the plot to kill jesus wednesday thursday the plot to

The Plot to Kill Jesus (Wednesday-Thursday) The Plot to Kill Jesus - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Plot to Kill Jesus (Wednesday-Thursday) The Plot to Kill Jesus (Wednesday-Thursday) We are not certain what Jesus did on this day. Maybe He spent the day teaching in the temple? Maybe He spent the day making preparations for the

  1. The Plot to Kill Jesus (Wednesday-Thursday)

  2. The Plot to Kill Jesus (Wednesday-Thursday) • We are not certain what Jesus did on this day. • Maybe He spent the day teaching in the temple? • Maybe He spent the day making preparations for the Passover? • Maybe He spent the day in prayer? • Maybe He spent the day resting?

  3. The Plot to Kill Jesus (Wednesday-Thursday) • After teaching on Tuesday, Jesus reminded His apostles of what was about to happen to Him (Matthew 26:2). • The chief priests and elders gathered at the home of Caiphas. They met to plan how to kill Jesus. • An opportunity came with Judas. Judas was willing to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. • Judas would give the enemies an opportunity to arrest Jesus away from the crowds.

  4. The Plot to Kill Jesus (Wednesday-Thursday) • Satan entered Judas’ heart (Luke 22:3). • Judas was a lover of money. His actions seemed to be prompted by Jesus’ rebuke of him at the home of Simon the leper. • Jesus knew all that was going on behind the scenes. He could have stopped all this evil at any time! • Judas betrayal was a fulfillment of prophecy (Zechariah 11:12-13; Psalm 41:9).

  5. Jesus Eats the Passover (Thursday)

  6. The Events The Day Anointing in Bethany; Judas gets upset Saturday Sunday Entry into Jerusalem; Jesus weeps over Jerusalem Monday The cursing of the fig tree; the cleansing of the temple Tuesday Teaching in the temple; conflicts with the Jewish leaders Wednesday The plot to kill Jesus Thursday Jesus eats the Passover with His disciples Friday Saturday Sunday

  7. Jesus Eats the Passover (Thursday) • The preparation of the Passover • The eating of the Passover • The institution of the Lord’s Supper • The problems among the apostles

  8. Jesus Eats the Passover (Thursday) (Other Significant events) • A dispute about “who’s the greatest?” • Foot washing • The betrayer is confronted

  9. Jesus Eats the Passover (Thursday) Preparing the Passover: • Purging the room of leaven • Finding an acceptable lamb • Having the lamb slaughtered by a priest • Roasting the lamb • Baking the unleavened bread • Preparing the bitter herbs • Preparing the fruit of the vine

  10. Christ’s Final Days


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