The Plot to Kill Jesus (Wednesday-Thursday)
The Plot to Kill Jesus (Wednesday-Thursday) • We are not certain what Jesus did on this day. • Maybe He spent the day teaching in the temple? • Maybe He spent the day making preparations for the Passover? • Maybe He spent the day in prayer? • Maybe He spent the day resting?
The Plot to Kill Jesus (Wednesday-Thursday) • After teaching on Tuesday, Jesus reminded His apostles of what was about to happen to Him (Matthew 26:2). • The chief priests and elders gathered at the home of Caiphas. They met to plan how to kill Jesus. • An opportunity came with Judas. Judas was willing to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. • Judas would give the enemies an opportunity to arrest Jesus away from the crowds.
The Plot to Kill Jesus (Wednesday-Thursday) • Satan entered Judas’ heart (Luke 22:3). • Judas was a lover of money. His actions seemed to be prompted by Jesus’ rebuke of him at the home of Simon the leper. • Jesus knew all that was going on behind the scenes. He could have stopped all this evil at any time! • Judas betrayal was a fulfillment of prophecy (Zechariah 11:12-13; Psalm 41:9).
Jesus Eats the Passover (Thursday)
The Events The Day Anointing in Bethany; Judas gets upset Saturday Sunday Entry into Jerusalem; Jesus weeps over Jerusalem Monday The cursing of the fig tree; the cleansing of the temple Tuesday Teaching in the temple; conflicts with the Jewish leaders Wednesday The plot to kill Jesus Thursday Jesus eats the Passover with His disciples Friday Saturday Sunday
Jesus Eats the Passover (Thursday) • The preparation of the Passover • The eating of the Passover • The institution of the Lord’s Supper • The problems among the apostles
Jesus Eats the Passover (Thursday) (Other Significant events) • A dispute about “who’s the greatest?” • Foot washing • The betrayer is confronted
Jesus Eats the Passover (Thursday) Preparing the Passover: • Purging the room of leaven • Finding an acceptable lamb • Having the lamb slaughtered by a priest • Roasting the lamb • Baking the unleavened bread • Preparing the bitter herbs • Preparing the fruit of the vine
Christ’s Final Days
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