think outside the box with big data and data analytics

Think outside the box with big data and data analytics NRA POD - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Think outside the box with big data and data analytics NRA POD Summit, 2 June 2015 Page 1 About BDO BDO is one of the largest full service accounting and advisory networks in Australia and globally. Page 2 How big is data transforming the

  1. Think outside the box with big data and data analytics NRA POD Summit, 2 June 2015 Page 1

  2. About BDO BDO is one of the largest full service accounting and advisory networks in Australia and globally. Page 2

  3. How big is data transforming the traditional retail environment Page 3

  4. The missing link: capturing and utilising data Page 4

  5. Australia Retail Index Categories Data Page 5

  6. Australia Retail Index Fashion Data Page 6

  7. Australia Retail Index Christmas sales data Page 7

  8. Where does the data come from? Page 8

  9. Was it successful? $AU2.2m in advertising generated 152 feature articles Page 9

  10. What’s next? Page 10

  11. Australian Retail Index Phase 2 Hong Kong 2014 - Asia Pacific Regional Conference - Presentation title Page 11

  12. Australian Retail Index Phase 2 Hong Kong 2014 - Asia Pacific Regional Conference - Presentation title Page 12

  13. What does the future hold? Food & Beverage Index Automotive Index Other specialist areas: Hotels, Pharmacy, Airports Page 13

  14. Reveal: Measuring in store conversion Page 14

  15. Analysing data to strengthen internal operations and add value to customers • Delivering a clear roadmap and real time direction to significant profit improvement Store managers drive conversion rate but they need the right tools • • The most important metric that Reveal provides • Key steps to ensure the in store customer experience and profit improves Page 15

  16. So how does Reveal work? Reveal’s hardware/software solution integrates with your point of sale system to provide accurate store visitation, conversion rates and customer to staff ratios Page 16

  17. Optimise rosters to each store – by department, by hour Page 17

  18. Optimise store wage spend Page 18

  19. Drill down to see what happened within the Saturday - hour by hour Why when customer foot traffic was at its peak ? Was there a significant drop in Conversion Rate ? Ask your store staff each day. They will know the answers. Page 19

  20. People doing the right things - Staff Coaching KPIs Coach the individuals in your team to the store average to make the target RELEVENT. As they improve … the store average increases.. that’s continuous improvement ! The coaching circle: Measure Insight Coach Page 20

  21. Positive trends in the RIGHT Store KPIs! Page 21

  22. Remaining agile in a turbulent marketplace Utilise technology to improve business performance The Australian Retail Index, visit Understanding customers and merchandising – having the right level of staff to service customers. Page 22

  23. “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” Henry Ford Page 23


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