theory and phenomenology of massive neutrinos part iii

Theory and Phenomenology of Massive Neutrinos Part III: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Theory and Phenomenology of Massive Neutrinos Part III: Phenomenology Carlo Giunti INFN, Sezione di Torino and Dipartimento di Fisica Teorica, Universit` a di Torino Neutrino Unbound: KIAS, Seoul,

  1. Theory and Phenomenology of Massive Neutrinos Part III: Phenomenology Carlo Giunti INFN, Sezione di Torino and Dipartimento di Fisica Teorica, Universit` a di Torino Neutrino Unbound: KIAS, Seoul, 30 November – 2 December 2015 C. Giunti and C.W. Kim Fundamentals of Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics Oxford University Press 15 March 2007 – 728 pages C. Giunti − Theory and Phenomenology of Massive Neutrinos – III − KIAS − 30 Nov – 2 Dec 2015 − 1/98

  2. Part III: Phenomenology Solar Neutrinos and KamLAND Atmospheric and LBL Oscillation Experiments Absolute Scale of Neutrino Masses Light Sterile Neutrinos Conclusions C. Giunti − Theory and Phenomenology of Massive Neutrinos – III − KIAS − 30 Nov – 2 Dec 2015 − 2/98

  3. Solar Neutrinos and KamLAND Solar Neutrinos and KamLAND Standard Solar Model (SSM) Homestake Gallium Experiments Kamiokande Super-Kamiokande SNO: Sudbury Neutrino Observatory KamLAND LMA Solar Neutrino Oscillations BOREXino Atmospheric and LBL Oscillation Experiments Absolute Scale of Neutrino Masses Light Sterile Neutrinos C. Giunti − Theory and Phenomenology of Massive Neutrinos – III − KIAS − 30 Nov – 2 Dec 2015 − 3/98 Conclusions

  4. The Sun Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) 304 ˚ A images of the Sun emission in this spectral line (He II) shows the upper chromosphere at a temperature of about 60,000 K [The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO),] C. Giunti − Theory and Phenomenology of Massive Neutrinos – III − KIAS − 30 Nov – 2 Dec 2015 − 4/98

  5. Standard Solar Model (SSM) pp chain and CNO cycle 2 + � 2 ( pp ) p + p ! H + e + � p + e + p ! H + � ( pep ) e e X � X � X � X � 99.6% 0.4% X � X � X � 4 p + 2 e − → 4 He + 2 ν e + 26 . 731 MeV X � X � X � X X � � ? 2 3 H + p ! He + � � X 12 13 - 13 13 + 13 � X ( N) � X C + p ! N + � N ! C + e + � e � X � X � X � X � X � X � X 6 � X � X � X � 5 � X 85% � X 2 � 10 % � X �� - ? � � X X 15 12 4 13 14 ? ? ? N + p ! C + He CN C + p ! N + � 6 �� � 3 3 4 3 4 + He + He ! He + 2 p He + p ! He + e + � 6 e 99 : 9% ? 15% ? pp I ( hep ) 15 15 15 + � 14 15 ( O) O ! N + e + � N + p ! O + � e 3 4 7 He + He ! Be + � 6 0 : 1% ? � P � P � P 15 16 17 14 4 � P � P N + p ! O + � O + p ! N + He � P � P 99.87% � P 0.13% � P 6 ? ? ? 7 7 � 7 7 8 ( Be) Be + p ! B + � Be + e ! Li + � e 16 17 17 17 + 17 - O + p ! F + � F ! O + e + � ( F) e ? ? 7 4 � 8 8 8 + Li + p ! 2 He B ! Be + e + � ( B) e Bahcall SSMs pp I I ? � 8 4 Be ! 2 He [J.N. Bahcall,˜jnb] pp I I I C. Giunti − Theory and Phenomenology of Massive Neutrinos – III − KIAS − 30 Nov – 2 Dec 2015 − 5/98

  6. [J.N. Bahcall, ] C. Giunti − Theory and Phenomenology of Massive Neutrinos – III − KIAS − 30 Nov – 2 Dec 2015 − 6/98

