Urban Energy Systems Laboratory BEST – Building Energy Systems and Technologies Group Thermal energy supply and storage in ehub and NEST 6 th SCCER HaE storage Symposium October 25 th , 2017 Empa, Urban Energy Systems Laboratory, BEST Dr. Luca Baldini
Why demonstrators? Offer a real environment for technology integration and testing (living lab with user feedback) Allow to take risks (failure is an option) Foster collaboration with industry (PPP, co-creation space) Provide visibility and raise awarness (lighthouse) Great chance for systemic research (interplay of multiple technologies) - 2 -
NEST - 3 -
NEST - 4 -
ehub - 5 -
Energyhub - 6 -
ehub - 7 -
move - 8 -
Thermal infrastructure NEST - 9 -
Thermal infrastructure NEST - 10 -
Thermal infrastructure ehub - 11 -
Thermal/electrical infrastructure NEST/ehub Unit vw Unit vw NEST Backbone Unit m2c PV Unit m2c NEST Backbone Unit x PV Unit x Unit x Unit x Unit x Unit x Empa – «Unit Backbone» «Unit Backbone» electrical Empa – thermal Grids Grids 2x1100lt 2x1100lt ehub 2x1100lt ehub Li-Batt NMC SCaps HP HP 96kWh .5kWh 28kW th 100kW th move PV PV E-charger fuell cell 2kW th ; Ground heat 2x260m Ground heat 12m Ice storage 69m3 Batteries PV Methanization Elektrolyseur 1kW el charge 2x9.7kW; discharge 2x14.6kW charge 4.7kW; discharge 7kW charge 30kW; discharge 20kW mobility ?? 200kVA ??kW 100kWp 2x33kW - 12 -
Energy storage technologies Source: mckinsey.com - 13 -
Short term storage GHX built out of PEX for high temperature charging up to 60°C Use as heat source and short-term thermal storage (intra day) Source: www.xorella-frank.ch - 14 -
Short and long term ice storage 65 m3 and 6000 kWh Discharge power 35 kWth Heat source for heating / cold source for cooling - 15 -
NaOH storage integration in 2020 NaOH - 16 -
Activities started… Source: Nokia - 17 -
Heat pump characterization Studying grid reserves through HVAC control central element is heat pump for thermal/electrical coupling COP vs. Output power COP vs. Inlet temperature - 18 -
10 20 30 40 50 60 Building demand emulation 0 12:59:39 while rejecting heat to the GHXs Following virtual building heat demand with heat pump 13:11:39 13:23:39 13:35:39 13:47:39 13:59:39 14:11:39 14:23:39 14:35:39 14:47:39 14:59:39 15:11:39 15:23:39 15:35:39 15:47:39 15:59:39 16:11:39 16:23:39 16:35:39 16:47:39 16:59:39 17:11:39 17:23:39 17:35:39 17:47:39 17:59:39 Reference Measurement - 19 -
NRP 70 project Commelec How to integrate up to 100% of renewables into distribution grids? Power quality problems such as over- and under-voltages High volatility of renewables needs to be compensated by fuel-based conventional gen Problems can be avoided by smart real-time control of power flows, and this is what the Commelec framework provides to maintain power balance at all times Source: http://smartgrid.epfl.ch - 20 -
Commelec implementation at Empa ehub - 21 -
Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research Heat & Electricity Storage Empa Laboratory of Urban Energy Systems Building Systems and Technologies Group WP 1 Thermal Energy Storage: Sorption-based seasonal heat storage Contact: www.sccer-hae.ch office@sccer-hae.ch
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