theory and applications of computationally universal

Theory and Applications of Computationally Universal Metabolic P - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Theory and Applications of Computationally Universal Metabolic P Systems 3 rd -year presentation Ricardo Henrique Gracini Guiraldelli University of Verona 2015-11-11 Table of Contents 1 Introduction Once upon a time. . . The Intention

  1. “Theory and Applications of Computationally Universal Metabolic P Systems” 3 rd -year presentation Ricardo Henrique Gracini Guiraldelli University of Verona 2015-11-11

  2. Table of Contents 1 Introduction Once upon a time. . . The Intention PhD’s Work Breakdown Structure 2 Basic Knowledge Metabolic P Systems Computationally Universal Devices 3 Theory Algorithms �→ Metabolic P systems Metabolic P systems �→ Algorithms Theoretical Goals 4 Practical Applications Bidirectional Compiler Digital Circuit Discrete Fourier Transform Practical Goals 5 Conclusions

  3. Section 1 Introduction

  4. Once upon a time. . . Electrical Circuits ⇆ Metabolism or find a bidirectional transformation between electrical circuits and metabolism .

  5. Once upon a time. . . Electrical Circuits ⇆ Metabolism Where does the inspiration come from? Terje Lomø’s long term potentiation [5]; Kidney loops and mechanical engineering [4, p. 75]; Miguel Nicolelis’ experiment with monkeys and virtual arms.

  6. Once upon a time. . . Electrical Circuits ⇆ Metabolism Is it a sound? Both are dynamical systems; Several living-beings components are modeled after engineering concepts: Circulatory systems ⇔ fluid mechanics; Skeleton ⇔ solid mechanics; Muscular moviment ⇔ electricity; . . . Correlated to: Biomedical engineering; Systems biology; Synthetic biology A just-born research field.

  7. Once upon a time. . . Electrical Circuits ⇆ Metabolism

  8. My intention is. . . Electrical Circuits ← Metabolism Get a specification of a metabolism; Transform it in a specification of an electrical circuit; Automatically generate an electrical circuit; Reproduce the metabolic behavior in electrical circuit; Tune the behavior in the generated electrical circuit. 1 Systems Biology. 1 Bonus feature.

  9. My intention is. . . Electrical Circuits → Metabolism Get a specification of an electrical circuit; Transform it in a specification of a metabolism; Automatically generate a metabolism; Reproduce the electrical circuit behavior in metabolism; Synthetic Biology.

  10. Work Breakdown Structure of the PhD research Electrical Circuits ⇆ Metabolism Get a specification of a ; Transform it in a specification of a ; Automatically generate a ; Reproduce the behavior in ; Tune the behavior in the generated .

  11. Work Breakdown Structure of the PhD research Electrical Circuits ⇆ Metabolism Get a specification of a ; Metabolism: Metabolic P system. Electrical Circuits: Digital Circuits; Analog Circuits; Algorithms. Transform it in a specification of a ; Automatically generate a ; Reproduce the behavior in ; Tune the behavior in the generated .

  12. Work Breakdown Structure of the PhD research Electrical Circuits ⇆ Metabolism Get a specification of a ; Metabolism: Metabolic P system. Electrical Circuits: Digital Circuits; Analog Circuits; Algorithms. Transform it in a specification of a ; Theoretical (core) work of the PhD thesis. Automatically generate a ; Reproduce the behavior in ; Tune the behavior in the generated .

  13. Work Breakdown Structure of the PhD research Electrical Circuits ⇆ Metabolism Get a specification of a ; Metabolism: Metabolic P system. Electrical Circuits: Digital Circuits; Analog Circuits; Algorithms. Transform it in a specification of a ; Theoretical (core) work of the PhD thesis. Automatically generate a ; Practical application of the PhD research. Reproduce the behavior in ; Tune the behavior in the generated .

  14. Work Breakdown Structure of the PhD research Electrical Circuits ⇆ Metabolism Get a specification of a ; Metabolism: Metabolic P system. Electrical Circuits: Digital Circuits; Analog Circuits; Algorithms. Transform it in a specification of a ; Theoretical (core) work of the PhD thesis. Automatically generate a ; Practical application of the PhD research. Reproduce the behavior in ; Validation of the PhD work. Tune the behavior in the generated .

  15. Work Breakdown Structure of the PhD research Electrical Circuits ⇆ Metabolism Get a specification of a ; Metabolism: Metabolic P system. Electrical Circuits: Digital Circuits; Analog Circuits; Algorithms. Transform it in a specification of a ; Theoretical (core) work of the PhD thesis. Automatically generate a ; Practical application of the PhD research. Reproduce the behavior in ; Validation of the PhD work. Tune the behavior in the generated . Users’s application.

