theoretical overview of jet quenching

theoretical overview of jet quenching Jos Guilherme Milhano - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

theoretical overview of jet quenching Jos Guilherme Milhano CENTRA-IST (Lisbon) & CERN PH-TH http:/ Quark Matter 2012, Washington DC, 14th August 2012 the study of jets [reconstructed jets

  1. theoretical overview of jet quenching José Guilherme Milhano CENTRA-IST (Lisbon) & CERN PH-TH http:/ Quark Matter 2012, Washington DC, 14th August 2012

  2. the study of jets [reconstructed jets and their high-p t hadronic content] in heavy ion collisions aims at their use as probes of the properties of the hot, dense and coloured matter created in the collisions

  3. the study of jets [reconstructed jets and their high-p t hadronic content] in heavy ion collisions aims at their use as probes of the properties of the hot, dense and coloured matter created in the collisions #1 establishing the probe

  4. the study of jets [reconstructed jets and their high-p t hadronic content] in heavy ion collisions aims at their use as probes of the properties of the hot, dense and coloured matter created in the collisions #1 establishing the probe #2 probing the medium

  5. the study of jets [reconstructed jets and their high-p t hadronic content] in heavy ion collisions aims at their use as probes of the properties of the hot, dense and coloured matter created in the collisions #1 establishing the probe #2 probing the medium not covered in this talk: • heavy quark [mass effects] W Horowitz today 12.15 • strongly coupled phenomena H-U Yee friday 12.15

  6. #1 establishing the probe

  7. jets in heavy ion collisions vacuum jets under overall excellent theoretical control •factorization of initial and final state jet :: collimated spray of hadrons resulting from the QCD branching of a hard [high-p t ] parton and subsequent hadronization of fragments and grouped according to given procedure [jet algorithm] and for given defining parameters [eg, jet radius]

  8. jets in heavy ion collisions in HIC jets traverse sizable in-medium pathlength jet :: collimated spray of hadrons resulting from the QCD branching of a hard [high-p t ] parton and subsequent hadronization of fragments and grouped according to given procedure [jet algorithm] and for given defining parameters [eg, jet radius]

  9. jets in heavy ion collisions same factorizable structure [challengeable working hypothesis]

  10. jets in heavy ion collisions nPDF i nPDF j = ⊗ sufficiently constrained in relevant kinematical domain [further improvement from future pA data]

  11. jets in heavy ion collisions nPDF i nPDF j hard scattering = ⊗ ⊗ sufficiently constrained in relevant kinematical domain [further improvement from future pA data] localized on point like scale oblivious to surrounding matter [calculable to arbitrary pQCD order]

  12. jets in heavy ion collisions factorized initial state [insensitive to produced medium] nPDF i nPDF j hard scattering = ⊗ ⊗

  13. jets in heavy ion collisions factorized initial state [insensitive to produced medium] nPDF i nPDF j hard scattering QCD branching = ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ very well [and perturbatively] understood in vacuum •coherence between successive splittings leads to angular ordering •faithfully implemented in MC generators medium modified •induced radiation [radiative energy loss] •broadening of all partons traversing medium •energy/momentum transfer to medium [elastic energy loss] •strong modification of coherence properties •modification of colour correlations

  14. jets in heavy ion collisions factorized initial state [insensitive to produced medium] nPDF i nPDF j hard scattering QCD branching hadronization h 1 = ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ h 2 h 3 in vacuum •effective description in MC [Lund strings, clusters, ...] •FF for specific final state [jet, hadron class/species, ...] in medium •time delayed [high enough p t ] thus outside medium •colour correlations of hadronizing system changed fragmentation outside medium = vacuum FFs ???

  15. jets in heavy ion collisions factorized initial state [insensitive to produced medium] fragmentation function nPDF i nPDF j hard scattering QCD branching hadronization h 1 jet reconstruction = ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ h 2 h 3 very well [and perturbatively] understood in vacuum •coherence between successive splittings leads to angular ordering in vacuum •faithfully implemented in MC generators •effective description in MC [Lund strings, clusters, ...] medium modified •FF for specific final state [jet, hadron class/species, ...] •induced radiation [radiative energy loss] in medium •broadening of all partons traversing medium •time delayed [high enough p t ] thus outside medium •energy/momentum transfer to medium [elastic energy loss] •colour correlations of hadronizing system changed •strong modification of coherence properties •modification of colour correlations fragmentation outside medium = vacuum FFs ???