  7. [Castellani, Degl’Innocenti, Fiorentini, Lissia, Ricci, Phys. Rept. 281 (1997) 309, astro-ph/9606180] C. Giunti − Theory and Phenomenology of Massive Neutrinos – III − KIAS − 30 Nov – 2 Dec 2015 − 7/98

  8. [Castellani, Degl’Innocenti, Fiorentini, Lissia, Ricci, Phys. Rept. 281 (1997) 309, astro-ph/9606180] C. Giunti − Theory and Phenomenology of Massive Neutrinos – III − KIAS − 30 Nov – 2 Dec 2015 − 8/98

  9. [J.N. Bahcall, ] predicted versus measured sound speed the rms fractional difference between the calculated and the measured sound speeds is 0.10% for all solar radii between between 0 . 05 R ⊙ and 0 . 95 R ⊙ and is 0.08% for the deep interior region, r < 0 . 25 R ⊙ , in which neutrinos are produced C. Giunti − Theory and Phenomenology of Massive Neutrinos – III − KIAS − 30 Nov – 2 Dec 2015 − 9/98

  10. Homestake ν e + 37 Cl → 37 Ar + e − radiochemical experiment [Pontecorvo (1946), Alvarez (1949)] Homestake Gold Mine (South Dakota) 1478 m deep, 4200 m.w.e. ⇒ Φ µ ≃ 4 m − 2 day − 1 steel tank, 6.1 m diameter, 14.6 m long (6 × 10 5 liters) 615 tons of tetrachloroethylene (C 2 Cl 4 ), 2 . 16 × 10 30 atoms of 37 Cl (133 tons) energy threshold: E Cl ⇒ 8 B , 7 Be , pep , hep , 13 N , 15 O , 17 F th = 0 . 814 MeV = R exp Cl 1970–1994, 108 extractions = ⇒ = 0 . 34 ± 0 . 03 [APJ 496 (1998) 505] R SSM Cl R exp R SSM = 7 . 6 +1 . 3 = 2 . 56 ± 0 . 23 SNU − 1 . 1 SNU Cl Cl 1 SNU = 10 − 36 events atom − 1 s − 1 C. Giunti − Theory and Phenomenology of Massive Neutrinos – III − KIAS − 30 Nov – 2 Dec 2015 − 10/98

  11. Gallium Experiments SAGE, GALLEX, GNO radiochemical experiments ν e + 71 Ga → 71 Ge + e − [Kuzmin (1965)] threshold: E Ga ⇒ pp , 7 Be , 8 B , pep , hep , 13 N , 15 O , 17 F th = 0 . 233 MeV = R exp Ga SAGE+GALLEX+GNO = ⇒ = 0 . 56 ± 0 . 03 R SSM Ga R exp R SSM = 128 +9 Ga = 72 . 4 ± 4 . 7 SNU − 7 SNU Ga C. Giunti − Theory and Phenomenology of Massive Neutrinos – III − KIAS − 30 Nov – 2 Dec 2015 − 11/98

  12. SAGE: Soviet-American Gallium Experiment Baksan Neutrino Observatory, northern Caucasus 50 tons of metallic 71 Ga, 2000 m deep, 4700 m.w.e. ⇒ Φ µ ≃ 2 . 6 m − 2 day − 1 detector test: 51 Cr Source: R = 0 . 95 +0 . 11 +0 . 06 [PRC 59 (1999) 2246] − 0 . 10 − 0 . 05 R SAGE Ga ⇒ = 0 . 54 ± 0 . 05 1990 – 2001 = [astro-ph/0204245] R SSM Ga 400 L+K peaks K peak only 300 Capture rate (SNU) All runs combined 200 100 L K 0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Mean extraction time C. Giunti − Theory and Phenomenology of Massive Neutrinos – III − KIAS − 30 Nov – 2 Dec 2015 − 12/98

