the scrum reboot

The Scrum Reboot Give Thanks for Scrum, November 22 nd , 2017 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Scrum Reboot Give Thanks for Scrum, November 22 nd , 2017 Richard Gratton, Intralinks Stakeholder Scrum Champion/Coach PO PO PO Team Team Team 4 Years Ago: Scrum! Major training investment

  1. The Scrum Reboot � Give Thanks for Scrum, November 22 nd , 2017 � Richard Gratton, Intralinks �

  2. Stakeholder � Scrum Champion/Coach � PO � PO � PO � Team � Team � Team �

  3. 4 Years Ago: Scrum! � • Major training investment � Intralinks Scrum � • Cross-functionally engaged adoption � • Coaching � • Internal champions �

  4. 1 Year Ago: Help! � “Teams receive conflicting “We’re under pressure during messages about priorities from release planning to predict how different stakeholders.” � long it will take to deliver on a lot of complex work.” � “We pile up technical debt and “Engineering capacity is not frequently discover serious being fully leveraged because of issues in the hardening sprints design bottlenecks.” � with not enough time to properly address them.” �

  5. Well clearly, Scrum doesn’t work. �

  6. So now what? �

  7. Let’s Try Scrum! � • Major training investment � • Cross-functionally engaged adoption � • Coaching � • Internal champions �

  8. What’s Different? �

  9. We’re Not Special. �

  10. Scrum Values � Commitment, Courage, Focus, Openness, Respect �

  11. Challenge: � Nurturing Scrum Values at Scale �

  12. Horizontal Scale � Team � Team � Team � Team �

  13. Identify a Leading Indicator for Scrum Value Adoption �

  14. The Scrum Scorecard �

  15. Scrum Power Rankings �

  16. Scrum Value Adoption is not Just for Scrum Teams �

  17. Executives � Vertical � Managers � Scale � Teams �

  18. Scrum Training. � This is hard. �

  19. Product Management � Engineering � Architecture � Vertical � Deployment & Operations � Scale � Marketing � Sales � Support �

  20. Sprint “ On the final day of a sprint, a demo is held to demonstrate the achievements in that Review � sprint by the team .” �

  21. !? Sprint “ On the final day of a sprint, a demo is held to demonstrate the achievements in that Review � sprint by the team .” �

  22. Sprint Team � Review �

  23. q Invite stakeholders directly � q Discuss the Sprint Goal � q Be open about problems and mistakes � q No one cares how much work you did, they care about how much value you Sprint delivered � q Find value jockeys in the Development Review � Team and let them shine � q Explicitly credit stakeholders for work done when possible � q Review the product backlog and pay special attention to changes in priority �

  24. Thanks. �


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