the root a new facility for food processing distribu on

The Root: A new facility for food processing, distribu?on, storage - PDF document

The Root: Growing Food, Nurturing Community The Root: A new facility for food processing, distribu?on, storage and educa?on Produc(on Processing Storage Making the links between farmers, food processors and consumers to increase local

  1. The Root: Growing Food, Nurturing Community

  2. The Root: A new facility for food processing, distribu?on, storage and educa?on Produc(on Processing Storage Making the links between farmers, food processors and consumers to increase local food produc(on and local food accessibility in our community Educa(on Climate Ac(on

  3. Where it all began Area Farm Plan Community Consulta(ons 2008

  4. The SSI Farmland Trust established in 2009 Owns 62 acres of farmland in the Burgoyne Valley Six new farms through rental agreements 70 community allotment food gardens for families. Half acre of land for SSI Community Services to grow fresh food for the food bank, low income families, vulnerable seniors, and people with disabili(es In 2012 acquired 0.6 ha. of land at 189 Beddis Rd. Worked with the SSI Agricultural Alliance to design the site for the SSI Farm Centre for Food Security, the first mul(- func(on local food hub in the region.

  5. Benefits A resource suppor?ng increased food sustainability & food access. Storage for local produce will expand supply through all seasons. Food educa?on centre for the whole community , providing space for training related to food produc(on and processing, and food safety. It demonstrates new & innova(ve approaches and will be an example for other rural communi(es. A resource suppor?ng increased farm viability for small-scale to medium-scale farmers. Shared space and resources eliminates the need for duplica(on of investment. It can house grower group shared equipment and events. A catalyst for the development of new markets and new value-added products based on local farm produce. Facili(es for processing, storage and distribu(on allow for expansion & diversifica(on of local agricultural economy.

  6. Environmental Impacts A means to reduce community GHG emissions. Replacing non-local food with locally produced food reduces emissions from transporta(on. Solar energy and other green technologies are included in the building design. A demonstra?on of environmental responsibility & increased resilience to climate change: Degraded brown site rehabilita(on, effec(ve storm water management and rainwater catchment; permaculture demonstra(on incorpora(ng food produc(on and food processing; seed vault for storage of locally produced seed and maintenance of biodiversity.

  7. Opera?ons • Not-for-profit with social, environmental, ecological, and sustainable economic goals • Modest fees to rent space and equipment, or to use services, in order to recover opera(onal costs and ensure financial viability • Managed by one full-(me paid staff, supported by volunteers with oversight by SSI Farm land Trust Board of Directors • Collabora(on with community organisa(ons such as SSI Agricultural Alliance, SSI Community Social Services, Community Economic Development Commission, and SSI Conservancy on the development of related services that increase community food sustainability.

  8. Project Timeline Phase 1: 2015-16 ü Planning & Design ü Development Permit ü Barn Renova(on ü Hydro upgrade ü Well drilled ü Building permit ü Investment to date $150,000 3,250 volunteer hours ü Funding support from Vancity Credit Union, Victoria Founda(on, & Salt Spring Founda(on Phase 2: 2017-18 Main building construc(on Kitchen installa(on Water catchment & solar energy Greenhouse Permaculture food landscape enviroFund ™ program

  9. Funding Targets Funds in place: $215,000 Funds s(ll needed for full site development: $500,000 The SSI Farmland Trust can provide charitable dona(on receipts

  10. The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again. For more informa(on: Patricia Reichert, President, SSI Farmland Trust Society 250 537 4282; Anne Macey, Chair Project Working CommiXee 250 537 5511; SSI Area Farm Plan & background document archive The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again.


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