the wool fibre and its applications

The wool fibre and its applications Dr Geoff Naylor CSIRO This - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The wool fibre and its applications Dr Geoff Naylor CSIRO This lecture Introduction to the fascinating world of the wool fibre and its wonderful structure, which results in its many splendid properties. Start with a close look at

  1. The wool fibre and its applications Dr Geoff Naylor CSIRO

  2. This lecture § Introduction to the fascinating world of the wool fibre and its wonderful structure, which results in its many splendid properties. § Start with a close look at the fibre.

  3. Wool Structure: not just a ‘soup’ of wool molecules

  4. Warmth § In cold environments an important function of textiles is to keep the body warm. § Clothing reduces the rate of heat loss from the body. § This physical property is called thermal insulation.

  5. Warmth § Still air is nature ’ s best insulator – much better than any fibre. § It is the air or spaces in textiles that give warmth. § Wool ’ s natural crimp and high bulk means it naturally traps lots of air. Hence it is famous for warmth, particularly in bulky knits.

  6. Wool: naturally absorbs water vapour and is breathable § Wool is an active fibre. § It is able to absorb and desorb moisture vapour as conditions around it change. § This gives wool is its fantastic ‘ comfort ’ properties and makes it ‘ breathable ’ .

  7. Wool: naturally absorbs water vapour and is breathable 40 wool cotton polyester 30 Scientifically, the amount of water § a fibre can absorb internally, i.e. Reg ain 20 without feeling wet, is called its ‘ regain ’ . 10 This depends on the relative § 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 humidity of the surrounding air. Relative ¡H um idity Wool comes first in this § Saturation Fibre re g ain% comparison, being able to absorb Wool 35% up to 35% of its weight in water Cotton 24% before feeling wet. Polyam ide 7% Polyester 1% Polyolefin .05% ¡ ¡ Polyacrylonitrile 7% Aram id 6.5%

  8. Wool: naturally absorbs water vapour and is breathable The human skin is very § sensitive to very small changes in temperature and humidity in Rate ¡o f ¡m oisture ¡vapou r polyester the microclimate next to the p ressu re ¡in crease skin. sweating starts Moisture Evaporation and Transport sportwool 0 2 4 6 8 m inu tes ¡o f ¡exercise During physical activity wool can § Heat Loss significantly reduce feelings of dampness and moisture discomfort. Pressure

  9. Wool: naturally absorbs water vapour and is breathable Wool Fabric Synthetic Fibre Rainproof Rainproof Skin fabric fabric Skin Synthetic Wool fibres absorbs absorb Big moisture very build-up vapour Reduced little rapidly of humidity moisture humidity vapour Wool Fabric Wool is hygroscopic which means it can easily absorb water vapour. This property counteracts the build-up of clammy, humid conditions within clothing.

  10. Active heating When wool absorbs water it § actually generates heat! The amount of heat can be quite § significant. When a kilogram of dry wool is placed in a moist environment the amount of heat it releases is about the same as an electric blanket running for eight hours. This active generation of heat is § unique and can reduce ‘ thermal shock ’ during the transition from indoors to outdoors in wet winter climates.

  11. Wool: water repellent § As well as absorbing moisture vapour, the surface of the wool fibre naturally repels water. Small drops of water do not readily soak into a wool fabric but stay on the surface as droplets, which can easily be shaken off. § This is great for outdoor clothing, such as golf wear.

  12. Wool: water repellent and anti- soiling and spills on wool carpets.

  13. Wool – naturally flame resistant Ignition Source § Fuel, heat and oxygen are all essential for combustion. Remove one and the fire extinguishes. Fuel Oxygen § Wool contains high levels of The Fire Triangle nitrogen and sulphur, which are natural fire retardants, i.e. hard to ignite. § A natural black char forms, creating an insulating layer separating the fuel and oxygen.

  14. Wool: shape retention § Wool has excellent tailorability, drape, style and shape retention. § It can be shaped and set in a multiplicity of ways; for example, the three-dimensional shapes required for a suit.

  15. Wool: shape retention § Depending on C oh e sive /Te m po rary ¡Se tting ¡of ¡Wool temperature and water 180 160 Pressing a Crease content (regain) wool Glass Transition Thermal Splicing Yarns 140 Removing Twist Liveliness 120 can be (i) stiff or Tem perature ¡( C ) 100 o Rubber Like 80 ‘ glass like ’ or (ii) 60 40 softer or ‘ rubber like ’ . 20 0 Glass Like § This is used in tailoring -­‑20 -­‑40 to form and lock in the 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Re gain ¡(% ) required shape.

  16. Wool: shape retention Perm anent ¡Setting ¡of ¡Wool H O H O H O § Permanent creases can be N C C N C C N C C H R 1 H CH 2 H R 3 S achieved by rearranging the S H R 4 H R 5 H H 2 C H R 6 N C C N C C N C C N C C internal bonds in the wool H O H O H O H O The wool fibre contains a number of fibre. - S S S S S S S S S S S S S - S S S S S When the fibre is understress, the dissulfide bonds can rearrange

  17. Wool: exquisite drape

  18. Elasticity

  19. Elasticity Wool wears well not because of its strength but because of its § high extensibility. This allows wool to stretch and recover with minimal breakage or damage. 300 0% 250 28% 100% 200 84% Stress/MPa 150 100 50 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Strain/%

  20. Odour absorption Sweating is the body ’ s natural § way to regulate its temperature. If sweat remains on the body for § several hours, bacteria can develop and lead to body odour. The moisture absorbing nature of wool § and its breathability helps control this.


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