The UK Quality Code for Higher Education Jon Scott School of Biological Sciences
The UK Quality Code for Higher Education • Setting and maintaining Part A threshold academic standards • Assuring and enhancing Part B academic quality • Information about higher Part C education provision
Terms Threshold academic standards Academic quality Enhancement
Chapters of the Quality Code Part A: Setting and maintaining Part B: Assuring and enhancing threshold academic standards academic quality B1: Programme design and approval A1: The national level B2: Admissions A2: The subject and qualification B3: Learning and teaching level B4: Support for student achievement A3: The programme level B5: Student engagement A4: Approval and review B6: Assessment of students and accreditation of prior learning A5: Externality B7: External examining A6: Assessment of achievement of B8: Programme monitoring and learning outcomes review B9: Complaints and appeals B10: Management of collaborative Part C: Information about arrangements higher education provision B11: Research degrees General introduction
Explanation Indicators of sound practice Expectation: what higher education providers expect of each other and which students and the public can expect of all higher education providers
Roll-out Part C and 5 sections of Part B are now published Part A & the remainder of Part B will be published during 2013 All will be in operation when we have our Institutional Review in 2014 and we will be assessed against them.
Chapter B3 Learning & Teaching • The Expectation: Higher education providers, working with their staff, students and other stakeholders, articulate and systematically review and enhance the provision of learning opportunities and teaching practices, so that every student is enabled to develop as an independent learner, study their chosen subject(s) in-depth and enhance their capacity for analytical, critical and creative thinking.
Chapter B3 Learning & Teaching The Indicators
Chapter B3 Learning & Teaching The Indicators
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