thinking through a theory of change

Thinking Through a Theory of Change Portland Downtown: Board - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Thinking Through a Theory of Change Portland Downtown: Board Retreat February 28, 2017 Goals for Today Review activities and mission for Portland Downtown Consider multiple stakeholder views Frame strategic plan discussions in terms

  1. Thinking Through a Theory of Change Portland Downtown: Board Retreat February 28, 2017

  2. Goals for Today • Review activities and mission for Portland Downtown • Consider multiple stakeholder views • Frame strategic plan discussions in terms of mission and stakeholders

  3. Theory of Change: What is it?

  4. Theory of Change: Working backwards What result do we What helps (harms) Why do/don’t those for the this goal? things exist here? community? What can WE do to facilitate/prevent those things?

  5. Theory of Change: What is it good for? • Ensure actions contribute to outcomes • Understand program accountability • Focus data collection efforts • Tell your organizational story (with data!)

  6. Portland Downtown Improve Downtown Portland is a vibrant Support destination enjoyed Perception of by businesses, Portland Downtown residents and as a safe and clean visitors.* Address destination Challenges posed by crime, petty crime, graffiti, and trash Implement Support additional clean-up within Downtown district (e.g., litter, graffiti removal, etc.) Support beautification (e.g., holiday lights, planting, banners, sidewalk repair, etc.) Provide additional police and outreach (Cadets) Develop visitor information (e.g., brochures, website, marketing, etc.) Host events that promote the district (e.g., Tree Lighting, Merry Madness, Old Port Festival, etc.)

  7. 1. If we implement [ strategies ], 2. we will address [ specific shorter-term challenges ] 3. which will support [ program outcomes ] and 4. result in improved [ longer-term population-level condition ]. Activity: Check your theory

  8. Discussion • What was easy to line up? What was harder ? • Does everything align? Can we change what we want (mission/goals)? Can we change what we address or support? Can we change what we do (tactics)?

  9. Understanding Stakeholders Nightlife community Residents Property owners (include distance owners) Retailers

  10. How exciting! Please tell me more! Activity: Elevator Speech

  11. Sharing and Discussion • Is this point of view represented in the theory of change? • Do the priorities of your stakeholder group align with the activities and outcomes? Can we change what we want (mission/goals)? Can we change what we address or support? Can we change what we do (tactics)?

  12. Wrap Up Overall impressions & hopes for tomorrow?

  13. Data Innovation Project Erin Oldham, Director Sarah Krichels Goan Erica King Susan Hawes Emilie Swenson Elora Way Rachel Gallo Thank you!


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