Paper Presentation Host Department/Institute/School ASET Different research paper will be presented on the About the Event basis of new innovative ideas and technologies. IEEE format to be followed. EVENT DESCRIPTION: An arena to expose your talent and in-depth knowledge on your interested areas. Mesmerize and magnetize your innovative presentation. TEAM RULES: + A team can consist of up to 2 people, not necessarily from the same course. + No participant can be a part of more than 1 team. + There is no restriction on the number of teams. + A participant should not submit more than 2 papers. ROUNDS : Conditions/Rules for participants ROUND 1: •Abstract of the paper that is to be presented should be mailed to 31/03/2014 for prior verification. •A pre -appointed team will verify the submitted abstract and qualifies the students based on the submitted abstract. So keep the abstract more convincing. ROUND 2: • Three hard copies of the full paper are to be submitted before the presentation. •During the main event, the contestants will get 8 minutes to present their paper, at the end of which
there will be a query session. •The presentation should be in the ".ppt" formats. RULES: •The paper should be in the IEEE format. •The competition is open to all UG and PG students. •Preference will be given to original papers. •The papers will be judged on: I. Originality II. Simplicity III. Objectives IV. Methodology V. Findings and Analysis VI. Conclusions VII. Implication/Application/Limitations LAST DATE: The last date for submission of papers (Round 1) is 31-03-2014 NOTE: The judging panel reserves the rights to disqualify the participant team, if any of the rules given above are breached by any participant. It is the responsibility of the participants to keep themselves updated. The organizers reserve the right to change the rules of the event at any time and will do their best to update the contestants of the same. Abstract Preparation The abstract will be used by the Committee as the sole basis for acceptance of the paper for oral/poster
presentation. Thus, it should clearly communicate the new and significant results that have been obtained. Time and effort spent constructing a clear, concise, and well-written abstract will maximize the chances of paper acceptance. Abstracts should clearly state: The objective of the work The results and accomplishments and their significance Abstract Format 1. Page should be A4 (210 X 297 mm) with margins of 1ine (2.5cm) on all edges. 2. Font used must be "Arial" and its size must be 12pt bold for title. 3. Font used must be "Arial" and its size must be 10pt for regular text. 4. The text page should include the authors' names, address, affiliation, telephone number, and email address ("Arial" 9pt). 5. The total number of words in the main text should not exceed 250. Prelim Round NO Approximate Duration of the 3 hr. event Team Size Maximum number of teams No Limit Maximum number of 2 participants from each team Registration fee INR 200 PT
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