020: • Three year Communities and Third Sector commissioning prospectus • Healthwatch & NHS ICAS tender • Communities Fund • Replaces three year discretionary grants program and current annual grant programme The Communities & Third Sector Commissioning Prospectus 2017-20 • Funding Principles • Section 1: Strategic commissioning outcomes (influenced by Fairness Commission) • Section 2: Infrastructure support, Community development & Community engagement Section 3: Community Banking Partnership • Pooled funding: BHCC CETS team, BHCC Adult Social Care, NHS CCG Separate tender for Statutory Healthwatch & NHS ICAS
Neighbourhood, Communities & Equality Committee 11 th July 2016 • Agreed in principle, the Communities and Third Sector commissioning principles and outcomes subject to a final review and deliberation by the Members Advisory Group (MAG) in light of the Fairness Commission report and recommendations. • Approved, in principle, the new annual Communities Fund (from 2017), to complement the second Communities and Third Sector Commission, subject to a final review and deliberation by the Members Advisory Group in light of the Fairness Commission report and recommendations. • Noted the continued pooling of budgets from the Council and NHS CCG for community engagement and infrastructure support which enables more joined up provision by the chosen providers and more seamless experience for communities, maximising the impact of the funding. BHCC Adult Social care have also included their engagement commissions.
Neighbourhood, Communities & Equality Committee 11 th July 2016 • Approved that delegated authority be granted to the Chief Executive to: • Use the outcomes agreed above to procure, in partnership with NHS CCG, the third sector Infrastructure, community development and engagement, financial inclusion, Healthwatch and NHS ICAS and strategic investment in community and voluntary sector, using a commission prospectus approach and subject to final review by MAG and budget setting agreements.
Members Advisory Group 13 th July 2016 • Reviewed the commission principles and commissioning outcomes against the Fairness Commission findings and made no changes • Requested a report be brought to MAG in Autumn in response to the FC recommendation: – “Maintain a small grants fund, transferring the management to an external body, such as Sussex Community Foundation, to achieve greater value for money and reduced bureaucracy
Funding Envelope 2017-2020 Third Sector Investment programme (inc. Healthwatch & NHS ICAS) BHCC NHS CCG Year 1 2017-18 £2.267m £316,000 Year 2 2018-19 £2,167m £316,000 Year 3 2019-20 £2,067m £316,000 Please note each year is subject to BHCC and NHS CCG budget setting •
Communities and Third Sector Commissioning Prospectus 2017-2020 • Application process will be online • Register as soon as possible on the South East Shared Service Procurement Portal k/esourcing
South East Shared Services
South East Shared Services
Communities and Third Sector Commissioning Prospectus 2017-2020 • Details of the funding and application process announced through portal on the 1st September 2016 • Deadlines for bids will be 27th October 2016 Healthwatch & NHS ICAS Opens 25th August 2016 Deadline for bids 13th October – 1.00pm • Direction of Approach: • The funding principles will be turned into pass/fail criteria and/or questions so form part of the evaluation process. • You will be asked to answer questions which will be scored
South East Shared Services Pass/fail and Online information Questionnaire only questions Community Strategic Community Quality Development, Investment Questions Infrastructure Banking Support and Partnership Community Engagement One form to download, fill in and upload
The Scoring Process • Applications will be scored Quality (70%) & Price (30%) • Guidance on what will be expected in your answers to give you a high score • Upload bid in good time for the deadline • Commissioners will evaluate your bids • If required you may be asked to provide some clarification information at evaluation stage • End January awards announced (subject to budget setting) • March – agreements & monitoring arrangements finalised • 1 st April 2017 – Start of programme
Any Questions?
Short Break
Overview of the Funding Principles • Collaborative arrangements and partnerships between third sector organisations which will result in a developed partnership over the period of funding • Partnerships and collaborations that have equality, inclusion and diversity embedded in their activities, and governance and management • Core costs and projects which will deliver on the stated outcomes • Prevention and early intervention activities related to the outcomes • Services that are resilient and well-equipped to meet future needs, with creative and innovative, modern and enterprising business models that attract funding from a range of sources • Models that are accountable to their beneficiaries • Models that embed and promote principles of safeguarding • Models that lead to a decrease in demand for public services
More Funding Principles • Approaches to achieving the stated outcomes that deliver social value- i.e. : “additional benefit to the community from a commissioning/procurement process over and above the direct purchasing of goods, services and outcomes” which contributes to: • Increased community resilience • Increase in education and training opportunities • Improved employment opportunities and experiences • Increased impact of volunteering • Minimisation of environmental impact • Partnerships and collaborations that provide opportunities for public involvement and for volunteering • Partnerships and collaborations that promote technology enabled solutions and digital inclusion
Partnership • Nominate a lead bidder • Joint and several liability consortium • Form a consortium as a legal entity
Nominate a lead bidder Lead bidder completes full application. Single response The lead bidder will be directly responsible to the Council As part of submission, bidders should provide an overview of how the partnership is working, indicating the lead bidder and the estimated percentage of the works and services that each bidder will be taking on if successful. Each consortium member must sign the declaration form that will form part of the application process.
Joint and several liability consortium One application will be filled in on behalf of all partners. All organisations taking part will be involved in completing all parts of the application Council/CCG will have a relationship with all members of the consortium. Lead is for administrative purposes only All members of the consortium are equally responsible for the delivery Agreement is with all the members of the consortium; . .
Consortium as a legal entity One application will be filled in A new organisation would be being formed As part of submission, bidders should provide a consortium structure chart and relevant details All consortiums must be established before contract award.
Group Discussion
Refreshment Break
Your Space • Opportunity to develop your ideas with potential partners • Opportunity to access resources to help with your bidding and/or partnership development • Support to sign-up to the procurement portal
Round Up • Speak to Commissioners prior to launch of prospectus • Will be a launch event early September with Procurement and Commissioners • University MEI activities • Support via phone from Community Works • Community Works learning/support event 22 nd September
Thank you Queries: 01273 291577 01273 295053 01273 574649 Communities Fund - 01273 291114 Procurement Officer Rachel Maddison
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