the school of education

The School of Education Samantha Tate Senior lecturer in education - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The School of Education Samantha Tate Senior lecturer in education Todays presentation What do we look for in a teacher. Introductory presentation about the Programme/s and University. Qualities and Skills

  1. The School of Education Samantha Tate Senior lecturer in education

  2. Todays presentation • What do we look for in a teacher. • Introductory presentation about the Programme/s and University.

  3. Qualities and Skills Teachers – and indeed trainee teachers – need to: (We look for these qualities and skills during the admissions process within applications and at interview!)

  4. What else? Think of the best teacher you have had. What do they have in common? What makes a great teacher?

  5. Why become a teacher? • A very rewarding career. • No day is ever the same. • Good rates of pay, pension and of course holidays. • Respect for the tough role you fulfil. • Excellent career prospects.

  6. There will also be challenges • the ever-changing school environment; • political pressures; • parents/carers; • workload.

  7. Every good teacher will tell you there is no feeling in the world like success at teaching. Knowing you have changed someone's understanding of the world and their place in it. Knowing you have improved their life and their chances of success. What other job offers all of that?

  8. Do you have what it takes? If you do, the University of Sunderland is the place for you.

  9. Why this University? Some of the reasons…  Based in the heart of Sunderland  Fantastic reputation  Wide range of facilities within city  Excellent opportunities following completion of the course/s

  10. Why Study and Train to be a Teacher at the University of Sunderland? • Ten academic areas are classified as having ‘world leading’ and ‘internationally excellent’ research – including education • Superb facilities - £130 million has been spent on the two Sunderland Campuses • 93.4% of graduates are in employment or further study within 6 months of graduating – Destination of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) survey 2016 • A safe environment for students

  11. Why Study Secondary Education at the University of Sunderland?  Sunderland has been successfully training teachers for over 100 years  High standards of teaching and support from staff with a wealth of recent classroom, academic and school experience  Many links with schools throughout the region and beyond – we work in partnership with the following local authorities: Northumberland LA North Tyneside LA Newcastle LA Gateshead LA South Tyneside LA Sunderland LA Durham LA Hartlepool LA Stockton LA Darlington LA Middlesbrough LA Redcar and Cleveland LA North Yorkshire LA

  12. School of Education The School of Education is one of the largest at the university St Peters Campus City Campus

  13. Undergraduate Courses • BSc (Hons) Mathematics Education with QTS • BSc (Hons) Physics with Mathematics Education with QTS • BA (Hons) MFL Education with QTS Spanish with French studies or French with Spanish studies (with or without a year abroad) • BA (Hons) Education Studies • BA (Hons) Primary Education

  14. Secondary Professional Year Course PGCE subjects 2018-19 Additionally we have a – Primary Education number of SKE courses – Computer Science – English – Geography – Mathematics – Modern Foreign Languages – Science Biology Chemistry Physics

  15. Teaching practice school placements  Schools are part of the University of Sunderland Partnership  Need Medical and Criminal Record (DBS) check before going into schools and being able to register on the course  Over 100 schools ....and growing across the region  Middle schools, academies, specialist colleges, independent schools, special schools, FE colleges  Two placements (complimentary experience)  11 – 16 provider (KS3 and 4) with Post 16 experience  Meeting your individual needs

  16. You will always have support All students will be allocated a personal tutor (usually the programme leader) to help and support you through your first 2 years. Your subject strand leader will act as your personal tutor during the professional year. In school you will also have support from -  Generic Tutor  Subject mentor  University Strand Leader  School Liaison Tutor

  17. The University aim is to make every University of Sunderland graduate among the best in the country when it comes to employability, by focusing on three key areas to: Get Skills Get Experience Get Noticed • Enterprise at Enterprise Place • CVs, Interview • Sunderland Help you • Internships Professional Skills, Careers develop a • Student Exchanges Award (SuPA) Advice & bigger, • Student & Graduate • Higher Guidance brighter Jobs Education • Masterclasses • Volunteering & Paid future Achievement • Mentoring Projects Report (HEAR) • Placements • Student Ambassador • Leadership – Scheme Leading Lights

  18. QTS Skills Tests • The professional skills tests (skills tests) for prospective teachers assess the core skills that teachers need to fulfil their professional role in schools, rather than the subject knowledge needed for teaching. • All current and prospective trainee teachers must pass the skills tests in numeracy and literacy before they start any course which makes recommendation for QTS. • Applicants who are made an offer to any of our Programmes will be invited to attend QTS Skills Boot Camps. Feedback from these secessions has been very positive and has led to successful completion of these tests. • We strongly recommend that you engage with preparing for and booking the tests at the earliest possible date. • PLEASE PRIORITISE THIS ASPECT OF YOUR APPLICATION! WE ARE HAPPY TO SUPPORT YOU IN ANY WAY POSSIBLE!

  19. Next Steps  Get the qualifications  Spend time in schools and maintain positive relationships with staff in these contexts  Be sure you want to do it – Remember it’s a rewarding, yet challenging profession!  Complete your QTS skills tests ASAP remembering that this will be supported post interview stage if offered a place  Apply to Sunderland University

  20. Interview day Rigorous and fair process Many chances to impress  Group Interview  Presentation  Written task  Individual Interview

  21. If You Accept you will need to: • Pass the NCTL Professional Skills tests – you MUST pass these before you start our course, or any ITE course elsewhere • Declare any Disability (not compulsory, but we strongly advise you declare any disability. Our offer to you cannot be withdrawn on disability grounds.) • Know and pursue your entitlement to funding – fees and bursary, student loans. • Complete and return to us the Enhanced DBS & Fitness to teach. We will send you information about the Primary School Experience that everyone has to do prior to the start of the course or Year 3.

  22. What are my chances of getting a job once I have QTS?  Location  Subject Specialism  Regional variations Many of our Partnership Schools employ our trainees following a successful teaching practice and this trend is growing.

  23. Any Questions???

  24. Before you go  Thank you for attending and good luck  We hope you will choose Sunderland!  Good luck for the future Things to keep in mind… Teaching is the BEST job in the world...  You have a career within a profession with caring colleagues  Work with and impact upon the lives of some wonderful young people  No two days are the same  Financially independent  Possibilities for promotion....

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