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NEST NEST New and Emerging Science and Technology European - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

NEST NEST New and Emerging Science and Technology European Commission RTD.B.1 Anticipating Scientific and Technological Needs (NEST activity); Basic Research Specific Activities covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science

  1. NEST NEST New and Emerging Science and Technology European Commission RTD.B.1 Anticipating Scientific and Technological Needs (NEST activity); Basic Research Specific Activities covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology

  2. Outline of presentation 1. Revisions of the NEST WP and last NEST Call for 1. Revisions of the NEST WP and last NEST Call for Proposals Proposals 2. Practical information on this NEST PATHFINDER Call 2. Practical information on this NEST PATHFINDER Call 3. Some brief brief info on the outcome of the last Call for info on the outcome of the last Call for 3. Some Proposals on NEST PATHFINDER Topics 2004/2005 Proposals on NEST PATHFINDER Topics 2004/2005 4. Pathfinder Topics 2005/2006 4. Pathfinder Topics 2005/2006 Cultural Dynamics • Cultural Dynamics • Measuring the Impossible Measuring the Impossible • What it means to be human (CAs and SSAs only) What it means to be human (CAs and SSAs only) • Synthetic Biology Synthetic Biology • Tackling Complexity in Science Tackling Complexity in Science Specific Activities covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology

  3. Revision of the NEST WP 2005-06 • NEST PATHFINDER Call: published on 27 October 2005, closing on 15 February 2006 • This is the last Call for NEST; no further call for NEST ADVENTURE, INSIGHT, or SUPPORT • Call budget: €50M • Pre-proposal check open up to three weeks before deadline Specific Activities covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology

  4. PATHFINDER: Mandate “support research on specific topics that are identified during the course of implementation of FP6 on the basis of their urgency and potential for future societal, industrial or economic relevance.” Specific Activities covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology

  5. PATHFINDER topics Identification/Selection • Ideas must come “bottom-up” from the science base • Open forum for ideas may be useful (ADVENTURE + INSIGHT proposals, NEST “ideas in-box”) • A “Structured dialogue” with the research community is required to make choices: – Search strategy within the science and technology “space” – Interaction with the research community structured over time to move from global assessment to specific choices Specific Activities covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology

  6. PATHFINDER topics “Structured dialogue” 1. Definition of search strategy: – Areas of research where cross-disciplinary transfers of technique are creating new opportunities – Outside the frame of thematic priorities 3. Identification of candidate areas, on basis of research literature, foresight and other strategic analysis, plus open invitations for ideas 5. Iterative process of testing and refining choices: – Targeted workshops with external experts to explore candidate areas – Internal consultation with thematic priorities – High level consultation with EURAB, programme committee Specific Activities covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology

  7. PATHFINDER: Implementation • Build and consolidate European capabilities in promising emerging (interdisciplinary) areas with high future potential for Europe in the long term. • Provide “early stage funding”: as ideas mature they should be translated into more conventional funding modes • Up to 10 Mio. EUR or more per topic (for several STREPS + one or more CAs) • Annual calls for proposals; several topics per call Specific Activities covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology

  8. Main Workshops this year • Initial “blue sky” topic analysis (8 March 2005) – How Things Evolve: Evolution Outside of Biology – Laboratory of the Future; Speeding up the Discovery Process – Transmission of Culture – New Techniques for Molecular Imaging – Time in Biological Processes and Systems More detailed “opportunity analysis” (3 May 2005) • – Transmission of Culture • Work programme text preparation meeting (8 July 2005) – Cultural Dynamic: from transmission: and change to innovation More details, summaries of meetings, list of participants, on NEST web • site. Specific Activities covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology

  9. STREP projects • Each PATHFINDER initiative/topic will be composed of several STREP projects submitted individually (not as clusters) • Proposals have to be submitted as FULL proposals (one stage evaluation process not two stages as in NEST-OPEN) • Proposers need to choose clearly one PATHFINDER initiative/topic they are addressing • Proposals will be evaluated and selected on their individual merits • Projects funded within a PATHFINDER initiative will be expected to develop a degree of interaction, exchange and cooperation • Project size expected to be in the 1.5-2.0 Mio. EUR range; 4 - 6 partners Specific Activities covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology

  10. Coordination Actions • Expect to fund one (exceptionally more) co-ordination action for each PATHFINDER initiative/topic • Co-ordination actions will be evaluated and selected at the same time as the STREP proposals • Role of co-ordination depends on topic • An added task will be to provide a means and venue of interaction for the chosen projects • Funding expected to be in the 1 to 1.5 MEuro range; 15 – 25 partners Specific Activities covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology

  11. Support Actions • Possibility of Support Actions open for each topic • Support actions will be evaluated and selected at the same time as the STREP proposals • Role of support depends on topic; do nit expect to fund “general” support actions on “general” topics • An added task will be to provide a means and venue of interaction for the chosen projects • Funding expected to be ~200.000 range Specific Activities covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology

  12. PATHFINDER: Topics Last Call 1. Tackling Complexity in Science 2. Synthetic Biology 3. Measuring the Impossible 4. Cultural Dynamics (New topic) (New topic) 5. What it means to be human (only CAs and SSAs) Specific Activities covering a Wider Field of Research New and Emerging Science and Technology

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