The Presentation of the Lord February 2, 2020 Malachi 3:1 - 4 Psalm 24:7, 8, 9, 10 Hebrews 2:14 - 18 Luke 2:22 - 40 “ Who is this king of glory? It is the Lord! ” St. Dominic’s is a Catholic Parish Inspired by Dominican Spirituality Igniting the Faith for the Salvation of Souls Mass Intentions Sun 02/02 7:30 am (D) Jonathan Lagrimas 9:00 am (D) Barbara Piepho 10:45 am (T) John & Josephine McAfee 12:30 pm (T) People of the Parish 5:00 pm (B) Dr. Isobel Lobo Mon 02/03 6:45 am (D) Dorothy Hannan 8:15 am (D) Carmen & Juan Espinosa Tues 02/04 6:45 am (D) Eleanor Ripalda 8:15 am (B) Veronica Jang Wed 02/05 6:45 am (H) Frances Kissinger 8:15 am (D) Fr. Victor Cavalli, O.P. Thurs 02/06 6:45 am (B) Kaia Evangelista 8:15 am (D) John Matthews Fri 02/07 6:45 am (D) Parents & Relatives of the Dominican Friars 8:15 am (B) Diane Dawes Sat 02/08 8:15 am (B) John Elizalde 5:00 pm (D) Benito Alisago, Jr. Sun 02/09 7:30 am (T) Joseph Peter Lobo 9:00 am (T) Shelly & Anthony Trevino 10:45 am (B) Diane Dawes 12:30 pm (T) People of the Parish 5:00 pm (D) Engelbert Villanueva Legend: (D) Deceased (H) Health (A) Anniversary (B) Birthday (T) Thanksgiving Altar Flowers in Memory of Norman Turley 475 East I Street, Benicia, CA, 94510 (707) 747 - 7220 @stdombenicia #stdominicsbenicia
Pastor's Corner Upcoming Events Seasonal Precautions St. Dominic School Crab Feed Saturday, February 8th at 5:30 pm With the most recent coverage in the media of the Portuguese Hall Wuhan coronavirus and other illnesses, we thought it would be a great idea to review Bishop Soto ’ s World Marriage Day Mass & Dinner directives previously released December 2nd of 2019. Sunday, February 9th Mass at 5:00 pm The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Dinner at 6:00 pm reports that the incidence of flu and flu - like illnesses is Knights of Columbus Breakfast “ widespread ” and has reached a level requiring that Sunday, February 23rd at 8:00 am - 12:00 pm we enact preventive measures to mitigate the Parish Hall possibility of infection at Mass: Parish Mardi Gras Pot Luck 1. Distribution of the Precious Blood is temporarily Tuesday, February 25th at 6:30 pm suspended. Parish Hall 2. Everyone is strongly encouraged to receive the Ash Wednesday Liturgical Schedule Body of Christ in the hand. Wednesday, February 26th 3. Do not shake hands as a sign of peace; Bishop 6:45 am, 8:15 am Soto suggests offering peace by a nod of your head 9:15 am (School Mass) and saying, “ peace be with you ”. 12:30 pm (Ashes Only) 4:00 pm 4. Do not hold hands during the Our Father. 7:00 pm (Also in the Parish Hall) 5. All ministers of Holy Communion will wash their All In the Church hands with alcohol - based antiseptic both before and after distributing Holy Communion. St. Dominic’s 4th Annual The memo also included the reminder that “ the Wor World Ma ld Marr rriage Day iage Day obligation to attend Mass on Sunday and other Holy Days does not apply to those who are sick. If you are Mass Ma ss & & Din inner Ce Celebr bratio ation sick, stay home and take care of yourself. ” Please Sunday, y, Febru ruary 9 ry 9th a at the 5 5:0 :00 p pm M Mass ss help us to protect the health and well - being of everyone. Dinner Reception to follow in the Parish Hall Recognizing the love and friendship we share The administration of Holy Communion in both kinds together, and the strength we receive in God’s will resume as soon as the Bishop deems it safe and prudent to do so. Thank you for your patience and GIFT of the Sacrament of Marriage. Married understanding during this time. And pray for those couples celebrating milestone anniversaries will who are sick. be honored at the reception . The cost is $75.00 per couple includes dinner, wine and dessert. Reg Regist stration by y 2/5 /5/2020 f for the Din Dinner i is re s requir ired. Forms available in Parish Office & Church Questions Email: On our website you will find all of this information and more! We have an extended bulletin online. 2
~ Parish Office Hours ~ Please pray for the recovery of Monday Closed the sick listed in our Book of Tuesday - Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Intentions and the following: Closed for lunch (T - F) 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Saturday Closed 8:30 am - 1:00 pm Sister Mary Angela, OP Gladys Haddad Sunday Jean Greer Alice Louie ~ Ministries ~ Sara Smith George Louie Adoration Ministry: Joe Bosso Albert Horvath Altar Servers: Dana Joy Tim Wade American Heritage Girls: Lydia Leveriza Bessie Sharp Catholics Returning Home: Max Capurro Jane Gasper Consolation Ministry: Dominican Laity: Please remember the following recently Donut Ministry: deceased (and their families) in your prayers: Eucharistic Ministers: GIFT (Growing In Faith Together): James Lemos, Maria Alves, Connie Cavalieri, Guadalupana: Shirley Go, Tony Donato, Barbara Piepho, Knights of Columbus : Jin Chul Kim, Jose Maria Miramontes, Lazarus Ministry: Michael Powell, Andrew Koper, Lectors: Gil Payongayong, Terry Martin Marcacci, Men ’ s Faith & Fellowship: Roman Frantela, Cyril Cooper, Vera Siri Music Ministry: Prayer Line: Sick or remembrances will be listed for a period of 3 months RCIA: 2019 Tax Respect Life: Seven Sorrows Rosary: Statements St. Dominic Cemetery: Available Now St. Vincent de Paul: Log in to My Own Church and print yours today. Not registered? Go to the site above and select New User? complete the registration page. Be sure to select St. Dominic ’ s Catholic Church, Benicia as the organization. You will receive an email confirming your account once it is matched in our data base. If you need us to print it for you please email Are you or someone you know interested in learning Alisa Aquino at more about the Catholic faith and what the Catholic or call 707 - 747 - 7220 Church offers us? St. Dominic Catholic Church in Benicia has a great and welcoming faith community. Interested in helping Wednesday, February 5th at 7:00 pm with the poor? Ministry Center Aquinas Room St. Vincent de Paul The Inquirer meetings happen the 1st Wednesday of St. Vincent de Paul Ministry meets the first the month. In a comfortable, no - pressure, no - Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm in the ministry expectation setting where you can come to ask center. To learn more about our ministry and get questions and learn more about our Catholic faith, the involved contact Visit our Catholic Church, and the RCIA program. Our Facebook page for updated information. thoughts and prayers are with you as you contemplate the next steps in your faith journey. Please help us stock our pantry. We are in need of mayo, tuna, peanut butter, jelly, pasta, pasta sauce, RCIA is the Catholic Church's program to provide rice, canned vegetables, canned fruit, soups, beef adults a foundation in the Catholic faith, and the stew, cereal, pancake mix, syrup, fruit cups, etc. opportunity to be fully welcomed into the Church If you know anyone who could use St. Vincent de community. Participation as an RCIA inquirer is a Paul's help, please have them call 707 - 746 - 1773. requisite for the RCIA program. 3
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