  16. jets in heavy ion collisions factorized initial state [insensitive to produced medium] fragmentation function nPDF i nPDF j hard scattering QCD branching hadronization h 1 jet reconstruction = ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ h 2 h 3 jet quenching :: observable consequences [in jet and jet-like hadronic observables] of the effect of the medium very well [and perturbatively] understood in vacuum •coherence between successive splittings leads to angular ordering in vacuum •faithfully implemented in MC generators •effective description in MC [Lund strings, clusters, ...] medium modified •FF for specific final state [jet, hadron class/species, ...] •induced radiation [radiative energy loss] in medium •broadening of all partons traversing medium •time delayed [high enough p t ] thus outside medium •energy/momentum transfer to medium [elastic energy loss] •colour correlations of hadronizing system changed •strong modification of coherence properties •modification of colour correlations fragmentation outside medium = vacuum FFs ???

  17. to establish quenched jets [their hadron ‘jet-like’ and full jet observables] as medium probes requires a full theoretical account of • QCD branching • effect on hadronization [if any] in the presence of a generic medium and a detailed assessment of the sensitivity of observables to specific medium effects :: probe :: physical object/process under strict theoretical control for which a definite relationship between its observable properties and those of the probed system can be established

  18. medium induced radiation � single gluon emission understood in 4 classes of pQCD-based formalisms → B aier -D okshitzer- M ueller- P eigné- S chiff– Z akharov � → G yulassy- L evai- V itev � → A rnold- M oore- Y affe � → H igher- T wist [Guo and Wang] �

  19. medium induced radiation � single gluon emission understood in 4 classes of pQCD-based formalisms → B aier -D okshitzer- M ueller- P eigné- S chiff– Z akharov � → G yulassy- L evai- V itev � → A rnold- M oore- Y affe � → H igher- T wist [Guo and Wang] � � differ in modeling of the medium and some kinematic assumptions [most shared]

  20. medium induced radiation � single gluon emission understood in 4 classes of pQCD-based formalisms → B aier -D okshitzer- M ueller- P eigné- S chiff– Z akharov � → G yulassy- L evai- V itev � → A rnold- M oore- Y affe � → H igher- T wist [Guo and Wang] � � differ in modeling of the medium and some kinematic assumptions [most shared] � all build multiple gluon emission from [ad hoc] iteration of single gluon kernel → Poissonian ansatz [BDPMS and GLV]; rate equations [AMY]; medium-modified � DGLAP [HT]

  21. medium induced radiation � single gluon emission understood in 4 classes of pQCD-based formalisms → B aier -D okshitzer- M ueller- P eigné- S chiff– Z akharov � → G yulassy- L evai- V itev � → A rnold- M oore- Y affe � → H igher- T wist [Guo and Wang] � � differ in modeling of the medium and some kinematic assumptions [most shared] � all build multiple gluon emission from [ad hoc] iteration of single gluon kernel → Poissonian ansatz [BDPMS and GLV]; rate equations [AMY]; medium-modified � DGLAP [HT] � Monte Carlo implementations [HIJING, Q-PYTHIA/Q-HERWIG, JEWELL, YaJEM, MARTINI]

  22. medium induced radiation � single gluon emission understood in 4 classes of pQCD-based formalisms 1.2 1.2 (z) (z) 1.2 1.2 (z) (z) L = 2 fm, E = 20 GeV L = 2 fm, E = 20 GeV L = 5 fm, E = 20 GeV L = 5 fm, E = 20 GeV pp pp pp pp 2 2 (z)/D (z)/D T = 250 MeV, q = 1.25 GeV /fm T = 350 MeV, q = 2.97 GeV /fm 2 2 (z)/D (z)/D T = 250 MeV, q = 1.25 GeV /fm T = 350 MeV, q = 2.97 GeV /fm → B aier -D okshitzer- M ueller- P eigné- S chiff– Z akharov 1 1 1 1 � AA AA HT HT AA AA D D AMY AMY D D GLV GLV ASW ASW 0.8 0.8 → G yulassy- L evai- V itev 0.8 0.8 � 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 → A rnold- M oore- Y affe � 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 → H igher- T wist [Guo and Wang] HT HT � AMY AMY GLV GLV 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 ASW ASW � differ in modeling of the medium and some kinematic assumptions [most shared] 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 � all build multiple gluon emission from [ad hoc] iteration of single gluon kernel z z z z medium modification of quark fragmentation function → Poissonian ansatz [BDPMS and GLV]; rate equations [AMY]; medium-modified � DGLAP [HT] Majumder & van Leeuwen [1002.2206] � systematic comparison in a simple common model medium [the BRICK] → large discrepancies [mostly due to necessary extension of formalism beyond � strict applicability domain]


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