  16. Work Breakdown Structure of the PhD research Theory Practice 1 How can I represent 1 Instance of a metabolism as metabolism? an electrical circuit. 2 How can I represent circuit? 2 Instance of an electrical circuit as a metabolism. 3 Can I map every metabolism to circuit? 3 Automatic mapping of metabolism to electrical 4 Can I map every circuit to circuit. metabolism? 4 Automatic mapping of 5 What is the map procedure? electrical circuit to (Both.) metabolism. 6 Do I have restrictions? 7 Is the mapping optimal? (In which sense?)

  17. Section 2 Basic Knowledge

  18. Basic Knowledge To understand the work, it is required to have in mind two concepts: 1 Metabolic P systems; 2 Computationally Universal Devices. The rest of the work is self-contained.

  19. Metabolic P systems Static Dynamic G = ( M , R , I , Φ) M = ( G , τ, µ, ν ) set of substances M ; Metabolic P grammar G ; set of rules R ; Period of the dynamics, τ ; initial state I ; Number of conventional mole µ ; set of fluxes Φ. Vector of mole masses ν ; Update recurrent equation ( Equational Metabolic Algorithm ).

  20. Metabolic P systems Static Dynamic G = ( M , R , I , Φ) M = ( G , τ ) set of substances M ; Metabolic P grammar G ; set of rules R ; Period of the dynamics, τ ; initial state I ; Update recurrent equation ( Equational Metabolic set of fluxes Φ. Algorithm ).

  21. Metabolic P systems Subset of P systems (membrane computing); Discrete dynamical system; Deterministic computation; Very mature as numerical algorithm; Few theoretical computer science results . Necessary for PhD hypothesis.

  22. Metabolic P systems Subset of P systems (membrane computing); Discrete dynamical system; Deterministic computation; Very mature as numerical algorithm; Few theoretical computer science results . Necessary for PhD hypothesis.

  23. Computationally Universal Devices Computationally universal devices ⇔ Turing-complete Recognizes the highest level of the Chomsky-Sch¨ utzenberger hierarchy Grammar Language Automaton Type-0 Recursively enumerable Turing machine Type-1 Context-sensitive Linear-bounded non-deterministic Turing machine Type-2 Context-free Non-deterministic pushdown automaton Type-3 Regular Finite state automaton There are several computationally universal models. Register machine was picked. Simple; Easy to reason about; von Neumann architecture-like; Low-level programming.

  24. Register Machine R = ( R , O , P ) [9] R is the finite set of registers (with infinite capacity) O = { INC , DEC , JNZ , HALT } is the finite set of operations; P = ( I 1 , I 2 , . . . , I n ) is the (finite) program. Instructions are “applied operations” to registers, instruction-pointer, both or none ( HALT ); Restricted to the set of natural numbers.

  25. Register Machine R = ( R , O ′ , P ) R is the finite set of registers (with infinite capacity) Subprograms Instructions � �� � � �� � O ′ = { INC , DEC , CLR , JMP , JZ , JNZ , HALT } ∪ { CPY , ADD , SUB } is the extended, finite set of operations and subprograms; P = ( I 1 , I 2 , . . . , I n ) is the (finite) program. Instructions are “applied operations” to registers, instruction-pointer, both or none ( HALT ); Restricted to the set of natural numbers.

  26. Section 3 Theory

  27. Recalling the Guiding Questions How can I represent metabolism? Q: 1 A: Metabolic P systems. How can I represent circuit? Q: 2 A: Analog, digital circuits or algorithms. Can I map every metabolism to circuit? Q: 3 Q: Can I map every circuit to metabolism? 4 What is the map procedure? (Both.) Q: 5 Q: Do I have restrictions? 6 Q: Is the mapping optimal? (In which sense?) 7

  28. Recalling the Guiding Questions Q: How can I represent metabolism? 1 A: Metabolic P systems. Q: How can I represent circuit? 2 Algorithms. A: Q: Can I map every metabolism MP system to circuit 3 algorithm? Q: Can I map every circuit algorithm to metabolism MP 4 system? Q: What is the map procedure? (Both.) 5 Do I have restrictions? Q: 6 Q: Is the mapping optimal? (In which sense?) 7

  29. Subsection 1 Algorithms �→ Metabolic P systems

  30. Algorithms �→ Metabolic P systems Q: Can I map every algorithm to MP system? Algorithm Metabolic P system Representation of register Dynamical system; machine; Could be context-sensitive Recursively enumerable language [1, 8]. More language; ambitious attempts [7] has failed. Sequential execution; Parallel execution; Self-reference at run time ( e.g. , JNZ ); Reference to previous-state only; Operations N �→ N ; Operations R �→ R ; Finite-set of operations. No restriction to usage of functions.

  31. The Easy Part Register machine Metabolic P grammar R = ( R , O ′ , P ) G = ( M , R , I , Φ) Set of registers R Set of metabolites M Set of rules R Program (sequence) P Set of fluxes Φ Initial state of the registers Initial state I


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