thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in

Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates Michikazu Kobayashi (Kyoto Univ.) Leticia F. Cugliandolo (Paris VI) Bose-Einstein condensates at finite temperatures Stochastic Gross-Pitaevskii equation

  1. Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates Michikazu Kobayashi (Kyoto Univ.) Leticia F. Cugliandolo (Paris VI) ● Bose-Einstein condensates at finite temperatures ● Stochastic Gross-Pitaevskii equation and thermodynamic phase transition ● Geometric transition of quantized vortices ● Phase ordering and quantized vortices in quench dynamics Jan. 18, 2016 “ 量子渦と非線形波動 2016”

  2. Ultracold atomic Bose gas Laser cooling Trapping atoms 87 Rb, 23 Na, 7 Li, 1 H, 85 Rb, Evaporative cooling 41 K, 4 He, 133 Cs, 174 Yb, 52 Cr, 40 Ca, 84 Sr, 164 Dy, 168 Er Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates

  3. Ultracold atomic Bose gas Condensation Condensation (not dynamics) (not dynamics) 1 £ 10 -7 K 2 £ 10 -7 K 4 £ 10 -7 K JILA, 1995 Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates

  4. Ultracold atomic Bose gas Phase transition of noninteracting Bose gas Uniform system Condensation Condensation (not dynamics) (not dynamics) 4 £ 10 -7 K 2 £ 10 -7 K Harmonically trapped system Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates

  5. Bose-Einstein condensates at finite temperatures

  6. Thermodynamic phase transition Total energy and specific heat Correlation length Total energy and specific heat Correlation length PRL 77 , 4984 (1996) Science 315 , 1556 (2007) Critical behaviors of specific heat and correlation length Critical behaviors of specific heat and correlation length near the critical temperature near the critical temperature → 2nd ordered phase transition 2nd ordered phase transition → Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates

  7. Efgects of interparticle interaction : s-wave scattering length a : s-wave scattering length a Infinitesimal interaction a changes the universality class for uniform system ( a =0 is singular) → It is difgicult to determine ¢ T c Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates

  8. Theories for BEC at finite T Boltzmann & Gross-Pitaevskii ( ZNG theory ) Stochastic Gross-Pitaevskii eq. ● Simple Complex Ginzburg-Landau eq. ● Not widely used Classical-field Monte Carlo Bogoliubov theory Projected Gross-Pitaevskii eq. Path-integral Monte Carlo Trancated Wigner method Complex Stochastic Gross-Pitaevskii eq. Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates

  9. SGP equation and thermodynamic phase transition

  10. SGP equation in uniform system JPhysB 38 , 4259 (2005) Unapplicable near the zero temperature due to neglecting the commuation relation [ à , à y ]= i± (complexification of à is needed) Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates

  11. SGP equation in uniform system JPhysB 38 , 4259 (2005) Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates

  12. SGP equation in uniform system Ito's lemmna Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates

  13. SGP equation in uniform system SGP equation gives (at least) equilibrium property with GP energy functional Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates

  14. Numerical Simulation of SGP eq. Space : 3-dimensional space with periodic boundary condition Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates

  15. Thermodynamic transition Order parameter Specific heat Non-analytic behavior emerges at T ≈ 2 . 2 6 Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates

  16. Critical exponents and universality class Nature of thermodynamic transition for interacting Bose gas → Symmetry breaking of global U (1) phase shifu : ψ i φ → ψ e → Universality class : XY model Critical exponents and comparison with XY model SGP equation can describe the BEC transition as spontaneous U (1) symmetry breaking Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates

  17. Geometric transition of quantized vortices

  18. Thermodynamic and geometric transitions Question : Are there geometric transition corresponding to the BEC transition (thermodynamic transition)? For free bosons : percolation transition of particle worldlines PRE 63 , 026115 (2001) Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates

  19. Thermodynamic and geometric transitions Probability weight for loop w Example of particle worldlines w = 1 w = 3 For ¹ = 0 at T = T c , large β ℏ β ℏ worldline loops emerge and worldline percolation occurs β ℏ (critical exponents are same) β ℏ Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates

  20. Geometric transition of vortex loops Interacting bosons : discussion of particle worldlines is difgicult (It cannot be discussed within SGP equation) Can we expect the percolation of vortex loops instead at the thermodynamic transition point? Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates

  21. Vortex line density Small loops are generated through the tunneling process Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates

  22. Vortex snapshots (longest loop is highlighted) T = 0.6 T c T = 0.8 T c T = T c Long loops are generated close to the critical point Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates

  23. Loop length distribution Power-law structure emerges near T c → Vortex percolation Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates

  24. Loop length distribution Bump structure at large l for T =0.99 T c and T = T c → Percolating loops (finite-size efgect) Power-law fitting P ( l ) _ l { ¿ is best at T =0.98 T c → Vortex percolation occurs at T p º 0.98 T c Discrepancy between T p (geometric transition) and T c (thermodynamic transition) Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates

  25. Discrepancy between geometric and thermodynamic transitions Discrepancy between geometric and thermodynamic transitions are observed in several interacting models ● SU (2) local gauge field model : T p t 0.994 T c ● R P 2 model (nematic liquid crystal) : T p t 0.996 T c ● Nonlinear O (2) sigma model : T p t 0.992 T c Phys. Lett. B 482 , 114 (2000) PRB 72, 094511 (2005) ● Geometric transition of line defects occurs as a precursory phenomenon of thermodynamic transition (both are independent). ● Thermally excited long vortices may be detectable between T c and T p Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates

  26. Critical exponents and order parameter Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates

  27. Critical exponents and order parameters Number of percolating loops Critical exponents of order parameters are also consistent with universality of self-seeking random work Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates

  28. Phase ordering and quantized vortices in quench dynamics

  29. Melting dynamics Critical slowing down near the (thermodynamic) critical temperature Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates

  30. Temperature quench dynamics Line length density Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates

  31. Temperature quench dynamics Line length density Loop length distribution The same critical exponent as that in the equilibrium at T p (not T c ) emerges → Spontaneous formation of critical percolating state (not critical thermodynamic state) : dynamics is dominated by vortices! Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates

  32. Summary ● We consider the statistical properties such as transition of interacting BEC in equilibrium. ● There are two kinds of transitions: well-known thermodynamic transition and geometric transition of quantized vortices and both are independent. ● Universality class: XY-model for thermodynamic transition Self-forcusing random walk for geometric transition ● Geometric critical state emerges in the quench dynamics. Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates

  33. Uniform system vs trapped system Toward uniform system Trapped system Toward uniform system Trapped system PRL 77 , 4984 (1996) PRL 110 , 200406 (2013) Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates

  34. Zaremba-Nikuni-Griffin theory JLTP 116 , 277 (1999) Noncondensate particle : Boltzmann's eq. Condensate particle : GP eq. Exchange between two components Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates

  35. Zaremba-Nikuni-Griffin theory JLTP 116 , 277 (1999) Condensate particle : GP eq. Exchange between two components Exchange process : Markov process SGP eq. (discrepancy from Gaussian noise is renormalized into γ ) Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates

  36. Estimation of ° Damping of Scissors mode PRL 86 , 3938 (2001) ° / ( na 3 ) 1/3 from ZNG theory Thermodynamic phase transition and quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates


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