theories of change and

Theories of Change and Useful Outcomes Patty Emord, Ph.D. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Tools for Developing Theories of Change and Useful Outcomes Patty Emord, Ph.D. Collaborative Solutions Consulting March 7, 2017 Ov Over ervie view w of of Todays Sess essio ion Todays presentation provides easy to use and fun

  1. Tools for Developing Theories of Change and Useful Outcomes Patty Emord, Ph.D. Collaborative Solutions Consulting March 7, 2017

  2. Ov Over ervie view w of of Today’s Sess essio ion  Today’s presentation provides easy to use and fun tools to discuss and develop a program’s theory of change that can lead to measurable and observable outcomes.  The session will be valuable for program planning, grant writing and evaluation. Collaborative Solutions Consulting, 2017 2

  3. Ou Outc tcom omes? es?!?!? !?!? Collaborative Solutions Consulting, 2017 3

  4. Ou Outc tcom omes es ar are mea e measur surabl able e an and d sp spec ecif ific ic ch chan ange ges  Changes in people, organizations, or communities.  Changes in knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes or behavior.  Changes that your program/organization will hold itself accountable for achieving. May be measured quantitatively or qualitatively or BOTH May be short-term, intermediate, or long-term changes. Collaborative Solutions Consulting, 2017 4

  5. So…Why are e out utcome mes s important tant? ? Why both ther? er? Collaborative Solutions Consulting, 2017 5

  6. Thinking about Outcomes can…  Start useful conversations about your programs.  Help develop evaluative thinking in your program.  Enhance and support a learning environment in your organization. Collaborative Solutions Consulting, 2017 6

  7. Wh What t is e evalu luati tive e th think nking? ng? Posing Identifying thoughtful Assumptions questions Actively seeking Making informed a deeper decisions as you understanding prepare to take action. Tom Archibald & Jane Buckley Cornell Office for Research on Evaluation Collaborative Solutions Consulting, 2017

  8. Evaluative thinking involves…  Valuing and using data to check progress and to make decisions.  Asking questions about the data.  What do the data mean? What are the data telling us? What else do we need to know? Collaborative Solutions Consulting, 2013 8

  9. THEOR EORY Y OF CHAN ANGE: GE: Provides the ‘Big Picture” that connects your program’s outcomes to its strategies. THEORY OF CHANGE OUTCOMES Collaborative Solutions Consulting, 2017 9

  10. Theo eory y of of Chan ange ge (TOC OC): ):  Simple Model with just 2 elements: Strategies Results Collaborative Solutions Consulting, 2017 10

  11. You our Ass Assum umpti tion ons: s: Research BELIEFS Practice Assumptions Strategies Results Theory KNOWLEDGE Collaborative Solutions Consulting, 2017 11

  12. Usi sing ng Knowledge wledge and nd Be Beliefs iefs to o creat eate e a bett etter er mo model el for r TOC OC Collaborative Solutions Consulting, 2017 12

  13. Ha Hando ndout: ut: Step eps t s to a o a Theo eory y of of Chan ange ge  Identify the desired results.  Name the strategies that will deliver your intended results.  Define the assumptions that support your specified strategies.  Consider external environment. Collaborative Solutions Consulting, 2017 13

  14. Br Brea eak Tim ime e – 10 0 Min inut utes es Collaborative Solutions Consulting, 2017 14

  15. TOC OC Rol ole e Pl Play y Act ctiv ivit ity y  Find someone you don’t know that well.  One of you will be the Evaluator and one will be the Program Person.  If you are not connected to a program, feel free to make one up based on your experience.  Evaluator will interview the program person.  After 10 minutes, switch roles. Collaborative Solutions Consulting, 2017 15

  16. Rol ole e Pl Play y In Inter ervie iew Que w Questi stion ons Who does your program serve? Who are your clients?? 1. What changes do you want to see in your clients? In 2. your community? What are your staff doing to achieve those changes? 3. How will you know if you are successful? What does 4. success look like? How do you know if things are going well? How do you 5. know if something needs to change? If you had a magic wand, what one thing would you 6. change in your program? In your community? What information or data help you make decisions 7. today? Collaborative Solutions Consulting, 2017 16

  17. Theo eory y of Chang ange e and nd Logi gic c Models dels  Linked to each other.  Theory of Change usually precedes the Logic Model.  Both should be open, organic and dynamic – subject to change based upon circumstances. Collaborative Solutions Consulting, 2017 17

  18. Kee eep p you our r TOC OC and nd Log ogic c Mo Model del Aliv ive e wi with th a Lea earning rning Age genda nda  Create a learning agenda  Have a short list of your assumptions and hypotheses that you can test to some extent - this will keep you re-visiting your TOC and logic model Collaborative Solutions Consulting, 2017 18

  19. What at wi will suc uccess cess look k lik ike? ? How w wil ill we e kn know w how we e are e do doin ing? g? Collaborative Solutions Consulting, 2017 19

  20. Wh What at ar are e in indi dica cator ors? s?  A type of data that stakeholders agree will represent what success looks like for different areas of focus.  Indicators ‘unpack’ the outcomes:  Measureable and observable.  Quantitative or Qualitative.  Indicators answer the questions:  “ What will tell me if my program is successful?  How will I know we are successful?” Collaborative Solutions Consulting, 2017 20

  21. The e Keys ys to De Designing signing Suc uccessfu cessful Outcomes are being able to…  Clearly define your program outcomes.  Identify and employ the right strategies to achieve those outcomes.  Defining what success looks like OR outcome indicators. Collaborative Solutions Consulting, 2017 21

  22. So So, , whe when do w n do we e get get to the o the fu fun n par art?!?!? t?!?!? Collaborative Solutions Consulting, 2017 22

  23. "If you don't know where you are going, you will wind up somewhere else .“ Yogi Berra Collaborative Solutions Consulting, 2017 23

  24. QU QUES ESTIONS? TIONS? Collaborative Solutions Consulting, 2017 24

  25. For r Hand ndouts outs and nd th theP ePowerP erPoint oint, , plea ease se vis isit it th the e Collaborativ aborative e Solutions utions Cons nsul ulting ting web ebpag page e at t cs m or th the e Collab laborativ orative e Solutions utions Cons nsul ulting ting Face ceboo book k page ge Collaborative Solutions Consulting, 2017 25

  26. Contact Info: Patty Emord Collaborative Solutions Consulting 505.228-2274 Collaborative Solutions Consulting, 2017 26


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