The Nuclear Data Activities at the NEA Data Bank E. Dupont, F. Michel-Sendis ( J. Gulliford, J. Galan ( ANDES Semester Meeting, NEA Headquarters November 19, 2010
Contents 1. Introduction 2. Data Bank Services 3. The JEFF Project ANDES Meeting, NEA Headquarters, November 2010 2
1. Introduction – The OECD/NEA The NEA assists its member countries in maintaining and developing, through international co-operation , the scientific, technological and legal bases required for the safe, environmentally friendly and economical use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. The NEA has 29 member countries, mainly in Europe, North America, and in the Asia-Pacific region. EU members ANDES Meeting, NEA Headquarters, November 2010 3
1. Introduction – The NEA Data Bank The NEA Data Bank is an international centre of reference for its member countries with respect to basic nuclear tools used for the analysis and prediction of phenomena in the nuclear field. It provides a direct service to its users by developing, improving and validating these tools and making them available as requested. The Data Bank has 22 member countries, mainly in Europe and in Asia. EU members ANDES Meeting, NEA Headquarters, November 2010 4
1. Introduction – The NEA organisation Data Bank’s responsibilities: Nuclear Data Computer Programs Benchmark Experiments Close collaboration with other parts of the NEA, especially the Nuclear Science Section. ANDES Meeting, NEA Headquarters, November 2010 5
1. Introduction – Summary The NEA works as a A forum for sharing information and experience and promoting international co-operation; A centre of excellence which helps Member countries to pool and maintain their technical expertise. The Data Bank provides its member countries with reference materials in the field of nuclear energy applications. Compilation/dissemination of nuclear data, integral benchmark experiments, as well as computer programs and associated application libraries. The Data Bank is also responsible for the Joint Evaluated Fission and Fusion library (JEFF) project. ANDES Meeting, NEA Headquarters, November 2010 6
2. The Data Bank Services – Data The Data Bank is one of the Core Centres of the international network of Nuclear Reaction Data Centres (NRDC), coordinated by the IAEA-NDS, NNDC for North America, NEA DB for other OECD countries, CJD for former Soviet Union states, IAEA-NDS for the rest of the World. The services provided include the compilation and dissemination of evaluated data libraries, experimental data, bibliographic data; As well as the development of display software to easily access to these databases (e.g. JANIS). ANDES Meeting, NEA Headquarters, November 2010 7
2. The Data Bank Services – Data/EXFOR The Data Bank is responsible for the compilation in EXFOR of all nuclear reaction measurements performed in its member countries, Compulsory: n, p, d, t, 3 He, α, heavy - ion (A≤12) with E inc ≤ 1 GeV Voluntary: heavy-ion (A>13) or High-energy E inc > 1 GeV Quantities (about 150 000 data sets from ~19 000 experiments): Cross sections (Double-, Triple-)differential cross sections vs. outgoing energy, angles Fission quantities (fission yields, neutron multiplicity, …) Resonance parameters Thick target yields Etc. ANDES Meeting, NEA Headquarters, November 2010 8
2. The Data Bank Services – Codes The Data Bank operates a computer program service related to nuclear energy and radiation physics applications (similar to RSICC for North America). The services include the collection of programs, compilation and verification in an appropriate computer environment. The present collection contains more than 2000 documented packages and application libraries in various format (ACE…). These materials are made available on CD or DVD, and via electronic transfer to about 900 nominated establishments in member countries. ANDES Meeting, NEA Headquarters, November 2010 9
2. The Data Bank Services – Benchmarks The Data Bank compiles and makes available benchmark experiments for data and code validation of the Science program Criticality safety (ICSBEP) – 501 evaluations with benchmark specifications for more than 4 300 configurations. Reactor physics (IRPhE) – 43 evaluations of measurements performed at 24 different reactor facilities. Fuel performance (IFPE) – data for 1445 rods/sample of Zircaloy-clad UO 2 fuel irradiated in thermal reactors. Radiation shielding (SINBAD) – data for about 100 experiments relevant to fission/fusion reactor and accelerator shielding. ANDES Meeting, NEA Headquarters, November 2010 10
3. The JEFF Project – Introduction The JEFF project is one of the World’s major evaluation projects. The JEFF collaboration is “a forum for sharing information and experience and promoting international co- operation” on measurements, modelling/evaluation, processing, and benchmarking of nuclear data. The main objective of the JEFF project is to: Develop a suites of high quality JEFF libraries recommended for use in a wide range of scientific and technical applications (but mainly nuclear energy). ANDES Meeting, NEA Headquarters, November 2010 11
3. The JEFF Project – Role of the NEA The NEA Data Bank is responsible for Official records and organisation of the meeting Verification and assembly of the JEFF library Compilation of users’ feedback/needs to improve the JEFF library Publication/Distribution of JEFF documents and evaluated files Maintenance of on- line web services (documents, files, feedback…) … and other services to JEFF members and users of the JEFF library ANDES Meeting, NEA Headquarters, November 2010 12
3. The JEFF Project – Coordination The JEFF project is managed by a Scientific Coordination Group (SCG) composed of up to 2 representatives for each participating country: Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom and up to 2 representatives for each observer: EC, IAEA The Chair of the JEFF/SCG is Arjan Koning (Netherlands). JEFF development in the recent years (A. Koning) ANDES Meeting, NEA Headquarters, November 2010 13
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