  13. GALLEX: GALLium EXperiment Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory, Italy, overhead shielding: 3300 m.w.e. 30.3 tons of gallium in 101 tons of gallium chloride (GaCl 3 -HCl) solution R GALLEX Ga ⇒ = 0 . 61 ± 0 . 06 May 1991 – Jan 1997 = [PLB 477 (1999) 127] R SSM Ga C. Giunti − Theory and Phenomenology of Massive Neutrinos – III − KIAS − 30 Nov – 2 Dec 2015 − 13/98

  14. GNO: Gallium Neutrino Observatory continuation of GALLEX: 30.3 tons of gallium R GNO Ga ⇒ = 0 . 51 ± 0 . 08 May 1998 – Jan 2000 = [PLB 490 (2000) 16] R SSM Ga R GALLEX+GNO Ga = 0 . 58 ± 0 . 05 R SSM Ga C. Giunti − Theory and Phenomenology of Massive Neutrinos – III − KIAS − 30 Nov – 2 Dec 2015 − 14/98

  15. Kamiokande ν + e − → ν + e − water Cherenkov detector Sensitive to ν e , ν µ , ν τ , but σ ( ν e ) ≃ 6 σ ( ν µ,τ ) Kamioka mine (200 km west of Tokyo), 1000 m underground, 2700 m.w.e. 3000 tons of water, 680 tons fiducial volume, 948 PMTs threshold: E Kam ⇒ 8 B , hep ≃ 6 . 75 MeV = th Jan 1987 – Feb 1995 (2079 days) R Kam ν e = 0 . 55 ± 0 . 08 [PRL 77 (1996) 1683] R SSM ν e C. Giunti − Theory and Phenomenology of Massive Neutrinos – III − KIAS − 30 Nov – 2 Dec 2015 − 15/98

  16. Super-Kamiokande continuation of Kamiokande 50 ktons of water, 22.5 ktons fiducial volume, 11146 PMTs threshold: E Kam ⇒ 8 B , hep ≃ 4 . 75 MeV = th 1996 – 2001 (1496 days) R SK ν e = 0 . 465 ± 0 . 015 [SK, PLB 539 (2002) 179] R SSM ν e C. Giunti − Theory and Phenomenology of Massive Neutrinos – III − KIAS − 30 Nov – 2 Dec 2015 − 16/98

  17. the Super-Kamiokande underground water Cherenkov detector located near Higashi-Mozumi, Gifu Prefecture, Japan access is via a 2 km long truck tunnel [R. J. Wilkes, SK, hep-ex/0212035] C. Giunti − Theory and Phenomenology of Massive Neutrinos – III − KIAS − 30 Nov – 2 Dec 2015 − 17/98

  18. Super-Kamiokande θ sun Super-Kamiokande cos θ sun distribution Event/day/kton/bin the points represent observed data, 0.25 the histogram shows the best-fit signal (shaded) plus background, the horizon- 0.2 tal dashed line shows the estimated back- 0.15 ground 0.1 the peak at cos θ sun = 1 is due to solar neutrinos 0.05 [Smy, hep-ex/0208004] 0 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 cos Θ Sun C. Giunti − Theory and Phenomenology of Massive Neutrinos – III − KIAS − 30 Nov – 2 Dec 2015 − 18/98

  19. Super-Kamiokande energy spectrum solar zenith angle ( θ z ) dependence normalized to BP2000 SSM of Super-Kamiokande data Data/SSM 0.8 0.7 0.6 2.8 0.5 Flux in 10 6 /cm s z Day SK 0.4 Combined M a n Night 1 Man 2 2.7 Man 3 Man 3 0.3 4 M n a Man 5 Man 5 a n M 4 0.2 Core Core 2.6 0.1 Inner Core 30 0 No SK D/N asymmetry in % Data 2.5 20 10 2.4 0 -10 -20 2.3 5-20 MeV -30 -40 2.2 All Day Night -50 -60 Mantle 1 Mantle 2 Mantle 3 Mantle 4 Mantle 5 2.1 Core -70 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 recoil electron energy in MeV 2 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Day-Night asymmetry cos θ z as a function of energy [Smy, hep-ex/0208004] C. Giunti − Theory and Phenomenology of Massive Neutrinos – III − KIAS − 30 Nov – 2 Dec 2015 − 19/98


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